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Status Updates posted by Ulti

  1. Sorry.........

  2. Could you close my comics.Thanks.

  3. If anybodys wondering,THE LAST POST WAS IN MARCH.

  4. Marty Razor Kirra,The great kit maker of Razor.

  5. Seriuosly i dont.


  6. Dark709 Is A PGS!Woot!Was that out loud...?

  7. Oh.Just a question,Am i still a GS.Cause you said every GS before Toa of Matrix,right?

  8. So I'm still a GS?

  9. Axle 4-12,huh?


  10. Now its like the Wizard of Mangosteen :P .

  11. Ulti

    I think he meant Iron,but it was too long.

  12. Ulti

    Thats right!

    *Imperial March plays*

    Sith FTW!

  13. Behold!The Evil Advertiser that tries to take over the worlld by advertisig things!First,he will strike BZP,Then the inter net,then citys,then,THE WORLD!MUAHAHAHAHA!!

    well that was certanly random...

  14. Ulti


  15. Yeah....PLEASE POST THERE!

  16. 2 words.YOU ROCK!

  17. VHe's trying to take vover the world V

  18. Yes you do.

    Brickshelf account=Maj account as well.

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