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Phauxx Lightning

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Blog Entries posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. Phauxx Lightning
    Eh, teachers apparently hate me for some reason, 'cuz I've got a huge load of Homework. This is why I haven't been on that much.
    Hopefully I can get on tomorrow.
  2. Phauxx Lightning
    -Cad Bane's Speeder
    -General Grievous's Starfighter
    -Plo Koon's Starfighter
    -Hoth Wampa Cave
    -Hoth Rebel Trooper Battle Pack (x2)
    Everything else:
    -Nerf Stampede (x2)
    -Despicable Me
    -Lots of Golf Balls and tees
    -Sketch pad (x2)
    -Steampunk Jango Fett figurine
    So, an artist makes these figures of movie characters out of metal and such, giving them this really cool steampunk look. Add to the fact that it was Jango Fett the guy was modeling, and it's Epic. B)
    So yeah, I made out pretty good holiday-wise.
  3. Phauxx Lightning
    So, I absolutely loved the first game, and the trailers make it look amazing. Should I get Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II? Is it as good as the first/worth it?
  4. Phauxx Lightning
    Just kidding.
    But I would like your opinion. Should I change my posting font? Or Av, Banner, Sig, Name? I really think it's time for a change.
    Also, on a more serious subject, I've noticed ever since it came out, Hero Factory has been the most argued about subject here on BZP. Does it really matter if people like it or not? I know people really argue about everything on this site, but can't there be anything that we just leave alone?
    Besides, if you all love BIONICLE so much, did you really expect either of it's replacements- no, successors -to come anywhere close to how great it was?
  5. Phauxx Lightning
    Wow, I have not been that active on BZP lately. Weird. Plus its been forever since I've updated this thing, but that's not new.
    So I wondered what new and completely original idea I could do for an entry.
    Ask me anything?
  6. Phauxx Lightning
    Now Hero Factory isn't the best.
    The heroes are short, boring, use earth names, yadda yadda yadda. The villains are better, but they still have plenty of flaws, IMO. But there is one thing that makes it all worth while...
    I just got the set. It is so awesome, I haven't let it out of my sight. I highly recommend. If all of Hero Factory can get this good, it's going to be one great line.
    (And this is all my opinion, BTW. )
  7. Phauxx Lightning
    Really, guys? We're fighting about rules that we used to want? That got put up yesterday?
    I don't see what the point is. We finally have enough space to truly express ourselves, make some extremely epic banners. We used to constantly ask for it, and now we say we hate it. Just ignore them, it's not as hard as you think. Isn't there some option so that you can't view sigs? Well do something, stop complaining, and recommence the group hugs, please.
    And don't forget to send Black Six and the rest of our awesome staffies a cookie. They deserve it. (Well maybe more then that, but... )
  8. Phauxx Lightning
    You know what set I really wish I got? Vezon and Fenrakk/Kardas. He's such an awesome character, IMO.
    So I think I want to make a MoC of him. To do so, I'd need to scrap Maxilos for parts, as that's the only set I have with his head. But, Maxilos is a cool set, and he's the only version of Teridax I have intact. Is Maxilos worth it MoCing wise? Or do I keep him?
  9. Phauxx Lightning
    That RPG has become a Ghost Town. It's been SO inactive lately. That sucks.
    On top of that, I've got writer's block. Haven't been in a RPing mood at all, for weeks. That sucks.
    Also, I can't think of an awesome/clever/makes you think/original RPG for the next contest. That sucks.
    AND, I've been using "That sucks" way too much this entry. ARRGGHH.
  10. Phauxx Lightning
    Well, I had my first track meet today. I was totally psyched for it.
    My events were the High Jump, 100 meters and 200 meters. And I did pretty good in all 3, if I do say so myself.
    Plus, my best friend who I haven't seen in the LONGEST time was there (Although he was on the opposing team), which made even more awesome.
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