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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. Actually I have been quite cool - there's been a lot of fog recently :P Anyway, I'm fine, what about you? Nice to talk to you again. :]

  2. Actually, I already read it :P That was definitely one of the best stories I've read - no joke. I hope to get a review soon too. Anyway, nothing much. I'm writing a SS about Lariska too . . . I've been meaning to for a while, and now I finally have the inspiration to do so =D

  3. Velox

    Actually, isn't it a very light red? =P

    'Grats, xccj.


  4. Actually, no, unfortunately. That was my first from him. However, I do have Clear and Present Danger, Debt of Honor, and Hunt For Red October, so I hope to read those some time. What's your favorite by him?


  5. Velox

    Add me to your friends list!

  6. ah a girl, it's nice to have those! wanna be friends?

  7. Ah I see. Well I look forward to your next MOC/Literary piece. Thanks for making the images, by the way. They are quite nice. It's kinda funny, actually. I found Kex's current picture on your maj before it came out. I had no idea what it was, but I liked it.

  8. ah, but who said She-Turtles have shells? therefore, you are a turtle. A she one :P although, out of all the banners/personal pics/avatars, yours is the best.. just wondering, when will you turn back to ToM Dracone?

  9. Ah, I see. It'll be interesting to read it when it comes out. Now, when writing an epic with someone else, do two [or in your case 3] people actually write it, or does one do the writing while the others give ideas and such?


    anyway, not much is going on here. Just enjoying summer vacation while it lasts and getting ready for vacation to San Francisco and Sacramento [both abo

  10. Ah, it is so fun to RP between Velox and Jural. That's why our epic is going to be so awesome. =P


  11. ah, yes.. those insane times :P

  12. Almost done! I just gotta read over it a couple times, perfect it, and then post it. ^^ How 'bout you? Gonna finish?


  13. alright, i'll use the comment =P

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Alright, sounds good. Thanks again for your help. ^^


  15. Alright. I'll try to review those some time this week. I don't know when, though, since I'll be trying to restore stuff and everything.

  16. alright.. can you email me?

  17. Also you should post that picture that you drew of me since you posted Argy.


  18. Velox

    Also, get your PMship back!

  19. Also, let me know when you finish TBoNTB, and hopefully I can get caught up on that and post a reply some time. :]

  20. Also, stop lying to Taka Nuvia. =P I didn't even -mention- the fad and you decided to join. :P


  21. an odd name, but a cool one.. i'm still getting used to not looking for Argetlam :P

  22. and awesome you are!

  23. And I asked 'cause I"m trying to find one. I remember someone having one back when DK came out, but I don't know who I can't find the one I'm looking for. =P

  24. and i bet he is, i was being sarcastic, since i didn't know that it linked to his blog.. get it? :P

  25. and mine =P

    i'm not on your friends list in your interests! and you have more than that!

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