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Blog Entries posted by Tavakai

  1. Tavakai
    1. Win Premier Membership by getting third place in a comic contest
    2. Go almost completely inactive pretty soon afterward, thus reaping very little of the Premier benefits
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT
  2. Tavakai
    So, I woke up 20 minutes late today, and had to run around my house and take breakfast with me in order to get to the bus stop on time.
    Then I ended up waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the bus to get there, along with the other people at my stop. After about twenty minutes, I went back home and got my mom to get me a ride.
    I found out later from other people on my bus that it had apparently shown up 20 minutes early, and had basically just driven to school because nobody was out that early. And then they sent a different bus, which apparently arrived within a minute or two after I went back home. So once I saw my friend at school, instead of saying hi or anything, I was just like, "Get a car. Now."
    (He's the one with the license; I haven't had an interest in it so I don't even have a learner's permit even though I've been old enough to get one for almost two and a half years. Working on it, though.)
    So yeah, crazy day going on. Luckily there's a furlough day on Friday, and then I'm off for spring break; hopefully I can see the Hunger Games sometime then too.
  3. Tavakai
    yeah so I'm emailing people back who wanted to help me with my eagle project and wondering whether they'll judge me for doing so at 2:30 in the morning and also a couple weeks after most of them sent them
    (in case anyone's wondering I'm doing genealogy indexing which is basically putting photographed census records and draft cards and stuff into a searchable database so people can look up their family history and stuff, and also I have until november before I turn 18 so I have to hurry since I want to index 10,000 names. don't worry guys I have a friend who did 15k and he finished in time)
    why did I come to bzp to post about this the world may never know
    if I do get my eagle it'll definitely be after my premier membership runs out though because I have a month left I think so I won't be able to tell you guys about it here
    edit: holy cow there isn't autocapitalization???????????????????
    bzpower is looking pretty fancy
  4. Tavakai
    So, I had this big speech prepared for me to stick in my comic topic when I reposted it, but I kind of wrote it months ago when I thought BZP would come back at the end of July, so most of it is obsolete.
    So I'll basically just go with the same thing but update it here and there.
    Well, BZPower is back.
    And you know what that means.
    I have to keep my topic from dying once more.
    Anyway, you're probably wondering what I've been up to since BZP's been down.
    Well, for a little while I was still obsessed with Pokemon--that ended on May 7, meaning the obsession exactly lasted two months.
    So what did I do then? Well, I focused back on school. Then school got out, and I decided to finish up my epic. I finished it at the beginning of July, and I've released most of it on this one place. It'll start to go up on BZP tomorrow. I've considered releasing new chapters every other day when possible. Excluding Sundays; don't ask why because that's probably going to take us into religious discussion.
    Then I thought I might as well get back to comics; I hadn't worked on them at all since February. So then I made eighteen comics in a few weeks. I've got a big multi-part filler about Pokemon obsessions and whatnot, and--since RWAM was only intended to go until the end of Tavakai: The Movie, which shouldn't be too far off--RWAM will be concluded in an abridged version with Tavakai narrating most of it. There's also three unreleased Noob War comics. I made a huge stockpile. I'm planning on releasing them every other day when possible; the day that there isn't a movie. Excluding Sundays.
    Oh, and originally I had huge plans for what I'd make after the movie/epic. But over time I've become disinterested in Bionicle and decided it's probably better if I focus on making original comics. I'm putting as much of my work into putting that together as possible.
    Well, as for now, to merit reposting of my topic (since I wasn't sure whether that was necessary and had a spare comic lying around), I've got the last movie comic, which I made in February and saved in case of a topic-life emergency. Please excuse the lack of unique panels. I spent lots and lots of time drawing masks and recoloring closeups for that one panel. I think I can be excused for being too lazy to pose them more than once.
    Link to comic topic
  5. Tavakai
    First of all, thanks to everyone who voted for my entry in the comics contest; otherwise I wouldn't be writing this right now because I wouldn't be Premier.
    But that's not what this is about.
    There were two entries that didn't make the deadline for the contest and thus didn't make it in. They had tons of work put into them, and I feel bad about how they didn't even get the chance to be voted on, since they're both really awesome and probably would have bumped mine down a few places.
    Can't change the fact that they didn't get in, but their authors have posted them now, so you can all read and post and whatnot.
    Click the banners to view the topics:

    (by Kahinuva)

    (by Venom)
    Also keep in mind that both of these as currently posted are incomplete, and will be added to as time goes on. Venom's is daily; Kahi's is less often (and to the best of my knowledge I would assume there's only one or two parts left for his).
  6. Tavakai
    So I had this story that was originally going to be made as a comic, and then ended up being made as an epic because it was taking too long.
    I ended up making small pictures with the chapter names for each chapter, and the best of these I'm posting in full here:







    I have two versions of this, one that's blurred and one that isn't.



  7. Tavakai
    I met this wolf in the forest, and it looked like it wanted to kill me. It probably had a hard life of whatever it is wolves do with their life besides kill stuff and eat stuff and run around in the forest. You know, that's it. It probably just didn't find much satisfaction in killing stuff and eating stuff and running around in the forest, so it probably wanted more stuff in its life. It probably wanted opposable thumbs, too. And maybe vocal cords so it could speak English. And not just English, but French! Yes, this wolf wanted to speak French! But it couldn't because it was a wolf. So he was sad.
    Anyway, I found this wolf. I found him in the forest. He was trying to kill me. Lucky for me, I had a bone in my backpack thingy or wherever it is I keep my stuff. So I took out the bone, and I right clicked the wolf, and all of a sudden he didn't want to kill me anymore. He's happy. I turned his life all around just by a click. Now he's going to do so many amazing things.
  8. Tavakai
    Because I feel like it.
    Therefore, before the Premier stuff ends, I'm getting this through.
    And I'm including the "not allowed" parts just as a reminder to make sure nobody takes this in the wrong direction.
    I'm Mormon.
    For president, I supported Herman Cain right up until he suspended his campaign, with Bachmann and Santorum second and third. Now, I think I'm supporting Bachmann, with Romney second, and Santorum third.
    Unfortunately though, I'm a day too young to vote in 2012 (I turn 18 literally the next day after the election).
  9. Tavakai
    Oh yeah.
    oooooohhhhh yyyyeaaaaaahhhh
    As some of you may/may not know/care, I've recently realized that since I kind of don't have much of an interest in Bionicle anymore (I blame Greg for killing Makuta; continuing the storyline after the main villain is killed makes no sense to me), I might as well shift my focus a bit to non-Bionicly comics. So therefore, I created a new series where I have it be about anything I want it to be about (comics here and here; there's a third but it's NSFBZP).
    So anyway, yeah, having no revival date on my BZP comic topic really makes it easier to handle both of this stuff at once. I'll be having my main focus on Ec Tetra (not now, sometime later) and drop by every now and then to add in comics. I might eventually tell the entire story that I thought of like two to three years ago after all! Of course, to do that would take long enough for me to make two seasons and a movie all in my spare time. And I am extremely skilled at demolishing spare times. Like right now, when I should probably be working on my lab for AP Chem, which I'm only slightly over halfway possibly somewhere actually probably in between halfway and done with, and instead I'm going around to different places talking about how great this thing is that Janus did.
    Which reminds me, the subject of Janus. It does. It reminds me. It reminds me of the subject of Janus. Which I shall now reflect on.
    Oh, when the Great and Mighty Tentacled One, Lord Globomodawesomerator Pohuaki, left the realms of Artworkland to do greater things among the Wherevers, I thought all was lost. We all thought all was lost. Except for the people who didn't think all was lost, but they don't count.
    This Janus--he could never compare to Pohuaki's level of awesomoderationnessitude. If he tried, he would probably die in the process in a flaming ball of flamey death fire of doom death. That's what we thought, except those people I talked about who don't count.
    But then, out of NOWHERE, Janus did what Tentacle Man had never done in all his years of his awesome rain of awesome tentacly awesome--something suggested to Pohuaki time and time again only to be batted aside by one of his oh-so-awesome tentacular limbs...
    He slaymanated the revival limit for Artwork III, thus plunging the forum into a pool of immortallizationary win.
    And in doing so, he immediately gained respect in the eyes of the Comicrafters, myself included, as well as the rest of their body parts too. Except for my little toe. He hates everyone. Very nasty guy. I tried to take him to therapy but he threatened to kill me.
    Aaaanyway, Janus respect comicpeople eyes yeah that's where I left off.
    Although he could never get near to Pohuaki's level of awesamazingnessuperifficationitude without dying in that flaming ball of flamey death fire of doom death we talked about, he got as close as he could without that happening to him. And for that, he earned all of our respects. Hopefully he will someday travel to a land where respects are redeemable as cash, for if he did he would be a very rich man. Actually, I'm not quite sure what the exchange rate for respects to moneys is, so he might not be. But he'll definitely be richer than before unless it's worth less than actual money, in which case I would be very sorry for all of the people who live in such a land where respects are not worth anything, for that would be a very disrespectful land indeed.
    oh wait i just remembered that i was talking about how i was supposed to finish my ap chem lab oh wait whoops got to go it's a quarter before a quarter after one and i've got to finish my homework now
  10. Tavakai
    Those of you who read my comics likely know that I will have a new form and a new name in season two. I had created the new form a while ago, but was stuck on the name for some time. At my family reunion a couple weeks ago, I met up with two of my cousins, who like Bionicle. The older of the two writes a ton of Bionicle stories--he's entering the Core War contest--and thought of a name for me to use which I like more and more as I think about it.
    However, with upcoming guest star appearances (such as Dark709's comics, though that might take a while) and Gerlicky's new TMU series, I have been wondering whether to use my new form and name for them. It would spoil part of the movie, at least the name, but in the case of PGS spots, the form wouldn't have to be changed later on, and GS spots will be up to date.
    This is where you come in. Should I reveal it? Yes or no.
    Current Votes:
    Yes: 0
    No: 0
  11. Tavakai
    Candy, peanuts, and an orange (everyone at my house gets these in their stocking every year)
    $30 gift card to Fry's
    A gray shirt
    A Super Mario shirt
    Harry Potter 2012 calendar (third Harry Potter calendar I've had in a row)
    Phone (has an Internet browser, and while I mostly prefer the 3DS one, this one can play videos online, which is a plus) - this is also my first phone ever
    Netflix (this applies to my whole family)
    Chuck seasons 3-4 (going to try to watch these, than catch up on season 5 so I can watch this show as it comes out before it ends)
    Cowboys and Aliens (opened and watched on Christmas Eve)
    probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting
  12. Tavakai
    So, had my last day of school of the year. Feels great. Had a party with breakfast, had Super Lunch (extra long lunch that everyone has at the same time), went to a video game party during lunch, and sang Christmas songs in Japanese.
    Also, got Mario Kart 7 about a week ago. Every character unlocked, triple stars in 50-100cc, at least one star in every cup, and 1600+ coins. I feel the same way about this game as I did when I saw the E3 preview--I love it.
  13. Tavakai
    Well, here's my blog again. The name comes from a painting in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix video game. The password to get into its passageway is "flaming earwigs," and the portrait either says, "Aah! They're everywhere!" or "They're watching us. They're all watching us!"
    So BZP's back on, and I'm really happy. It really counteracts something that happened earlier today...
    See, I don't know how to swim. Don't make fun of me; just as Gavla is bad at grammar, I can't swim. So, for the second time in my life (the first when I was seven), I have to go through swimming classes. The only difference is that it's a one-on-one class.
    One really annoying thing is that if you're under fifteen, you have to use the kids' locker rooms. I turn fifteen in less than three months. (November 7; remember that! It's always exactly a week after Halloween!) And I'm somewhere between 6'1" and 6'2". So I went into the locker room, and there were a bunch of screaming little kids that were all really short.
    Anyway, the class wasn't too hard. The teacher just had me get used to the water and put my face in a bit. Hopefully I'll learn to swim and won't be stuck as a Tenderfoot (the first rank in Boy Scouts) for more than three years; three years being at the end of this year.
    Also, I don't have too long before school starts, so I'm going to have to get back to making comics. At least I'm not obsessed with Pokemon anymore...
  14. Tavakai
    It was a good week this week. I sure made good use of those rank images. I made about 200 posts.
    So that took me up to the 2100s, and I might go Premier at 2600 because that's when the rank images start getting awesome.
    Anyway, head over to my C3 exhibit to see some stuff.
    So when I'm back here, I'll either have 2600+ posts or BZP will have been around for a decade. Or some other significant thing happened that I decided to go Premier because of.
    I'm a bit sad that I got no comments so far this year, but oh well. I suppose that's because there's a ton of non-Premier blogs running now.
  15. Tavakai
    So, due Monday I have two lab reports for AP Chem, a quiz for history, some questions for AP Chem, and a story for Creative Writing. Did I work on this Thursday? No. Did I spend my no-school day on Friday working on this? No. Saturday? No. Throughout the day Sunday? No. I had to wait until about 6 PM, and then get into a Skype conversation with people.
    Fortunately that's over now, so I can--hey wait, I'm writing a blog entry. There I go again! D=
    EDIT: Oh boy. It's 2 AM, and I'm done. Time to go to bed.
  16. Tavakai
    Well, I don't know if this will last past the BZP-versarry time frame, but if it doesn't, I'll add an entry every day.
    Stuff I'll do: (* Means I'm thinking about it, so I'm not sure)
    --Inside info about my sprite comics.*
    --Various other stuff.
    Was that specific enough?
  17. Tavakai
    Well, time to say goodbye to my blog. It was a good three entries this year. And here's that logo I promised in a comment on the last entry:

    I was going to post a video involving a pile of noobs with googly eyes, but I seem to have forgotten to put it on my USB today. Perhaps next time I get on BZP.
    Also, Tavakai personality spoiler:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «i liek pikkels 
    Not a food obsession, just based on real life. If I see a pickle, I'm going to eat it, unless of course it's on the ground or in some other disgusting condition. Sweet pickles, though, not dill pickles. I don't want noobs making fan comics for either me or Dark709 where I eat Sir Pickles. He's definitely not a sweet pickle.
    Also, anyone know how to do a good fading animation? In GIMP, that is. I know next to nothing about animating in there, and I'm at a point in my movie where I need to do some fading stuff to move on.
  18. Tavakai
    Do you have some questions? Do you not feel like asking them in the other Ask entries? Are you just bored out of your mind and wandering on BZPower? Do you want money?
    Well, I can't help you on that last one.
    But if you want to ask me questions, go ahead.
  19. Tavakai
    So, a couple weeks back, our TV quit working. It wouldn't turn on; acted like it was trying to and there was this light flashing.
    So yesterday, me and my stepdad went upstairs to grab another TV (we have several; not because we're rich or anything, we just had a couple my mom and stepdad each had before they were married, and some we've gotten from other people over the years for some reason--only two have cable), and we took it downstairs. Then we turned around the broken TV, unplugged the stuff from it (we have a pretty complicatedly-wired stereo thing with a FiOs box, a DVD player, a VCR, and a Roku box all hooked up to it) and plugged it into the other TV. I got it to work, then happened to press the power button on the FiOs remote--which also affects the TV--and the broken TV turned on.
    So yeah, then we hooked everything back up to that TV and carried the other TV back upstairs. We did all of that annoying carrying-a-TV-up-and-down-stairs work for nothing.
    Oh, and an hour or two ago the zombie TV died on us again. XD
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