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Blog Entries posted by Essenger

  1. Essenger
    Well, after a while, I've gathered a bunch of MOCing tips, after years of experience:
    • Use a good color scheme. This means if possible, avoid more than 3 main colors in your MOC, and make it so that the colors go together, like red and
    orange, or blue and yellow. Try to avoid color schemes that don't go well together.
    • Try to keep a certain flow to your MOC. Try not to have pieces sticking out every where that make it seem off balance. Avoid gaping holes and huge cracks
    that disrupt the flow.
    • Making your MOC huge does not necessarily make it good. You can have a Moc as small as a Fikou and it could be incredible. The best MOC I ever made
    was a 2-inch long perfect model of a Ferarri racer. I also have made some really cool small Rahi.
    • Try not to use too many pieces. The fewer pieces you use, the more it adds to the flow of the MOC. Only sometimes, depending on what you are building.
    • Give your MOC good proportions. Give it a good sized limbs and head in relation to it's body size (unless you are trying to do the oppsosite).
    That's all for now, I might add another blog entry later today, when something interesting happens to me. I might go off into the jungle to see if I can catch a crocodile. That's right, yes, I live in Panama, so I do go into the jungle to find them in the river near the swamp. I try to stay clear of the swamp, I don't want to know what's in it. It looks nasty.

    Keep on rating my blog!
    I don't know how to get the blog approval things. Meh.
  2. Essenger
    Yes! There's no school tomorrow! There's this riot thing called SUNTRACS that's like blocking the streets.
    This means more time on BZPower tomorrow!
    I wonder where Hapori Tohu is these days.

  3. Essenger
    It's great to finally have premier membership. It came so fast, too, the day after I paid for it!
    Now I can waste countless hours writing blog entries. Well, this is my first entry, so there's not much to write about except that
    Yesterday I got my friend to join BZPower. Oh, man was it funny! The first time I made him an account it was on my computer,
    and it was immediately deleted. I'm going to have to help him out a lot at first so he won't lose proto or get banned. He's only been a member one day and already he's planning to buy lifetime premier membership!
    I bought a few Mistika, Onua and Krika, and they aren't at all as bad as everyone says they are. I think they're awesome! Very useful too— I've used Krika's blades as combs when I can't find any, and the Nynrah Ghostblasters are fun to stick to your face!
    I hope this first blog entry was ok.

  4. Essenger
    -[October 5, 2008]-

    Yesterday I filled a huge Ziploc bag with water and in it I put a squid, a Krana, and a Kraata. I put the whole thing in the freezer
    Today I opened it, and they were frozen inside. Parts of them were sticking out of the water. I thawed them thing out
    with water until they came out. The squid slipped right out, though. I took the massive ice ball and smashed it in the middle of the street.


    I passed to the secondary polls with my Aqua Blade Blaster!

  5. Essenger
    -[October 3, 2008]-

    I'm determined to beat the MNOLG II today.
    No school today! It's the end of the first quarter! The final countdown begins
    for the end of the school year! (Yes, I do count the days sometimes).


    Also, if you want to know how you can be in the huge upcoming Movie-- Stuck: The Movie,
    Read the blog entry below this.


    Man, the Takea's fast.

  6. Essenger
    -[semtember 24, 2008]-

    Well, I've decided to go back to my old font. I like it better.

    I'm so happy for all the votes on my Aqua Blade Blaster! Thanks to everyone who voted!
    I've got about 16 votes at the moment, and I'm glad that I'll probably make it throught the preliminary voting. One BZPower member,
    Dekarax, actually walked into my room while I was building the entry, and he was one of the first to vote me. I really like kcj600's entry, too.


    At our school, Wednesdays are half-days, so we get out at 12:30. I finished all my homework finally, after having to make up three
    days of work from being sick for five days.


    I'm testing this new sig pet I invented, called iRahi. You can see it if you click on the link in my sig.
    I hope this blog gets read a bit more. Everyone used to read it. It seems that the blogs that
    are read the most are the ones with pointless, random entries.

    I'm working on making a new signoff.

  7. Essenger
    As you might have heard, I am in the new comic: Stuck: A Journal.
    I have done the art for some of the comics and the upcoming comic: here's a preview of a panel from the next comic:

    You'll have to wait and see when the comic comes out!
    I wish people would read my blog more
  8. Essenger
    Today I made my 2000th post!
    I'm so happy! *hugs self*
    I'll be getting my one year Vahi soon, too.
    I must give credit to Gatanui for helping me out so much when I was a new member!
    Off topic: I was sick and had to stay home from school today.
  9. Essenger
    Today I had to get sent home early from school because of a terrible sore throat.
    I'm not very happy right now. I just wrote like 12 paragraphs for the interest section on my profile and the server ate it!
    ~Terakk :angry:
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