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Posts posted by Chols

  1. I can't wait for the new Super Smash Bros to come out. I have all of the previous installments. The only character that I really want to be in the new one is Link.

    On that note, Wolf Link (& Midna?) should really be in SSB4. Seriously that would be awesome.
  2. Okay, just out of curiousity, but how many people here actually listen to the opening theme? Personally, I find it to be the absolute worst part of an otherwise great show, but that's just my aversion to lyrics and intense amounts of sweetness talking. :P

    I like it. It's a nice theme. Sometimes I do skip it though. Also I think they might be planning a new opening theme animation. One of the leaked screenshots that was released with the Luna Eclipsed screens showed what looked like a revised version of the current title animation.
  3. No, NLR just came about because of Tyrant Celestia and people making Luna the leader of a rebellion.

    Ah, gotcha. I thought it was tied to some fanfic or another. I find the whole "Tyrant Celectia" thing silly. Both princesses are nice. D: Luna is the cuter princess though.
  4. BTW, I just remembered. The guy who voiced Snips and Steven Magnets? Lee Tockar? Guess who else he voiced. Makuta Teridax.

    Aw crud now I wanna shop Magnet's mustache onto Teridax. I'll do that some other time. Also Nokama Metru has the same voice actor as Rarity IIRC.
  5. So, who else is excited for Fighting is Magic? I can't be the only one.

    Oh yes. So much better than MvC3 or MK. Now all they need is a MLP version of Deadpool. Also, I found a gif, but can't seem to get it in my sig for some reason.
    Fighting is Magic has ponies. MvC3 has Amaterasu. MvC3 wins in my biased opinion. :B But yes, that fan game looks quite intriguing. I'd definitely play it.
  6. Um. I think it's safe to say that Pinkie is best pony. Yeah.And I severely hope we don't have any closet bronies posting on here. Those guys make me sad.

    131263331410.png Also I've never told anyone irl that I like MLP. Not that I try to hide it or anything, but I just don't like shoving it in people's faces.
  7. You can still use BBCode to enter any font, UK. Although I don't see a way to insert BBCode snippets anymore.... Anyways, I find the new aesthetic kind of bland (for better or worse), but all the new features are really cool. I haven't tried them all yet, but overall they seem to be useful and make this site feel modern. Still bummed that I can't figure out how to add code snippets though. I never liked RTF formatting on the web. Also the potential content block glitches are a downer, but I have yet to experience those issues. All in all it's good to have this site back. Oh yeah and my signature is fried. Lulz.

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