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Phauxx Lightning

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Blog Entries posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. Phauxx Lightning
    Well, we've had 2 games during are tournement.
    First game: 4-2 them
    Second game: 5-3 them
    So we lost both games.
    I had some pretty good plays, and 2-3 not so good. (I play Defense)
    The Refs, as always, make some lousy calls. One player on their team tackled me to the ground to score, and the ref said I tripped!
    We have one more game, hopefully we do better
  2. Phauxx Lightning
    I never told you guys what I got for Christmas. Well, here it is.
    -Thornatus V9
    -Clone Walker Battle Pack (2)
    -Assassin Droid Battle Pack (2)
    -Echo Base
    -Tank Droid
    -Pirate Tank
    -Republic Attack Shuttle
    -Seperatist Spider Droid
    -Star Wars The Clone Wars Action Figure: Mace Windu
    -Star Wars The Clone Wars Action Figure: Count Dooku
    -Nerf Guns
    -Golf Balls
    -Drawing materials
    -Wii Sports Resort
  3. Phauxx Lightning
    This entries all about SSX.
    I really wish that they would make more games for it.
    SSX 3 was the best.
    But Blur was HARD. Especially those Uber tricks.
    Man, those were fun.
  4. Phauxx Lightning
    There's a chance I might get a Star or two.
    So, which two are the best?
    (Also, "They all suck" comments are just going to get deleted, so don't even try.
  5. Phauxx Lightning
    The worst ending in Survivor history. Ever.
    Natalie should NOT have one, or even got a single vote. All she did the entire freakin show to keep in the game was to align with Russell. IMO, Russell should have won, Mick should have got a few votes, and Natalie shouldn't have got any. She didn't deserve it.
  6. Phauxx Lightning
    Eh, teachers apparently hate me for some reason, 'cuz I've got a huge load of Homework. This is why I haven't been on that much.
    Hopefully I can get on tomorrow.
  7. Phauxx Lightning
    Had my first meet today.
    I did pretty good. My events:
    2nd in 50m freestyle
    2nd in 50m backstroke
    I was only 3 seconds behind the guy in my first race, who is the fastest swimmer on me team. The other guy wasn't on my team, and we were neck-and-neck. All in all, I thought I did pretty well for my first meet.
  8. Phauxx Lightning
    So, I absolutely loved the first game, and the trailers make it look amazing. Should I get Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II? Is it as good as the first/worth it?
  9. Phauxx Lightning
    So, looking back, I remember 2004 was kinda a bluh year for me, and I had no clue what the story was at all. I lost interest in BIONICLE in 2005, pretty much.
    Then the Piraka hit the shelves.
    I fell back in love with BIONICLE, they were absolutely amazing. Still my favorite sets and villains today. But I never could find that last one. Well guess what?
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