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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Taka Nuvia
    tbh I have absolutely -no- clue where the time went. It feels like that last entry was only a day or two ago... and my birthday's already coming up mext week, it's unbelieveable
    However! My thesis is almost finished. Should be done by the end of the weekend, the latest. 60 pages of "it didn't work and I'm not sure why" xD But I learned a lot, and it was a cool experience. Even the writing part, tbh. After all I decided that I want to write it in English (second language! but practise is super-important, and I rarely get to exercise my scientific writing skills), so that might not have been the 'easiest' route, but a decision I don't regret (also, this way I don't have to translate all the literature, so that part's actually easier)
    So uh.. yeah, that's all. I still draw every day, despite the pressure, so I'm kinda proud of myself for once ^^'
  2. Taka Nuvia
    would anyone be interested in a sketchbook tour (or 30? I have so many of those...)? Because I am sort of contemplating starting a youtube channel or something later this year (once I am finally settled into my PhD studies - things are looking good!)...
  3. Taka Nuvia
    draw. Every - oh wait, we've been through that. Anyway, how do you draw every day?
    Two things. First, form a habit of drawing. It should not be a 'chore' or burden, but something you just do. Whether you're inspired or not. Whether you have a cool idea, or none at all. It's just a thing you do. Like brushing your teeth every day (hopefully)
    Second, find a time slot to devote to drawing. I mostly draw while commuting to and from university. 20-minute subway rides are great for that. And while I only work with limited supplies and time (every tried using watercolours on the subway? not going to happen), it has helped me a lot. Plus, I can still draw more at home if I want to.
    Other than that, having a sketchbook to carry around with you everywhere you go can be immensely helpful. Setting the goal to fill a page a day as well. but if it's a day where all you can do is scribble something onto the corner of some scrap paper, that's fine too - after all, you did draw something today, didn't you?
  4. Taka Nuvia
    Draw. Every. Day.
    Even if it's just random doodles, and no studies or super-finished pieces. And this thing with not having any ideas? It gets better after the first few pages. You eventually get accustomed to producing some form of output every day, even when you're not inspired. ^^
  5. Taka Nuvia
    well I did my two presentations and the interview. Now all I can do is wait for the decision. but tbh I am just so much more relaxed now, because I really did everything I could and the whole thing is no longer in my hands.
  6. Taka Nuvia
    See, 2018 is a weird year because a lot of things that matter a lot to me are officially about 10 years old now. What they are? I am preparing something for a proper celebration, so you'll find out later (way to build a hype, huh? xD)
    Anyway, I've been around this site for such a long time, 10+ years now. I remember this place in its heyday, when I would just talk to -so- many people (being a really communicative 13-year old with way too much free time...). I would start writing an Epic, which, cringey as it might have been, is still my longest continuous work of fiction. Written in a language that is not my native language, nonetheless. c:
    Ultimately BZPower and seeing art by all the amazing people around here was also what inspired me to draw on a regular basis, and set goals for myself that I wanted to achieve within a year, art-wise.
    Many things have changed, like my over-use of smileys (though I miss that, really.), vague-blogging about drama (although I should blog more in 2018, consider this an almost-resolution.), but many things have stayed the same. I still draw, I still try way too hard to be funny ( ), and I still really like hanging around here, even if the place has become a little less busy over the years. ^^
    So I really have no idea how to conclude this... I'll just point out that I am currently writing (as in, actually doing the writing part of) my master thesis, so don't be too surürised if I semi-disappear at times again ^^'
  7. Taka Nuvia
    Felt like I should explain my semi-absence once again... it boils down to two, maybe three factors, so I'll jump right into it:
    1) the most important part is my aaaaaaah-pplication for a PhD position! Dunno if they'll choose me, but we'll see. I'll probably apply for another position or two, depends on when I get my nerves back. Seriously, those past two weeks were... not so fun. In the sense of stress, anxiety and fear of the future almost blocking me and causing some serious, serious headaches. But today I uploaded the application, so that's set.
    2) My childhood decided to return to punch me in the face - aka I am currently hugely into Yu-Gi-Oh again, which is funny, really. Completely forgot how much I loved this as a kid (*cough* and still do). So, I've been playing some Duel Links, re-watching the Anime (that. lineart. gah.), and drawing -some- fanart xD
    So yeah, I'm still having headaches at this point, but things are getting better, I guess. Sorry for the absence, too. It should get better now that the holidays are approaching ^^
  8. Taka Nuvia
    I've been here for quite a while now, hm? Don't regret it, though. I really like this place.
    Originally wanted to do something, but alas, Uni's got me busy, sadly.
  9. Taka Nuvia
    If I'm out of "own" ideas, I will now resort to drawing fanart. After all, any practise is helpful. :3 Let's see if it helps overcome the current art blocky struggles...
  10. Taka Nuvia
    Figured I could actually post some art again, after all it has been quite a while since I last sat down to scan something (oh the joys of traditional art...)

    Top left was drawn after watching a documentary about South Korea, where they shortly touched on an artist who creates traditional masks; super-wonky because it was drawn in the lab in between measurements. ^^' The other two are some more thoughts on the whole 'more robotic Bionicle designs'-concept.

    Also been drawing the occasional knights, because why not. ^^
  11. Taka Nuvia
    Yeah, so, I'm back from the annual two-wweks-without-internet vacation. Which was all very nice and relaxing, and I've almost overcome the incredibly stressful period that was July. C:
    How has everyone been in the meantime, what did I miss out on?
  12. Taka Nuvia
    Remember when I said that now there are holidays and I should have more time? Well, what I didn't mention (because I think at that point I didn't know yet/hadn't decided) that I would go to uni and work on my master thesis in July (aka, now).
    And what I certainly didn't know was that I would also start a small job in parallel. It's nothing huge, some other phd-student asked me whether I'd like to do some measurements instead of her, with payment, of course. I thought it would be nice to gather some more experience so I agreed to it - and of course it's also in July. C: But only in July.
    On top of all that, I also had another exam last friday, so the past week was juggling 3 things, which kinda exeeds my multitasking ailities ^^' Hence the dead silence on here.
    But now the exam is done, and two lab jobs in parallel is actually a lot less terrible as it may sound.
    Today has been a pretty terrible day, actually. Got to the lab, wanted to start the measurements - computer's dead. No response. So I had to find the IT/technics guy, explain my problem, meanwhile also ask about something I need for my thesis setup. After 3 hours or so the computer's back up. During the calibration check, as I work on my other setup, I manage to burn my finger on a freshly deburred (? I guess that's the word?) steel tubing. Fun. C: And of course it's raining, storming actually, once I want to go home, so I had to wait for another half an hour. So yeah, fun day indeed. :/
  13. Taka Nuvia
    On friday I had to give this presentation in the relativistic quantum information exercise course. And I wanted to be on time just once.
    So in the exact moment where I wanted to leave the house, a thunderstorm broke lose. Literally. That. Moment. Thunder and lightning right above our house. I ended up writing to the professors (and my partner for the presentation) and getting there 30 minutes late because I couldn't leave the house earlier.
    Ironically I made it to the presentation just in time, because it was in the second time slot. But still.
    (also, everything went well. ^^')
  14. Taka Nuvia
    ...my last blog entry is from April? That's a tragedy. :/ Anyway, where have I been - mostly uni stuff, my thesis is taking up a huge part of my time. Also, I don't really know what to talk about, so, thus the silence. I am sorry.
    (heck, over the course of the semester I even got up earlier than I normally woukd so I coukd cram in some time for solving exercises for that one course because time would not suffice otherwise. There really was a lot to do. :/)
    But now with the holidays coming up I should have more free time again, meaning I'll be more active on here again, too. So how's everyone been in the meantime?
  15. Taka Nuvia
    Yep, yesterday was my birthday. Ultimately I feel just the same, but that's okay. I really did not expect to wake up differently just because another year has passed.
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