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Blog Entries posted by Grantaire

  1. Grantaire
    Who here thinks I should change my name to Zarayna - Cyber Prankster?
    Let's just say that a few people from the MNI site will know why. *stifles cackling*
  2. Grantaire
    So as you can see, I'm back to my permaname, Zarayna - Power of Sonics. Oh, and I changed the name of my blog. Creds to the idea goes to Macku: Toa of bubbles, from when she called Gata 'Gatanui - Power of Forum Mentors' in my member interview.
    Also, one thing I'm never doing. Listening to Leave out all the rest after a long day, when I have to write something that isn't sad in any way.
    On another note, my 3,000 post special SS is going good.
  3. Grantaire
    But before that, happy (Late) all hallow's eve.
    And yeah, I was totally hyped up last night.
    Got home from an awesome all saints day party at the Franciscan friars of the immaculate in Griswold at eleven or so, and started writing at twelve on the nose.
    I'm half finished with the prologue already!
  4. Grantaire
    Alright, for those of you who don't know, I'm back into making RPGs after a long break (Ever since I gave up on Early Years). However, I need some help, mainly in the form of recoloring. I'm planning on having the player able to choose from a large selection of different Kanohi, elements, and armor colors. However, I frankly don't have the time to spend doing this.
    So what I need is a few people who know how to recolor sprites - Rayg, and some Matoran gamesprites FYI.
    If you're interested, either say so in this entry, or send me a PM.
  5. Grantaire
    Saint Nicholas' feastday is the 6th, and so I changed my banner, avatar, and name to that of my patron saint, Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra.
    So you can get away with calling me by my first name this month.
  6. Grantaire
    Yep, after being delayed by five months, I finally uploaded pictures of my latest MOC, Ha'naz, a character from my epic A Fading Blaze
  7. Grantaire
    Yep, new banner and personal picture. The lyrics in them are from looking For Angels, by Skillet.
    Tomorrow, at 6:05 PM, I am going to change my name to "A Shattered Land." I also have a new self MOC, 'warrior of a shattered land' ready, only waiting for the Kanohi I need to come in the mail.
  8. Grantaire
    What's there too be new about? Just more of the usual dulldrum of every year!
    Okay, Scrooge quotes aside, that's a lot how I feel right now.
    Christmas was okay, although, as usual, my family always fights the most on holidays, making my Christmas not the most enjoyable.
    My family never maes a big deal out of new year, so nothing to say about that.
    So yeah, inactivity in WZ and the BZPRPG is too be expected.
    Anyways, going to be getting Stormer and Evo 2.00 soon as a belated Christmas gift. hopefully they'll be good sets.
  9. Grantaire
    Do not, ever, ever, take up Do not bypass the filter! -Kohaku perpetual question (what's on your mind?) on 9/11. People are hardly rational on any day, especially on that.
    On the bright side, I have learned that I can take people I've known for ages insulting me to my face without getting anything more than mildly annoyed. I think my chat debates are paying off!
  10. Grantaire
    In the comments below, various notes will be listed.
    Red = Spelling error/tense error.
    Green = Grammatical awkwardness/error.
    Blue: canon error/personal taste.
  11. Grantaire
    And the problem is, I just had to invent the second word. You see, there are separate divisions. Bronies , male human beings who like MLP, and Bronatics, people of the same gender who are utterly obsessed with it. (Nothing against Bronatics, as the number of Bionatics is much higher on here.)
    So I, Zarayna, Declare the new term "Bronatics" to be fully Zarapproved!
    Now, for a terrible confession.
    I am a brony.
    I found MLP to be childish, amusing, and overall funny.
    I watched the Halloween episode, and the Lesson Zero episode.
    Twilight half mad is absolutely hilarious.
    Of course, I find the ends of the episodes to usually be extremely sappy.
  12. Grantaire
    825 years ago, Balian of Ibelin surrendered Jerusalem to Saladin, after threatening the Saracen ruler that he would burn Jerusalem were he not to offer terms.
    It's also the feast of the Guardian Angels, and my 17th birthday.
  13. Grantaire
    Something's happening...
    I feel it deep within...
    In ten days, something may change...
    And change drastically...
    *Shudders and goes silent*
  14. Grantaire
    As you can see from the title, I finally read Halt's Peril. I must say, John Flanagan writes suspense very well.
    On top of that, changed my name again.
    Also, working on my first CoT story The Quagmire!
  15. Grantaire
    Okay. So we just discovered this.
    The vet told us that our cat had detached retinas, as his eyes wouldn't dilate.
    So now:
    1) His eyes dilate
    2) he has some sight, if we wave our hand a half foot in front of his face, he will follow it!
    So that's good news at least.
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