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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. [stupid character limit] ...Hope to see you around more. -TV

  2. @ Shadrahk ~ No, he's not new. Quite the opposite [see the 'Senior Staff' title].

  3. @ Sumiki ~ And death is the alternate option *evil grin*.

    I mean, c'mon. It's like new staffies. All new OBZPCs do it. =P


  4. *does not answer PM* Ok, that was just annoying. Don't send PMs like that. If you want to talk to me, fine. But don't send annoying messages with huge pink letters. I didn't even read it, I just clicked 'delete'.

  5. *evil grin*

  6. *gasp!* no! well you can always email me at: TheLostToa@pnguyen.net

    when can you PM again?

  7. *gasp*

    It's BZPower!

  8. *gasp* you're 100!

  9. *gasp* You're not crazy any more!

  10. *Gasp* YOUR PMSHIP IS GONE!!!! You must get it fast!!

  11. *goes to vote*

  12. *grins evily*

    *pulls out flamethrower*

  13. *has high hopes*

  14. *is trampled*

    ow! YOU EVIL PONIES!!!! *sets on fire*

  15. *laughs*

    I meant 'hug' =P

    But, I will hang you if you don't become ANTI-PONY. Nor will I give you a hug :)

  16. *laughs*

    You're not yellow any more!

  17. *presses pause button*

    I have to go, so I'll some how take off your fire proof-ness when I get back :)

  18. *removes from friends list*

  19. *saves to computer*


  20. *shrugs*


  21. *sigh* and they banned this one too...

    what's up?

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