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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Taka Nuvia
    School broke my brain.
    You see it lying there,
    scattered on the floor?
    Don't worry, little kid
    Don't cry, don't moan
    because until tomorrow
    a new one will be grown.
    Or similar. School drives me nuts. I cannot use my brain for anything afterwards and then I draw things like

    Lovely, ain't it?
  2. Taka Nuvia
    ...but there are more things I like/adore.
    Want a list? Maybe later. First I have a drawing and some news for you. ^^

    Some sorta Taka Nuvia - Demon crossover. ^^ Why? I had an hour of spare time at school. And we were in the Computer room of our school. So I watched LORDI-Music vids all the time... and let myself get inspired. ^^ But sadly I had forgotten my blank sketchbook at home.
    And now for the news:
    Dunno if I've told ya already, buuut: LORDI is in on the 12th of March.
    So what?
    My dad paid the cards, he'll go there with me. And because he did so, my mum bought me the latest CD, Deadache, even though it's rather expensive... now guess what I've been listening to all afternoon.
    Oh my, I'm getting more and mopre exited with every day
    I'm already overusing smilies XD
  3. Taka Nuvia
    Thought it would be time to put up some of my arty stuff that is not Bionicle-related. ^^
    So here they are, in no special order:
    Attack of the Killer Androids
    Typical case of boredom during school days... It looks like some kinda Movie Poster to me... except for the lack of a background, of course ^^
    Just the random Knight haunting my stories Did this on a 20-minute bus ride, therefore neither shading nor background
    Angels and Demons
    ... my mom thinks they are having an argument...
    A Demon girl
    ... and a coffin?
    The Fallen Angel
    one of my best sketches so far...
    Well, I hope you enjoyed these!
  4. Taka Nuvia
    My. Back. Hurts.
    You wanna know why?
    I won't tell you
    Naah, seriously. ^^ There's been to much sadness in this blog lately, and today I actually wanted to write something nice, cheerful that makes us all laugh.
    Then it happened.
    Sports, at school. We had some special exercise to do, and then... well, to make it short and pain-less: I fell from some height, and landed so bad that it (pain) short right up my spine. Now my back hurts.
    but I'm okay! I'm alive! Alive! I can feel my legs, I can feel my arms, I can feel... uh, nevermind, I guess ya got my point
    So... what else...
    I haven't done my homework.
    'Cause I don't wanna. And my back hurts
    Seriously, I came home from school, and I was totally down-down. Physically and psychically (dunno if that's even a word). But now I'm feeling better!
  5. Taka Nuvia
    What's up with her?
    Why does she make up stories like that? Why does she make up things like "... your suffering will come to an end soon..." or "...without knowing I bought my own doom as well"? How can she be happy most of the day and get depressive in the evenings?
    How, in Mata nui's name can a person be terribly torn-down but still keeping hope?
    Look at that girl.
    Does she think she's cool with her black clothes and the long hair? Does she really believe she'll ever be able to integrate into a group if she's behaving like that? Does she think it makes us pity her if she tells us that she'd been laughed at by classmates for ages?
    What makes her able to cry because of every little thing? Is she so torn apart inside?
    What makes the teachers like her? Why does she always get the good marks? Without working a lot?
    She's not better than us. Not at all. Will never be.
    Why do they look at me like that? What do they think about me?
    how do they interprete what I do?
    How do they judge me? Can I trust them?
    How can I be sure that they don't say unfair things about me when I'm not there? How can I defend myself if they hit me with verbal darts?
    Is there a way to hide the scars of a life as an out-cast? Is beign cheerful a way? Or being extremely rude?
    Will they ever accept me the way I am? Will they take a look at my work, and appreciate it?
    Is there anyone who likes me the way I am?
    When will I see that I am accepted? When?
    Is there someone willing to wipe away my silent tears? Or a way to avoid the pain?
    Would I have to become one of them? What would it mean for me? Simply changing my style of clothing? Hiding my true feelings behind a mask of make-up and lies? Saying what everyone says? Thinking what everyone thinks? Acting like everyone acts?
    Just throwing myself away like trash? Should I do everything to please them?
    Sometimes I'd love to. Simply give myself up and re-create a mainstream person. Average in every way. Only to experience a feeling I've never had.
    that might all sound strange. so what was this text for?
    I'll tell you: I simply wrote down what I think.
    And it's good the way it is.
    that feeling of hollowness and lonelyness I tried to explain in the sentences above is the main reason why I am where I am now.
    See, people used to make fun of me all the time. On the one hand, I couldn't understand that, and wanted to become one of them, just to get away from the pain. On the other hand, making them like me would mean giving up myself. All I've been, well, living for.
    So I started to make up stories. Get creative. I put all of my anger, sadness and grief into my art.
    And I made up my fictional character, Taka Nuvia. There are some similar things in both of our biographies.
    So. I'll stop now, and ask: did anyone of you believe I'd think like that?
  6. Taka Nuvia
    I haven't done anything this weekend.
    I haven'T done my maths homework.
    I haven't done anything for my presentation even though I said I'd do so.
    And tomorrow I need all the stuff.
    And it's almost bedtime.
  7. Taka Nuvia
    So. nice title, eh?
    I gotta say I'm sorry.
    I'm sorry for not getting online much.
    I'm sorry for those who pm me right before I leave again. If that happened to you, please don't believe I don't like you or what. It's just that I have a lot of things to do at the moment, and, well... time zones make the rest.
  8. Taka Nuvia
    We went to that art store - it was soooo wonderful! =D They had dozens of kinds of colours, paper, pencils, pens...
    I think we stayed there for 3+ hours.
    I got Faber Castell inkpens ("shades of grey") and 3 other colours I needed, and some other stuff
  9. Taka Nuvia
    .. what Bzper Taka Nuvia ~ Empty soul does all day long.
    I was bored. Really bored. EXTREMELY bored. And I had a few snapshots from one of my TheSims2 families on my compy, along with some other pics. And Photoshop.
    And I had loooaaaads of time on my hands.
    Might not be the best photoshopping, but I like it.
  10. Taka Nuvia
    Oooookaaaaaayyy... maybe I should explain the title. ^^
    A friend of mine bought a book about drawing in Gothic style. She showed to me. I was deeply impressed.
    Now, a few weeks later, I by the same book, and learn about a new technique - white pencil on black paper. so my mum has to buy a black sketchbook for me.
    The result?
    Strange pic 1
    Strange pic 2
    I wub white pencil+black paper! <3
  11. Taka Nuvia
    I'm terribly angry :angry:
    It ain't fun to post in GA anymore.
    Who likes comments like "He'S fat" or "grossly overweighted"? HuH?
    It makes me hot with anger, and I still have to stay half-way polite, because I can't risc being banned, or losing proto, or whatever punishment might follow.
    All I can do is get aggressive, listen to music and draw depressed things.
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