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Status Updates posted by Lesovikk97

  1. Thanks, THOK-ZILLA, for writing the epic. It looks awesome!

  2. Hey, THOK-ZILLA. Can you write the story? I did, but I messed it up, writing it in screenplay format like my comedy. You can write your title, with a thing like "new and edited version" or "different author" or something. Or we can just forget about it.

  3. Okay, I will. Check out the short story,

    Lesovikk59 vs.


  4. I'll start the topic, and post it?

  5. You mean post our argument in the short stories section?

  6. Sure! What do you want to do, THOK-ZILLA?

  7. We are releasing it of its bonds... it's free! Super Lesovikk is out to get you, THOK-ZILLA.

  8. We call it Super Lesovikk. We call you "doomed."

    (Quote from the Shadowed One)

  9. And...we're developing a super clone of Lesovikk, one with increased mind, strength, and Mata Nui knows what else. You had better watch your step!

  10. Oh yeah? My clone-producing machines will create more clones faster than you can eat them And... what's that heavy-looking steel block doing swinging at the back of your head?

  11. You're right. I'm not Lesovikk. But I am a clone of Lesovikk. The 59th clone, to be precise. And the army of Lesovikk clones don't like your attitude, my friend...

  12. I take it back. I do have a little surprise for you...

  13. Okay, that's it. You win.

  14. Really? Well, THOK-ZILLA the Seeker will fall at the hands of all of the Rahi.

  15. Sorry for forgetting to put you in the chapter. I'll give you an important role in the next one.

  16. Hi, Toa hero of the sea.

  17. And you're insensitive!

  18. Inicidentally, what kind of cookies are you making, Thok?

  19. Why does the Order of Mata Nui like you anyway? You're a Piraka! You're evil and nasty and cruel! You're selfish and insolent and ugly and thieving! The Order of MAta Nui is probably going to betray you so the universe is rid of one more villain like you, Thok.

  20. I just want to tell you that my pet Tahtorak has friends that will eliminate your Bodyguard Botar and I am setting them on you. So be on your guard!

  21. I am going to order my pet Tahtorak and friends to attack your Bodyguard Botar. You had better be on your guard!

  22. Oh yeah? Well my pet Tahtorak has friends that will ELIMINATE your Bodyguard Botar!

  23. Hey everyone, check out my comedy and only topic, Toa Training!

    (click on the link in my topics section)

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