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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. Yes, my last comment was completely random.

  2. Hey Argy! *waves*

  3. I was replying to your last reply in your newest MOC topic . . .

  4. Since it would probably be spam: Yes, that is what I mean :)

  5. *Gasp* YOUR PMSHIP IS GONE!!!! You must get it fast!!

  6. So did you want to work at my shop? I opened it . . . Please PM me :)

  7. Velox

    Oh wait . . . I clicked your profile by mistake, never mind - sorry 'bout that :blush:

  8. Velox

    So did you still want to work at my shop? It's open . . . PM me back. kthxbai

  9. Po-Koroking started it by saying 'When i saw your avatar i got the impression that you were gothic' lol weird huh.

  10. Ok, really this time *PMs*

  11. Yay you're on again!

  12. I know, it's been so long!!! *PMs*

    And, I'll try to post on your contest entry, but I probably won't have time to also post on your Mistika one :( I have like 20 reviews to do lol

  13. Exactly. That's why I didn't want to say MOC or story or anything . . . I'm trying to make another MOC soon, but I just don't find the time. I'll probably just make a blog approval and banner . . .

  14. What I meant by online is like banners, or a story written about you, or something.

  15. Well, I have the PMship and TNGM ready, but I have nothing for third place, and I'd like to give something else to first and second too . . . That's what I have to figure out. If you have any suggestions [preferably things that can be transfered online] please do share :)

  16. Yeah, I want to, but I don't really know it yet just because I just started like a week ago. Just to make sure that what I think is Classic Latin is Classic Latin; do you pronounce V's as W? 'Cause that's what my teacher has us do.

  17. instead of 'but not all' I mean not all other kinds of Latin . . .

  18. 1) well, it depends on what era of Latin . . . for example, church Latin uses accents. Also with Chuch Latin, they pronounce V's as V whereas the Latin I'm taking in school, you pronounce V's W. Also with the Latin in my school, we use those dash things above a bunch of letters, but not all . .

    2) I'll fix it tomorrow - my dad's making me get off.

  19. Or wait, were you ever in charge of the blogs?

  20. Hey, are you still the blog leader?

  21. Oh . . . ah well, that's better for me anyway :P

    Yes, I will definitely get back to reviewing that regularly soon. I have a few reviews to make on other things, and then I'll hopefully be back on schedule! :D

  22. Really? For some reason I thought it was two each week . . . did it used to be that way?

  23. You -must- draw me a picture of Takanuva :P

  24. Shouldn't blog staff be able to have blogs without being Premier?

  25. I don't know . . . as soon as I finish giving the prizes for the last contest, and figure out a theme for this one - hopefully in a week or two.

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