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Status Updates posted by michalanthropos

  1. Hey, yellow makes my eyes hurt too, but they are the Angry Marines.You've got to respect them.

  2. Ceiling fire warrior is watching you...

    Along with ceiling cat.

  3. Lol, anti-grav fire warrior is anti-grav:P.

  4. You personal statement made me lol:P."Zipper facts: The Zipper is sexier than you". Hahahah!

  5. 2003 hockey masks? I quess I should search for old sets then. To the google-mobil:P! Your Man is awesome btw. Good luck!

  6. Hi there. I just saw your bbc entry and I'm wondering. Where did you find those masks? Are they official? I thought we could use only official masks. Regardless, I like them^^.

  7. Dragonforce, yeah!!! You might want to listen to HammerFall and Korpiklaani too.

  8. Btw, your name sounds like "Michael" in Greek. Are you from around?

  9. Bwahahaha!103 years old! You remind me of the time I signed in an online game as Matthew Salas (Mathusalas):P...

  10. Ooops, doublepost XD.

  11. I shall join the Emperor's Astartes armies as soon as I get the new codex. But I've been studing 40k fluff for years.

  12. I shall join the Emperor's mighty Astartes armies as soon as the new codex comes out.But I've been studing 40k fluff for years.

  13. Hey, that's Sammael in your sig. How did you got the keys for his jetbi- Omg, you ARE Sammael, aren't you:P?

  14. Is that Unreal Tournament on your desktop:P? Are you a regular online player?

  15. Aw, look at your sig...So nice, so romantic. Love is the stuff gods are made of. Funny it feels so painful when the person you love, hates you. On second thought,it's not funny at all.

  16. Hey Xael, did you get my reply, or was it eaten by the server?

  17. Just droped by to say hello. Hello!

  18. My faith is my shield! And my power armour. And my Rosarius...Any way, you get the idea. No matter what you possess (or what possesses you) I shall not falter!

  19. Hi, nice to meet you too, dude!

  20. Thing*. Anyway, The message in my sig is important for me. And people have the right to know the truth (or at least make them think and figure out for themselves). But still, if you convince me it's for the best of the community...

  21. Are you some sort of moderator? Not that this is going to change something. But the warning thig sounds more like a threat. If you convince me it's for the best of community, then I'll remove lines.

  22. I didn't knew that, thank you. But I think it looks better than those big, garish banners most of the people have.

  23. Bah! Another nest of heretics. I shall enlighten you with the Emperor's light, and my, way too prone to overheating, plasma pistol. Lol. 40K RULES!

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