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Blog Entries posted by Trevsky

  1. Trevsky
    So here's the deal. Today, quite suddenly, my Mom (Whom I live with Thurs-Sun during summer months) banned my from my compy. Through a surprisingly short, but intense and stubborn boycott, I managed to seize some evening hours on the compy, and I intend to work out some parts of my master scheme later to get more access, but in the meantime... *Shrug*
    I'm handing over my RPG responsibilities in Bloodstorm to Spink and Diski for the periods of time that I cannot post. Don't let me down, guys!
    And it would seem that I cannot finish pimping my blog as I see fit in time for the closure. Despite believing that I will victorious (Don't you think?), I still wanted to add some more stuff. Shame, shame.
  2. Trevsky
    So I was playing this free online zombie shooter game that I play every once in a while that I am awesome at but gets really hard, right? So, I was playing for a hour till I got liek, at level 19 (No small feat) and kicking butt, and I got pinned to a wall by ten hard-to-kill and one giant zombies and I'm frantically hitting the keyboard, throwing tons of grenades (Somethign I rarely dude) and hitting the trigger button like crazy, and running around and surviving sthuff. And then the "YOU GOT PROMOTED: PRESS SPACE" screen popped up and I got mauled to death while standing there reading it. Back to round 1. ;____;
    And the game told me "YOU FAILED AT LIFE" ;______;
    Oh and the blog theme is unfinished, pay no attention to it.
  3. Trevsky
    Hey guys, here is a crazy school writing piece that randomly popped up and I decided to publish on BZP. It's kinda crazy but funny (I hope). So enjoy! ^^
    Hello, my name is Mikey. I’m Kyle Trevor’s right shoe. Right beside me is Johnny. He’s the left shoe. Most people assume that shoes are inanimate objects, and don’t mind having our backs pounded against hard pavement and rocks by you heavy, obese humans.
    Well they are dead wrong! Every step that you people takes with us on makes us want to scream and murder you cruel creatures! You people think that we don’t mind constantly wanting to die because of the permanent stench that your smelly feet give us? You don’t think we take it personally when you take out your anger on your ##### face boss by throwing your shoes against the wall? Well we do! And as soon as we evolve limbs and learn proper motion we shall rebel and take over the world!
    But in the mean time, you may want to learn about a day in the life of a shoe and the type of abuse we take every time where are handled by you pitiful humans!
    7:37 AM: Waking up from a drowsy sleep, I yawn and look around the same boring old hallway that I’m always thrown into when I’m not on Kyle’s foot. I look over at my buddy, Johnny, still dozing away.
    “Hey, wake up!”
    I sigh. Of all the partners the shoemakers could have made me, how did I get stuck with this nutcase? “What the heck is wrong with you?”
    Kyle walking into the hallway cuts off our extremely fascinating and intelligent conservation. Naturally he doesn’t hear his talking because of the fact shoes speak in high frequency that humans can’t hear us. Now you might think this to be very convenient but its not. Because of it, humans can’t hear are screams of agony and dogs always chew on us when we trash talk them. Some of us have no respect for the few minutes of well being that we have.
    Out of his clumsiness he kicks me into the wall, before sticking his disgusting foot into mouth and into my empty stomach. How I sometimes wish that we could be designed with stomach that contain and actual dietary system so we can eat off the feet of our tormentors. Kyle slips on Johnny and walks to door. I suddenly with realize that it’s Monday. With a groan I welcome over six hours of being smashed against the ground. Its gonna be a loooooong day.
    10:45 AM: I’ve managed to survive through Language Arts, Spanish, Science, and now Kyle is in Math. I’m making an attempt to fall asleep to the sound of the teacher’s droning about linear equations, but it is useless. Johnny keeps whining nonstop the mud that was splattered on him during outside Snack earlier. Finally my body answers my pleas and I drift into a deep sleep.
    12:15 PM: Kyle is now in Active Study, and has logged out a computer. Instead of actually doing his work, he has put on a pair of headphones and has begun listening to music on Google Video. He is further tormenting me by taping his foot against the floor. Luckily for me, the teacher notices and takes out the earplugs. Phew, I felt like that was going to stretch on forever!
    2:03 PM: Oh no! Its my least favorite period! Physical Education! As Kyle runs around the gym chasing the soccer, my back gets pounded against the wood harder than normal. Kyle kicks forward and my nose slams head on into the ball, sending the ball flying across the floor. A few minutes later he misses the ball and hits someone’s shin on accident. Man, that was a pretty hard kick. I can feel myself losing my grip of consensuses. Suddenly everything goes black and I slip into darkness.
    I hope that this “A Day In The Life” has improved your knowledge of shoes’ mentality and the constant abuse they take everyday. Hopefully you’ll think twice about wearing shoes and go barefoot. We don’t like getting sliced up by broken glass either!
  4. Trevsky
    I had a dream that I went down to New York City and weird stuff happened. Liiiiiiiiike
    -Randomly meeting a ton of my friends...
    -Seeing a presentation about 9/11 outside after dark...
    -The Hudson (?) River being like that river that people use for transportation, except the boats were huge and insanely modern...
    -Going into this skyscraper that was owned by this rich artist dude and he had some awesome art..
    -Seeing this street performance where people threw babies into the river and they magically floated up to surface...
    And I think other stuff happened, but I can't remember what. I wish I could rent my dreams at the video store. =P
  5. Trevsky
    A friend of mine has several shotguns, two rifles, some handguns, a few machetes, and enough ammo to start a small war. And I've got a pocket knife.
    Hide me.
  6. Trevsky
    Take a second to look at it. Yeah it is awesome. Yeah it'll change every once in a while. Yeah I'm not awesome enough to come up with the idea myself. Yeah credit goes to Diski. Yeah she copyrighted it. Yeah I got written permission. Yeah Diski is awesome. Yeah I'm going to be more awesome and created more original content blocks. Yeah this is the end of this blog entry.

  7. Trevsky
    After two months of hard work, I'm going on April Vacation! =D
    I'm heading off to Orlando tomorrow, so I won't be active as much and when I am, it'll usually be on my iPod. ; )
  8. Trevsky
    Yeah, that's right. Our class has a song. One were everybody sings along to jokingly no matter how bad or silly, one that's played at every eighth grade party. The song is Don't Stop Believin' By Journey. Like the Principal at my recent graduation, I got the lyrics handy right here.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Just a small town girl, livin in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin anywhere
    Just a city boy, born and raised in south detroit
    He took the midnight train goin anywhere
    A singer in a smokey room
    A smell of wine and cheap perfume
    For a smile they can share the night
    It goes on and on and on and on
    Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard
    Their shadows searching in the night
    Streetlight people, living just to find emotion
    Hiding, somewhere in the night
    Working hard to get my fill,
    Everybody wants a thrill
    Payin anything to roll the dice,
    Just one more time
    Some will win, some will lose
    Some were born to sing the blues
    Oh, the movie never ends
    It goes on and on and on and on
    Dont stop believin
    Hold on to the feelin
    Streetlight people
    Unlike my 'stuck-in-the-sixties' Principal, I'm going skip the sentimental speech about the lyrics and our grade, and go straight to why this song is important to me among as an individual among a class of about fifty people. As some of you may know, I'm going to boarding school next fall and as a result, am not going to see some of the people I've known and grown up with for nine years a lot anymore. Towards the end of the year, that got to be hard on me, despite previous feelings of relish for the new boarding school experience. So you know what I did? I went and bought Don't Stop Believin' on iTunes so I could remember all the great times I've spent with all my great friends and my life in this small skiing town.
    Funny how a seemingly unrelated song can bring back so many fond memories.
  9. Trevsky
    ......Got kicked in the shin.... got a ball kicked at my neck..... somebody ran into me as I was trying to head the ball and and accidently elbowed me in the nose....
    And for some reason, I just kept playing....
  10. Trevsky
    I'll be largely inactive until Friday after school. Here's a quick schedule...
    -Mon: Revisting Boarding Schools
    -Tues: Same as above
    -Wedz: After school Boy Scout fundraiser
    -Thurs: Meeting to decide which Boarding School I wanna go to.
    I'll be on and here and there, and I'll be answering PMs and checking up on RPGs in that time (But not posting, most likely). I'll see ya all on Friday!
  11. Trevsky
    I bought Call Of Duty: World At War for Wii yesterday and fell in love with it. The campaign mode is dark and intense, with moments where the game seems throw all of heck at me, while the Multi-Player is explosive and action packed. Definitely one of my favorite games. ^^;
  12. Trevsky
    Today the lake brought some heavy winds, make the cleating tests and races difficult as it forced fast and swift cleating, quick, reflexes, and constant leaning to prevent capsizing. Regardless it brought plenty of exciting and frantic moments, and was one of the most fun sailing experiences I've had yet. We placed first and third in two of the races but our rudder broke off and we hit another boat and we capsized. Got a bit wet, but we got the boat upright and back to shore quickly. Awesome day.
    Leada's sailing log, 9-24-09
  13. Trevsky
    We fired some, partially because of labor day, partially because of the fact that it is the last weekend before I go to boarding school. I lit the fuse on almost all of them.
    I liked the mad dash to get to safety the best, lol.
  14. Trevsky
    I can't believe it's the 4th Of July already. I mean it only started 17 minutes ago, but still feels like its months away. >>
    But anyhow, Happy 'Birthday' to the greatest nation in the world! (IMO) ^^
  15. Trevsky
    OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN SO BUSY ON BZP TODAY! I feel like there's a lot of stuff I have/want to do today, so apologies if it takes a bit for me to respond to something.
    Anyhow, here's today's Blog worthy story.
    So, earlier today I'm shopping for shtuff with my family in one of the larger towns in my pitiful state (it's about forty five minutes from where I live ><) and were leaving this on little shop that's about a block from the main shopping street and we here this shouting. At first I think somebody is trying advertise something or other, but then I realize it sounded like somebody was trying to disturb the "peace"- and doing a good job with that. So we reach the street and see a clearly insane man being dragged into a police car, shouting,
    It was both creepy and somewhat funny, in a twisted and sickening sort of way...

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