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Everything posted by Trevsky

  1. Are you gonna read 20 pages in a RPG while staying on for five minutes is a major risk? However, I caught the GM online yesterday. He's been gradually reading what he missed. I agree with you, though. Closing it was a bit drastic. We weren't adding in major plot advancements and running around as we please. We're sticking to the rules and relagations and making character story and romances and little fights and the such. We shot up 20 pages in a few days without even plot. Isn't that a sign that we're content to be around on free roam?
  2. Silly Irick. Demons are too awesome to be slayed.

  3. I agree with some of this, disagree with other parts. You presented your argument well and I don't feel like arguing with people at the moment. So well done, Spinkorz. All I have to say is that when the GM came and saw the topic up 20 pages and still open, he might've thought that you had taken full control over and start fleshing the RPG the way you wanted. He might've even had thought that 20 pages were made of spam and things were going rampant Robo: The Gm wasn't going to be gone for a week or two. HE said he was doubted he would be around for his Vahi, which is Nov, 17th.
  4. >> << That shouldn't qualify as a joke
  5. Trevsky

    Sn Rpg

    The first post for my Demonata RPG is done. ....But I have to wait to October for the latest book to come out in the U.S. in order to start it. >>
  6. Trevsky


    You're doing a Scar Night RPG? Weird I'm doing a Demonata RPG, and both are over the top gory horror books, if Scar Night is what I think it is. Speaking of which, I get Scar Night today cuz I'm going to Borders, but I'm blowing most of my money of the Avatar Complete Book 3 Collection. >> <<
  7. Riiight.

    Well looks way better now that you have. =)



  8. 0_o You need to center you're sig. Looks weird..

  9. You needz five starz nao.

    Screw this rating system. >

  10. I'm just gonna assume you're innocent and go after GG =D

  11. That's a paradox XD

  12. Did you just make GG trick me and MoJ?

  13. Yeah, and it worked for a minute. D=


  14. Nice try. *Opens fire*

  15. Hey watta minute!

  16. *Cocks guns* Should we take of him?

  17. XD You get away with it. Cuz your GG. =D

  18. Nahz, that just cuz I've had experience with people spamming massively there.


    Whatever =P

  19. LINKIN PARK AIN"T EMO! At least I'm not. And What I've Done is a very good song that sends a good message. >>

  20. About time you reached 700. XP

  21. Yayz! You haz four starz! =D

  22. Trevsky

    Cij Meeting #1

    Oh, in that case *Plants bomb and staggers out, Joker stye*
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