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Tanu Toa of Earth

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Posts posted by Tanu Toa of Earth

  1. It's really starting to not feel like what Bionicle was. No original matoran alphabet, the masters aren't even referred to as Toa, and why doesn't Arthaka have the mask of creation? I know it's probably a reboot, but I feel like we've lost so much.

    Couldn't they've at least kept the same alphabet? Called the mask creator guy Arthaka? Toa instead of master?

    It never was what BIONICLE was, nor is it intended to be... But either way, this isn't an alphabet at all, just some funky symbols that aren't really worth extrapolating an actual alphabet out of. And that does disappoint me. It isn't the exact content that I miss. It's the concept of having a deeper story. More background for those who want it, and no need to study that background for those who don't want to. This Bionicle theme doesn't offer that second level, and feels generally brainless - moreso than even Chima or Hero Factory. Sometimes I wonder why people can't fix what's broken (too many plot threads to manage) without overcompensating or 'fixing' what is NOT broken as well.

  2. I'm getting a really awful Hero Factory feel from those helm/masks, and the extremely top-heavy Marvel Constraction/HF torso designs look really silly, particularly on Kopaka, who looks pretty neat otherwise. I also wish they'd tone down the massive chunks of metallic technological... stuff - this is Bionicle, not LEGO Bayformers.


    ...However, the "Battle Arm"(?) gear functions look and sound neat, and hopefully the designs will improve from here. Also, hey look, Pohatu is actually brown. And he's... riding a cyclone? That's awesome.

  3. This confirms... pretty much everything I was afraid of with the new reboot. It's a "hard reboot," which means completely disregarding the expansive, mature, deep universe of BIONICLE's first iteration... in this case, in favor of an extremely oversimplified, somewhat generic story... On the set side... well, those are really boring too; almost no new parts, and all huge smooth HERO FACTORY shells where there should be the little technological bits that made BIONICLE's detailing great... Instead, we get lots of bulky HERO FACTORY-style technological attachments tacked on, which make the new Toa versions look like bulky, generic, Bayformers-esque robots... Which, character-depth wise, is probably what we're getting, if the trend started by Chima continues over here.

    I'd love to be really optimistic about this line getting better and not being Chima-like, but unless they do a complete about-face with their design trends and method of appealing to audiences, there's really not much to be optimistic about.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I think the answer to this question lies in something we don't know yet - the nature of the new BIONICLE franchise. If it's a watered-down version, as I suspect it may be, we may end up with something like the HF message board on the LEGO official boards, but with the occasional group of old fans discussing Old!BIONICLE. If it's actually as good as the BIONICLE we all know and love, or at least at the caliber of pre-Rebooted Ninjago, which I doubt but hope for with all my heart, then the forums will just become a lot larger and a lot more active (About what they were before, perhaps a bit less), which would be great.

  5. Yeah, I always thought a Hero Factory game where you could build your own hero, apply upgrades and choose from a great variety of missions (with a main plot and side quests) could have been a great game. It may be too late for that now, though...


    -Gata signoff.png

    That would be amazing. As much as my feelings about HF are mostly just 'Mehh,' this would be great.


    Not sure if this counts, but I also want to see a new MMORPG centered around Ninjago... But not one with boring gameplay like LMO. Instead, I'd like to see a skill system like LU's (But with the addition of some innate character powers), and gameplay more like... er, LU. Not because LU was the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but because I believe it struck the right balance between simplicity and fun. It could've done with less linear worlds, though.



    I wonder if anyone has ever gotten a crack on their mask, then grabbed a Regeneration disk off a shelf and smashed it into their face?

    * facedisk *


    Introducing the brand new Crack-B-Gone Kanoka disk! Apply directly to forehead!




    Quick and easy regeneration, every time!


    Note: Look for authentic "7" power digit before use. Crack-B-Gone and its associates are not responsible for any disk misuse that may lead to side effects such as sudden growth, random teleportation and/or accidental removal of poison.


    Holy Mukau... Best thing that's happened in this forum for a long time.

  7. I hate to be that one person, but... I can't bloody stand these. I was reluctant about chima, now this?! *DOUBLE FACEPALM SNIP*

    My thoughts on this aren't THAT drastic, but, like most new themes (besides The Lego Movie, Castle, and Galaxy Squad) Mixels just feels... weird to me somehow. I don't really know.

  8. Two questions. One, if a disk of, for instance, Speed, was made, what (if anything) would be used to mark it as such, seeing as they don't have numbers for combination powers. Would the disk ID look something like "1(8+1)7"? Because useful combination disks like the aforementioned Speed disk, Levitation, and Increase Weight, would probably need some kind of identificative notation.


    And two, the question that more likely has answers other than "they don't do that," how exactly would some of the stranger combination disk powers work, particularly those (like Rahi Control or perhaps Illusion) that require user control after the power first activates?

  9. One thing I find sad is that there WAS a point where Hero Factory finally started to get some momentum. The Breakout line's story ended with implications that someone wanted to make a "villain" factory. THAT sounded interesting. As shallow as Hero Factory is, there was a point where it was finally going somewhere!


    .... but then they killed any momentum that might've had and are going back to endless non-storylines.


    And with Chima... geez. I don't get why Lego just keeps shooting themselves in the foot, these days. They're playing it waaaay too safe.


    I'd say Ninjago is just the right balance of playfulness and substance. Why they can't do the same for Hero Factory or Chima, I have no idea.


    Dude, this is my EXACT thoughts right here.

    • Upvote 1

    I don't intend to even bother with signing up for this; all of my worst fears about it have been confirmed. It's really a shame to see LEGO go from BIONICLE and LEGO Universe, to Hero Factory and... this pile of scrap.

    Wait, what? Lego has had hundreds of less-than-stellar online games. They've had them since before Bionicle started, had plenty when Bionicle was running, and continued to have them after it ended. I haven't played this, and don't have plans to, since I don't do a lot of online gaming, but at its worst this is a harmless game and not indicative of any sort of decline.


    Lego Universe failed to turn a profit and had to be cancelled, and now Lego is trying something new. Would you prefer that they didn't ever try to make an MMO again? If not, cut them some slack.


    BIONICLE actually has nothing to do with their games. I was just saying that it was another great thing they replaced with something somewhat subpar.


    So a Diablo style TT game like Darkspore with no real customization of your own personal avatar and no free build. Why not just buy the TT games then?


    Exactly. I thought that LEGO was supposed to be ABOUT customization?

  11. Well, there goes what made me like CUUSOO... Fan-suggested themes and Minifig battle packs are two things that LEGO really needs, apparently, considering the amount of licensed or cruddy original stuff coming out of LEGO. And, though of course I understand while new molds are now ruled out, it kind of ruins a few other things as well...

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