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Status Updates posted by Sfadowlion

  1. ...I've run out of interesting things to say along the lines of our previous conversation.

  2. ...thanks, but I kinda knew that already, from...somewhere. It's just one of the random bits of general knowledge floating around in my semblance of a mind.

  3. ...you never know...

  4. "I like that your at my house.

    What should we do there? "

    That made me lol. XP

  5. *teeheeheeheehee-

    No, wait. We did this before.

  6. *teeheeheeheehee*

  7. /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)>

  8. <.>.>


    I'll take both.

    And there you go! You look evil now! Go star in a movie or something.

  9. 1000 posts! My special 1000th post was made today, and is the latest chapter of Bionimart, and quite possibly the best yet! Go read it today and celebrate with me!

  10. 3 days my friend...3 days...

  11. Ah, helllo singaporean. :) May I ask what level you are studying at now?

  12. Ah, my sister is in P6 as well. Good luck on PSLE, it was really stressful for me.

    But the days after that will be the best of your life.

  13. Almost done with THVC part!

  14. And happy birthday to you!

  15. Any particular reason for adding me to your friends?

  16. Back for more good times yo.

  17. But don't bother trying to control me. That's hardly an evil feat. Everyone's been doing it for years now.

    *smashes head against the floor*

  18. Come out...who?

    Oh look, the thunderstorm is now a drizzle. =)

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