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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. yep sure is tell me when your not grounded

  2. *laughs*

    I meant 'hug' =P

    But, I will hang you if you don't become ANTI-PONY. Nor will I give you a hug :)

  3. really? hah! that's cool, i'm flattered! although, i'm thinking of re-doing B-shelf and putting it under "Toa Velox"

  4. When I saw "Dynamic Paradigm" under the last post with your name as the poster [on the forum index page], I knew you had posted a new story, due to the awesome and unique name. Good to see you're still writing, Ced. ^_^


  5. I'm Premier again.

  6. Look at my banner *grins evily*

  7. What? is this? =P But, hey, good to have you back as What?, lol.


  8. I know, I wanted to confuse you.

  9. Nope, you still got about an hour and twenty minutes. Good luck. ^_^


  10. it's fine ^_^

  11. no prob, although it was pretty much a joke =D So, what's up?

  12. Fail. You should have changed it to Kakaru. Now -no one- knows who you are, brickcon or old friends. =P


  13. ah, yes.. those insane times :P

  14. Thanks to everyone for making the first day of the Flash Fiction Marathon a success! I hope we get just as many entries for all twelve themes!

  15. But, if you can't hear.. aren't you ever sad that you can't listen to anything? Oh, it was an older woman, who could hear before, that's why it was so sad...

  16. Well, I'd be on still anyway :P But . . . I really should do this :P

  17. Oh . . . right :P Thanks ^^

  18. have you changed your banner and av, or is it just me? :P

  19. Congrats buddy!

  20. DUDE! it will be so awesome to meet you!

  21. that's sad... and no, you never want the girls to call you that.. unless they're really ugly, then no one cares :P

  22. Yay you're on again!

  23. You should give PMship to Chrome :P

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