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Status Updates posted by Ultron606

  1. Cool. =D Having fun with it? =)

  2. Cool. I also got a lot of money. Hopefully Tuma will be out soon so I can spend it on him.

  3. Did you ever get your pm sent to Greg?

  4. DUDE, those STUPID PEOPLE comics are seriously funny.

  5. Fine. =) Srry I haven't said anything to u in like forever. -_- Been busy with life. So whats going on? Do u still get on Bzp from time to time? =)

  6. Greetings I am Ultron. Welcome to Bzpower.

  7. Happy belated Birthday, and welcome to BZPower. Hope to see you around the forums. ;)

  8. Happy birthday! =D

  9. Happy Birthday!!! :D

  10. Happy Birthday!

  11. Hello again I was wondering have you seen any summer sets in stores yet? I haven't even been to a store in weeks. >.

  12. Hello I am CALVINATOR. Welcome to BZPower! If you need help with anything just ask me. :D

  13. Hello Mezz. How r u? :) I haven't heard from you and Vaxx in awhile. =/

  14. Hello Neutrak, nice to meet you. :)

  15. Hello, im CALVINATOR, welcome to BZP.

  16. Hi I'm CALVINATOR. Welcome to Bzpower. :D Hope your time here is fun! CALVINATOR OUT.

  17. Hi again. Srry ive been busy. Im moving into my grandparents old house. =D But we've got to fix it up first so i've been moving furniture and pulling up carpets. Tis fun XD So what u been up to?

  18. Hi dude, how have are ya doing?

  19. Hi I'm Calvinator. To PM Mr. GregF you need at least 10 posts.Welcome to BZPower. :D

  20. Hi Im CALVINATOR. I wanted to say hi and welcome to BZPOWER.

  21. Hi MICKSTER. =) How have you been?

  22. Hi welcome to BZPower.:)

  23. Hi, welcome to Bzpower. Hope to see you around the forums. :D

  24. I ,CALVINATOR, also think Halo is the ULTIMATE GAME! CALVINATOR OUT.

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