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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Taka Nuvia
    Taka's inofficial art contest # 1 

    Yes, you heard me. I'm planning to host an art contest in here. A little one, but nonetheless. Everyone is welcomed to join.
    Theme: create a spooky/Halloween-themed piece of art. Should have to do with Bionicle in some way, but you can do the characters in any style you want
    Feel free to post your opinions here, and if you spot errors/things that need to be clarified, I'd ask you to tell me either via post here or pm (whatever your prefer).
    1. What is allowed
    ~ hand drawn art
    ~ computer-generated art
    ~ sprite-art
    2. What I can't tolerate
    ~ Using other peoples' work and claiming it as your own
    ~ Anything that violates the Bzpower Rules and Guidelines
    3. The Entry deadline
    ~ October the 1st
    4. Voting system
    ~ First round: you can vote for up to 3 entries.
    ~ depending on the number of entries, there will be either 1 or two final rounds.
    ~ if 2 entries get the same number of votes, there will be a seperate mini voting round for them.
    ~ You will vote by posting in the blog entry.
    5. The Prize(z)
    ~ 1. place: artwork request
    ~ 2. place: GS appearance in "The End of All hope"
    ~ 3. place: a blogspot
    6. How do we enter?
    ~ You enter by filling the following form:
    Member name:
    Thumbnail (if you have one):
    Important: Other than in the official art contest, you may put the name of your entry in the url, so instead of


    [url="http://brickshelf.com/blah/myentry.bmp"]Name of your entry[/url]
  2. Taka Nuvia
    The reason for this entry? I'll get to it in a second. First I'd like to mention one or two other things, though.
    Like the question what a 'style' actually is. A way of dressing? Wearing only certain kind of accessory? Personal taste or trying to fit into a group?
    Maybe a bit of all of those things. Of course, what you wear or look like often influences the first impression people get of you. No wait, actually pretty much all the time.
    So what someone decides to wear should reflect what they're like or simply make the best impression possible? Not necessarily.
    People should wear what they like. That's my opinion, and yes, that means if they want to wear neon colours or absolutely unflattering things they are free to do so. I might not like it, but I'd never, ever walk up to someone and make fun of the way they dress or try to convince them to dress differently.
    Strangely enough, it has happened to me more than once, though.
    Constant remarks, people shouting "Emo!", "Witch!" or whatever word they can think of across the hallway at school, stupid or simply outrageous questions. ("Do you have drugs? Because, you're a metalhead, aren't you?") *Ahem*
    And that eternal question "Why don't you wear more colour?!"
    Because of course I wear colour too! But not everyday. Only when I feel like it. And frankly, most of the time I feel like wearing all black. And skulls. So what?
    And then there are day like today when I absolutely want to wear my orange floor-length skirt from an indian store and generally lean towards a more hippie-esque style.
    Isn't that wonderful? =D
    Everyone can dress the way they want and I want to be able to do so, too!
  3. Taka Nuvia
    Do teachers believe they can show us any clips just because a few people in my class are 16 already?!
    'cause we watched the beginning of "The Wall", and there was once scene that grossed me out, and now... (If you know what I'm talking about, please do not mention it. Please)
    I just want to forget it.
  4. Taka Nuvia
    Guess what.
    Guess again.
    And even again.
    You're right.
    '08 TAKANUVA has been delivered TODAY!
    He's already built, and now stand on my desk next to me
    Yaaay! =D
  5. Taka Nuvia
    Anybody knows the Finnish band LORDI?
    They're my most favourite band at the moment.
    My classmates gave me some very, veery odd looks when I said that their costumes look cute. Ah well, maybe they're right, and I can be really strange sometimes
    Still, I think they look cute.
    So, anyone knows them?
  6. Taka Nuvia
    I took a closer look at MLP.
    But...I couldn't even finish watching the full 1st episode. This is too sweet, cutesy, girly and sparkly for me. And the voices... Sorry guys but no. No no no. I see why some of you might like it, but it's not for me.
    And please don't go all like "It will get better later". ;o;
    But hey, at least I tried...
  7. Taka Nuvia
    What's up with her?
    Why does she make up stories like that? Why does she make up things like "... your suffering will come to an end soon..." or "...without knowing I bought my own doom as well"? How can she be happy most of the day and get depressive in the evenings?
    How, in Mata nui's name can a person be terribly torn-down but still keeping hope?
    Look at that girl.
    Does she think she's cool with her black clothes and the long hair? Does she really believe she'll ever be able to integrate into a group if she's behaving like that? Does she think it makes us pity her if she tells us that she'd been laughed at by classmates for ages?
    What makes her able to cry because of every little thing? Is she so torn apart inside?
    What makes the teachers like her? Why does she always get the good marks? Without working a lot?
    She's not better than us. Not at all. Will never be.
    Why do they look at me like that? What do they think about me?
    how do they interprete what I do?
    How do they judge me? Can I trust them?
    How can I be sure that they don't say unfair things about me when I'm not there? How can I defend myself if they hit me with verbal darts?
    Is there a way to hide the scars of a life as an out-cast? Is beign cheerful a way? Or being extremely rude?
    Will they ever accept me the way I am? Will they take a look at my work, and appreciate it?
    Is there anyone who likes me the way I am?
    When will I see that I am accepted? When?
    Is there someone willing to wipe away my silent tears? Or a way to avoid the pain?
    Would I have to become one of them? What would it mean for me? Simply changing my style of clothing? Hiding my true feelings behind a mask of make-up and lies? Saying what everyone says? Thinking what everyone thinks? Acting like everyone acts?
    Just throwing myself away like trash? Should I do everything to please them?
    Sometimes I'd love to. Simply give myself up and re-create a mainstream person. Average in every way. Only to experience a feeling I've never had.
    that might all sound strange. so what was this text for?
    I'll tell you: I simply wrote down what I think.
    And it's good the way it is.
    that feeling of hollowness and lonelyness I tried to explain in the sentences above is the main reason why I am where I am now.
    See, people used to make fun of me all the time. On the one hand, I couldn't understand that, and wanted to become one of them, just to get away from the pain. On the other hand, making them like me would mean giving up myself. All I've been, well, living for.
    So I started to make up stories. Get creative. I put all of my anger, sadness and grief into my art.
    And I made up my fictional character, Taka Nuvia. There are some similar things in both of our biographies.
    So. I'll stop now, and ask: did anyone of you believe I'd think like that?
  8. Taka Nuvia
    Live long and prosper
    Heya out there... who knows Star Trek: The Original series?
    Or Star Trek in General?
    Also, what are your favourite characters?
    I was just wondering, because at my place friday evening is Star Trek evening, when we watch some of the old episodes together.
    As you can tell easily by having a look at my Avatar and sig who's my favourite character. ^^
  9. Taka Nuvia
    Hey everyone!
    *looks around*
    Hello? Anyone there?
    *ahem* sillyness aside, I am now officially back with my internet (yay), will post art soon( yay?), and hopefully get another comic or two done before I, guess what, disappear again.
    Sorry I didn't notify you, but BZPower was down for me still when we went on vacation... ah well
    So what did I miss?
  10. Taka Nuvia
    As much as I may like Comic Sans, it looks so small... so yes, I would like to try out something new.
    Century Gothic looks nice, but Bold text is hard to read ><
    Franklin Gothic Medium is... well, okay. But what about bold text?
    Microsoft Sans Serif... feels strange.
    Ooh I feels so important like writing newspapurz. in boold text [/sarcasumz]
    Sweet, but also quite small. Can you read the bold text?
    Okay what is this? Bold?
    Or maybe normal standard font again? 0_o
    Ideas/opinions, anyone?
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