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Blog Entries posted by Grantaire

  1. Grantaire
    All right people, I'll be heading out, completely. I might be on occasionally as a guest, but aside that not at all. I will be going onto Skype, mostly for Ambage write offs on the weekend.
    But mostly I'm going to be vanishing off the internet for a month or two.
  2. Grantaire
    Hey, what is up? How are you? I am fine.
    *swats Evo away from the keyboard*
    *looks around at the blank stares.*
    What? Can't people take an inside joke? =P
    Anyways, got Evo and Stormer 2.00 from Toys are Us, where they're actually cheaper then last year's HF sets. (7.99 to 8.99). Then my mom made several wrong turns, and we got home about thirty minutes after we should have. But anyways, mini set review, no pics yet.
    First, the box.
    It's the same shape as the last year's so nothing to say about that part.
    The picture is of Bumblebee- err, Evo, standing in front of a blazing fire, caused perhaps by those fiery villians? In which case, his spying mission seems to have gone down the drain. Of course, he's striking the usual heroic pose - the type he can pull off awesomely. Then there's the usual logo, piece count, age recommendation (Whoohoo! I'm not over it. Yet) , and a link to HF.com (And perhaps by the picture on the picture of the laptop screen, a new game to be released?).
    On the back there's a picture of how Evo and Furno can be combined, an awesome thing not seen since 06. Then there's the usual walls of text, and the actual size hero core, which is the actual size of it.
    The only gripe I have is with the top. Mainly because it's so hard to locate when he's behind several others. This didn't happen to me, as the one I grabbed was placed horizontally on top of the others, but it happened to me while I was looking for Stormer.
    Next, the pieces.
    There's a large array, coming out in a blur of gunmetal, black, yellow and a bit of purple.
    All of the pieces in Evo are new as far as I know, whether from the new socketed old hand piece, to recolored purple spike thingy, to the rubber spears.
    Also: Purple returns! And even better, it isn't that gross violet from the Nui Jaga, but the awesome deep purple of Danju.
    The build:
    It was fun, although not very hard, as there wasn't a single pin or axle anywhere (). It took me about a minute, and I only looked at the instructions to see how the armor was placed.
    I also built him incorrectly by mistake, something I;m not changing anytime soon. my Evo is left handed, as are most of my intact sets. Most likely because I myself am left handed.
    The set:
    The one this guy owns in, is his action figureness, something, IMO that really sets him apart from Bionicle, which is quite good. Evo is awesome to pose, and I am quite happy about his lack of cannon-style projectile launchers.
    Anyways, it all adds up to a great set, IMO, the best of the bunch. I definitely recommend Evo over all other new guys, seconded only by Stormer.
    oh, and if you have them both, try to switch Evo's purple for Stormer's blue. It looks awesome.
    I'll get a Stormer review up some other time.
    On another not, I'm reading Lilies of the Field for English, and I love it. Very well written, well made book, with an awesome plot.
    A happy Epiphany to ye all!
  3. Grantaire
    Ever gotten tired of all the stereotyping in Redwall? Of all the inconsistencies (Such as a mouse who has never wielded a sword in his life easily defeating an expert searat captain)? Well then keep your eyes open for the Redwall fan fiction stories I'm currently writing. Expect them to have a little.. different feel to them.
    Indeed, it will be a lot more tragic then the average Redwall book.
  4. Grantaire
    From leaving BZP again, and this time for good.
    Seriously, every discussion I see, people can't even have a civil debate. EVERY TIME, it gets heated, people can't respect other people's opinions even.
    Yes. It is annoying me.
    Can't everyone just stop this childish arguing already?
  5. Grantaire
    Well, kinda. Mainly the memories that come with it, of springs long past. While not painful in themselves, remembering how some people were then, in comparison to how they are now makes it painful...
  6. Grantaire
    And rightly so. For both Inferna Firesword and Rising Moon have placed bounties on my head.
    Is this justice? Is this right? No! I offered a reward for the capture of Inferna for a reason. She is guilty of destruction of private property. What, you ask? Why the door of the birthday topic of my dear friend, Dovydas! Yet they have no reason (besides the usual) for their unjust persecution of me!
    So I ask you - nay, I beg you. Stop this injustice. Bring the two guilty ones to me!
    *Angry mob rushes away to the aforementioned member's profiles, pitchforks and torches ready*

    Oh, and for you people who are unfamiliar with the great thing known as 'kidding around', this isn't serious.
    And on another note, Mangai is to be called 'fearless leader' by all Toa Foireann.
    Well, not THAT serious anyways.
  7. Grantaire
    To this day, I don't think I've had a single muscle-bound hulk for an RPG character; at least not since I first started playing. Tehemi in Darkspace fits that description... And almost all of my characters end up as assassins with a dozen knives, and usually some sort of speed ability.
    They are also usually wicked cool.
  8. Grantaire
    Okay, so a few days ago, at a random homeschool group event, I heard several people singing Friday.
    So, um, anyone know how to surgically remove an annoying song that's embedded in your brain? I hear the sonic vibrations produced by Linkin Park songs are especially helpful in loosening it up.
  9. Grantaire
    Whether or not it is right to approve this blog.
    Objection 1. It would seem to be not right. For all things are imperfect, and thus by approving this blog you are advocating imperfection.
    Objection 2. Further more, by approving this blog you are claiming possession of it in some way, which breaks both the forum rules and the law of justice.
    On the contrary, approving of a blog is right, as it affirms the belief that the righteous labors of anyone should be awarded according.
    I answer that, When a person creates a blog, they pour time and energy into its creation. Thus, it is right and proper to affirm that according to its amount.
    Reply to objection 2. A blog, due to the fact that exists, is in of itself a good thing. It can be better or less good, depending on the level of goodness within it. Thus, by approving of it, I acknowledge the goodness in it.
    Reply to Objection 2. Chesterton says that true humility is the ability to rejoice in another's good fortune as if it were your own. Thus, through a blog approval, instead of taking control I congratulate and affirm the goodness of another thing, without identifying it as my own.
    Yes, this is going to be my next blog approval. I couldn't resist the urge to make it.
  10. Grantaire
    if I tried to make a birthday topic for every different member who has a birthday today. Then did the same thing the next day and the next...
    Also, the RPG contest 20 is up, and I'm going with my HF crossover this time.
  11. Grantaire
    It's official: Jillian by Within Temptation is my current addiction, and has been for the last month. banner is inspired and based on it, and will soon be the banner for my next songfic.
    I think we both know what song I'll be using for that.
  12. Grantaire
    At annoying inactivity.
    Yeah, a combination of several things are seriously cramping me. I think I can sum it up like this: Little Time, other Sites, Strange Feel.
    I'm still on an hour and a half of time per day, and I'm active on a few other forums.
    The biggest thing however, is the strange feel. It's twofold, honestly. The first is the skin: it looks like [Mentioning social networking sites is not allowed, unless it's Twitter. -Takuma Nuva][This is what happens when I lurk for a month. -Zar], and because of that it really doesn't feel like BZP. Honestly, I am really missing the old skin right now. The second fold is, of course, the members. Probably half because of my inactivity, but it seems like pretty much everyone I know is a lurker.
    Currently, I'm going to be holing up in the library forums. You might once in a while see a review from me, but I'll probably just be reading.
    ...I have like 10 chapters of Wings to read.
    I'll be done reading them by summer, if Inferna doesn't kill me for procrastinating.
    ...Or if Aderia doesn't kill me for taking three months to review her SS contest entry.
    ...I feel scared now...
  13. Grantaire
    I'm crazy. I just went to my archery team's awards night with an ear infection. And to top it off, I was extremely sleep deprived and had just woken up. Meh, if it hadn't been for the aspirin I had downed before hand, I would have been practically groaning in pain.
    I'm pretty sure that I looked like a zombie.
  14. Grantaire
    I'm actually writing a non Lego non short story that isn't too religious to be posted on BZPower!
    On that note, I'd just like to point out the COT Library initiative. As a writer who does a mixture of COT and Bionicle works, I'd very much support this to happen. So head over, cast your vote and give your opinion; if you don't support it, I suggest this idea, which Electric Turahk put so well:

    This is the idea I actually support the most, although I myself would not mind only a COT library.
  15. Grantaire
    I'm transcribing from my intellect.
    Seriously, it's annoying how I write an entire story in my mind, and it takes forever to write down, not to mention how it never sounds as good...
    Off topic, American Dream by Casting Crowns is simply epic.
  16. Grantaire
    Not to mention absentminded and scatterbrained.
    It's true.
    Because, like, I was going through my old PMs, almost all form last year.
    And upon reading them, realized just how much of last year I had totally and completely forgotten.
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