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Blog Entries posted by Chols

  1. Chols
    Both the official Hero Factory and My Little Pony topics were created on October 13th, 2011.
    Official Hero Factory Topic has 3 pages of posts.
    Official My Little Pony Topic has 36 pages.
    Does that seem wrong to anyone else?
  2. Chols
    I apologize for the lack of finished MOCs lately. I have a lot of WIPs lying around, but I always stop before they're finished.
    SO, these are the WIPs I have lying around:

    This one is a vehicle of some sort, although the wheels are currently removed. See Flickr page for notes on the wheels.

    This has been sitting around forever. I'm close to finishing it, but don't really like how most of the body has come out, so it could use refinements. It's also paired with this little guy~

    This is a dragon of sorts. There will probably be a body on this tail, or maybe part of the tail will become a body. Also I have even more silver kalmah armor so I can make it longer, but that would just be overkill. Also, this is how they connect.

    I'm finishing this one no doubt, I just need a piece I ordered and then I'll keep working on it.

    Obvious Makuta revamp. Was going to be an entry in MI's calendar art contest, but didn't finish in time. Probably going to scrap that torso skeleton....
    So which do you want to see finished? Got any pointers for any of the WIPs? Any comments you have are helpful. :>
  3. Chols
    Found outside of a Dairy Queen in New Jersey. Found that pretty funny.
    Also I ordered a Midnight Truffle Lizard, but they gave me a Midnight Truffle Blizzard...
  4. Chols
    With many thanks to Jedi Master J.
    (Minecraft name is CholsTheWolf)
    I have no time to play though because FINALS.
    Burning digging stuff will have to wait.
  5. Chols
    You have two hours to get this amazing game at a steal price
    also EA is EAvil for not putting Mass Effect 2 on a flash sale yet. >:C
  6. Chols
    Current amount of funds acquired: $28.00
    If we can get enough materials before the blog trial period ends, we can create a wormhole that we can use to go back in time and thus our free blogs will never expire!
    ...Although this project may cost more than just buying PMship. But that's not as fun as SCIENCE.
  7. Chols
    I just got it ^w^
    This is probably the best HIB deal yet. The basic bundle includes Jamestown, BIT.TRIP RUNNER, Super Meat Boy, Shank and Night Sky HD. If you pay above the average donation, you get Gratuitous Space Battles, Cave Story + (YEAH), and the games from HIB3 (Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, and Any Yet It Moves). I payed only $7 and got all 12 of these games. AND THEY ALL HAVE FREE SOUNDTRACKS. OH MY GOD.
    Check it ouuuut
    Also HUGE thanks to Kothra and MatoroIgnika for gifting me Mass Effect and Plants Vs. Zombies respectively. I love you guys. :3
    tldr: Christmas came early.
    (Also thanks to Zero The Master for telling me about the HIB4 deal. Are you happy now mister?)
  8. Chols
    Making one right now, because, to quote Takuma:

    SO, I've got this so far:
    1) Darksiders
    2) Gmod
    3) Left 4 Dead 2
    4) Half-Life 2
    5) Plants Vs. Zombies
    6) Portal 2 (filler)
    Need 4 more. Recommendations? Preferably nothing too Mature (Okay I guess 1 2 and 4 are mature but at least they aren't sexual or anything). Oh and don't say TF2 because unfortunately it does not run on my PC. ;-;
  9. Chols
    So I know I'm openly opposed to the Cuusoo Bionicle petition and the whole "Bring Back Bionicle" thing in general, but I just came across this suggestion:

    (Yes he spelled Faust wrong and yes The Hub is Hasbro-owned, but beyond that this is awesome.)
  10. Chols
    This game
    is terrifying me
    and I've hardly even seen monsters
    I've been recording all my gameplay too, so if I totally freak out, I'll upload a recording of it.
    But seriously I am totally freaked out over here.
  11. Chols
    I know I say this every year but
    Brisk air, beautiful leaves, perfect temperatures.
    Too bad today was still humid...
  12. Chols
    BZP's back? Cool.
    So what's new with me? Not really much of anything actually. :|| BUT my next break between courses is almost here. :33
    Also I think I have a name change coming up soon, but I might keep this one for a little while cause there's a chance that we can actually have all the troll names on BZP at once (this means you Feferi/Lowtuff and Equius/DDude). :oo
  13. Chols
    If they're not going to give the Glatorian something canon like Thornax Launchers, why give them something non-canon like life counters?
    I assume this isn't a spoiler since it has nothing to do with plot and all, yeah... >.>
  14. Chols
    This is what happens when SPIRIT and I brainstorm. We've got the perfect business plan:
    1) Extract well-preserved dinosaur DNA in some manner or another. Frozen dinosaur corpses would be preferable, though hard to find.
    2) Clone DNA and begin breeding dinosaurs, while domesticating each generation of offspring.
    3) Train them as riding animals and start a rental service called USAUR, with prices starting at $19.99 for in-town travel.
    Not only is this more fuel efficient but it would also be totally wicked. B)
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