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Status Updates posted by Dudebot5000

  1. I would have to agree, lol.

  2. In case you didn't know, I am my own higher-up. :D

  3. It's ok. You didn't know. ^_^

  4. Naruto is good for the soul...

  5. No, he's a character from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. ;)

  6. NOT A DRILL!!! I REPEAT! NOT A DRILL!!! YWN IS BACK!!! Check my page if you don't believe me

  7. Not only a Naruto fan, but Mythbusters and Transformers fan too! Sweet! Did you get the "moo" line from Naruto Abridged, by ant chance?

  8. Oh yeah, I don't watch xxxholic.

  9. Read and watch, to be exact. I'm completely up to date. =D

  10. Right... Are you sure about that?

  11. Serious!? But that means only 7 days now! Then, I can't be sure, because I haven't been keeping track...

  12. SHE'S BACK! SHE'S BACK! CURSE YOU HOMEWORK MOUNTAIN! ...I knew you weren't dead...

  13. Sure, I can send you them in a PM. Once I get through them, that is. =P

  14. Sweetness! Go Naruto!

  15. Tell Kurogane I said hi. =P

  16. That being said... Where is she? It's got to be over 9 weeks now...

  17. That is because Diski is of the female party. There are exception to the rule. =P

  18. That would be an anime called Bleach. ;)

  19. The way I see it, there's 5ish possibilities. 1, She got more bad grades and can't get back on. 2, She can't get back on BZP. 3. She has been far away from a computer for... over a couple months. 4, She died. 5, She forgot about us. I hope that it's not 5...

  20. Voting has occoured.

  21. Well now. This is a new setup.

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      It definitely is. You can also hold PM conversations that don't take up more than one 'block' of space, something that's awesome. =D

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