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Status Updates posted by Rumor

  1. Yeha school is pretty annoying, what grade are you in? im in 11th

  2. it rained all da for us to I went to the doctor and he he said i good slowly have my arm back and get flexibility back in my leg! :D

  3. I get hurt easily, why did you jump over a wall?

  4. do I need to resend my takanuva audition? Also I sent my teridax and rahkshi stuff together do I need to resend them?

  5. I don't think I'll get them but I may follow the story a bit

  6. Oh great lewa krom, I have another query about voice acting,

    How does the auditioning go?

    and when will more characters be avalible to auditon for?

    Thank you for your time

  7. The wii is good but im an xbox man myself

  8. oh well... i have a a high metabolism so im about 90lbs but im only 4 ft 6in so... i have a healthy weight

  9. yeah, I'm going back to school full time now and we hope to finish filming wedensday

  10. why thank you did you check out the crossing? andhow about BBc 57?

  11. i mean thursday

  12. i saw it yesterday boy THAT was an epic tale...

  13. cool, i copied a multiplayer version of halo from this guys jump drive it's okay, who is your best smash bros character?

  14. cool, your schooled online?

  15. i'm public schooled when i'm not hurt, did you hear about bionicles' set death?

  16. Rumor

    holy molly youi changed your name!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. it's about this guy who tries to become a superhero after his dad dies and has all these cool gadgets and stuff

  18. so how do you do?

  19. yeah bend able arms, thayt would be the life

  20. yeah when ackar says he's got plenty of shields

  21. I sent the takanuva one on the 25 of january and teridax and rahkshi together on the 28 and terridax is misspelled

  22. thank you for welcoming me to bzpower

  23. Greetings sir i sent you a PM about voice acting and if it does not arrive soon please comment in my profile, if it has arrived already and you haven't gotten to it sorry to bother you

  24. also when animating you must save early and often or bad thin gs could happen

  25. interesting name


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