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Posts posted by Ghostie

  1. >watch Begin Intermission 2>wat>Click ==>>"End of Intermission 2"bahahahahahahahaAlso Gamzee used Dave's fear of Cal to manifest him in Dave's dreams. Dream Cal is thrown out the window of Dave's room on Derse by Rose, where he lands on Bro's escaping hoverboard and ends up on the asteroid where John is making everyone via ectobiology. This Cal is then sent back to earth with the baby version of Bro, thus becoming the real Cal.So Gamzee did indeed create Cal, though indirectly.

  2. The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.

    False. Spiders aren't stupid enough to crawl into your mouth and down your throat.
    1, some are. 2, some humans are stupid enough to eat a spider before bed.
    "Back in 1993, people were already getting fooled by online urban legends at an amusing rate. So, a columnist for PC Professional named Lisa Holst decided to prove that you could make up anything on the internet and people would believe it. She did this by making up a set of facts that were utterly ridiculous, the spider myth among them (which itself was taken from a collection of insect folklore that dates back to the 1950s), and unleashing it on the world in the form of emails. In a twist of oh-so-predictable irony, people who forwarded chain mail about this just 'happened' to forget to include the fact that these were completely fake." -Levi Ricthie, The Six Most Frequently Quoted Untrue Statistics. Originally written for Cracked. As for your second, point, I have no idea what you mean. Spiders are a fairly common delicacy in certain parts of the world, but they still aren't eaten at a fast enough rate that the average person would consume 8. In addition, most versions of this 'statistic' claim that it specifically refers to spiders that crawl into your mouth as you sleep.
  3. WE WILL NOT WAIT FOR YOU ANY MORE.CONTROL IS BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU.NOT ANYMORE.I AM COMING FOR YOU. AND YOU WILL LEAD ME TO THE ARK. So yeah, I'm all caught up now. I think the most horrifying ones were 19 (The mask. Oh God, the mask.) and 46 ("It's not there anymore...")Needless to say, i will not sleep for days.

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