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Tanu Toa of Earth

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Posts posted by Tanu Toa of Earth

  1. I think they can look like anything so long as they're the right size. One head, a torso with arms that bend in the middle and at the wrist and have hands with five(?) fingers on each, and legs with a knee joint and an ankle joint with a foot on the end... That leaves a loooot of leeway. Skinny! Stout! A bit taller than usual, a bit shorter than usual, with spikes all over, streamlined like a fighter jet...
    If it was really so, then why do ALL known Matoran in a particular locale (Karzatoran not included for obvious reasons) look the same? Metru Nui, Karda Nui, the Southern Continent (as far as we know at least)...Maybe it's just a trend-type thing?Also, speaking of this, did the "2003-form" "Matatoran" rebuild themselves AGAIN when they returned to Metru-Nui?
  2. You know what's REALLY fun in this game? A Toa of Air in Ta-Koro with an ice gun and a Kanohi of Quick Travel. It'll be even better once all the air abilities are filled in. For now, with that setup, you can just camp on spawn and throw tornadoes if necessary, or you can teleport behind an enemy (or above them!), shoot them, then send them flying a few time (they usually die.). You can also use your Kanohi to fly, though it drains energy. Using the tornado attack to block projectiles is fun too. :) Another cool one is a Toa of Gravity with a Kakama, and an ice weapon--- you can guess what that's for.Basically kills most Rahkshi really easily... and you get a HUGE boost to the surface of the water map if you run towards the slope on the side of the water with the Kakama active. It's a lot of fun to sit just above the water's surface and dunk your enemies... :PI'll update this post with other fun or cool combos as I get them...

  3. I personally don't mind Hero Factory just because I can pick up a few HF sets, mix-n-match until I have some cool-looking custom Heroes, then have a bit of light fun with my little brother--- however, as far as the story, the idea of mass-produced "living robots" is OK, but BIONICLE was far more unique and I don't mind the idea of enemies that basically control all the main forces of evil. Having destined normal citizens is totally fine to me. And as far as the names... you don't see very many foreign names in Hero Factory do you? All of them are just English words or twists on English words... Acceptable in LEGO Universe, acceptable in suitably small amounts in BIONICLE (Jetrax wasn't that great though. :| ), acceptable in LEGO themes where the characters aren't actually that important (Agents, Power Miners, etc.), but not acceptable in this outrageous amount in BIONICLE's replacement.Especially... Speeda Demon? Really? :P

  4. So I was thinking about the latest episode when editing the page for the Golden Peaks, and something came to me...It's been told that the First Spinjitzu Master used the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu to create the world of Ninjago, right? Well, if the First Spinjitzu Master made the Golden Weapons at the Golden Peaks (which are in a distant area of Ninjago), then there must have been something in Ninjago before-hand. Catch my drift?
    Probably the Golden Peaks are just one of the borders between Ninjago and Everywhere Else. I imagined them as being outside of Ninjago altogether, but if you say they're in Ninjago then that's the only real possibility, since Ninjago was most likely a huge, empty, flat desert or something before it was "created." (I usually think of Ninjago as a "realm" more than a whole planet.)
  5. I like the idea of custom bodies, but this MOC doesn't look as good as a standard, boring Toa build (maybe utilizing the Antroz technique to implement the wings) with equivalent gear would would. Try to do proportions at least a BIT better when making custom bodies. As it is, his neck, limbs and body make his mask seem huge and some of the colors are a bit odd too.

  6. It's hard for me to be constructive about those other Toa in that last picture, especially the green one (Windblade?)> Ugh.However, I like the build for this one... very original. Basically, the only major problems are that the legs need more red, and that if there's a way to hide some of those Technic bits that are sticking out then you should probably do so.

  7. LU was a commercial failure, not a creative one IMO - from what I saw from the free-to-play. The creative idea was a good one, it's just that they had a bad business model for it. If they try a different business model, it might work better.LU didn't strike me as poor quality - it was just too expensive.
    Exactly right.Also, I don't get you guys saying this is surprising. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. (But in a different way lol. :P)Selfishly I soooooo hoped they would bring back LU but with a more successful financial model, advertising in better places, etc. but ah well. The biggest problem with LU was that it WAS worth the money, but you had to SPEND the money first to find that out. (As I did, 'cuz I was bored enough lol.) Of course you could kinda say the same about CD games back in the day like LEGO Island, but yeah.The biggest awesomeness about LU ironically was the innovative villainry concept (it could actually work without being multiplayer at all for the most part). I hope this will have something remotely comparable, not just a pure social game as that would be boring. Anyways, interesting. :)
    I agree completely... Really the way I see it Lego Universe "failed" because of rate of update and because of the EXTREMELY limited Free to Play. IMO, if you were allowed to go to Nimbus Station and actually choose a faction, then more people would actually subscribe to go to the charming Pirate and awesome Ninja worlds, and eventually the Nexus Tower and Crux Prime.But anyway, back on topic, I really hope that this game has a similar formula of being family friendly but at the same time cool enough for 11-14-year-olds, and with LOADS of customization and building. If this is just "Go around, do boring things for points of some kind, collect minifig item sets with those points, observe second-rate pop culture references, hang out with "friends," struggle with limited chat, play ###### minigames, hang out some more, wish you had more money for some _____ to obtain access to _____ item/world/area/etc. that you need for _____ and so on..."
  8. Oh sheesh, where to begin.Story-wise, anything after Metru-Nui just... didn't fit for me. The parts were cool, yes, but things just seemed to go absolutely crazy for me. Toa, fighting for their lives and the fate of the universe - oh no wait let's mess around with piraka beasts, squid monsters, and gladiators! (The parts were decent, but that's all i'm giving them. I don't really like the new head style though.)...Gah. I just don't think they should have gone past Voya Nui. Mahri was cool, yes, but things just got a bit strange there. I mean, it was cool how there was suddenly six enemies, one for each toa, in Voya Nui (Kal and Vahki don't count since there were more than just one of each, at least according to the Bionicle Game) but... I think they were starting to go a bit far with trying to get 'launcher' parts. Do people really want kids flicking around little projectiles? And you know that almost every kid disregards that little thing on the back that says 'do not launch at people'. I'm not trying to get all 'mreh mreh kid safety', but i nearly accidentally smacked my sister in the eye with a Zamor sphere back in the day. Plus those launchers were just so fiddly, and i actually literally built a custom little thing at the top of my zamor sphere case (that thing that holds four zamor on top of the launcher) just so they wouldn't pop out whenever i tried to fire. And, both the squid launcher and that whatever-it's-called gatling gun, er, gun, well, they were both really fiddly, the squid launcher i could launch but it just got stuck more of the time. The Cordak Launcher ( At least, that's what i think it's called) could fire, but it just didn't seem right when it did, and it left something to be desired. Plus, the little bullet things got stuck in their slots too often and i could never get them out. (Which is wierd, since i found one or two of my cordak launchers nowadays and i can't find the boolets anywhere.) Aside from the launchers, i honestly loved Voya Nui. The VNOG was fun, the little freetheband games were fun, Bionicle Heroes was fun, all the parts were amazing......Mahri nui just seemed really over-hyped. The games were really bad, and either click-and-point target practice or really weird platformers (I'm talking about you, Matoro. Many times have i somehow gotten stuck in a boulder i'm supposed to push.) The sets were okay, but some things just seemed left to be desired. They looked a bit too much like soldiers or something for my liking. Hahli was probably the only one i liked at this point. (I somehow ended up with two Hahli Mahri sets, actually - hooray, i have two claw pieces.) The main thing that i even liked about this was the videos. They were dynamic and had neat effects, but other than that it seemed really strange....Don't get me started on Glatorians.Are you sure? Here goes...Whoaaa! Now there's gladiators! Now there's a little game you play!But there isn't!Now there is!What's going on?You always miscount that silly little life counter on the back!Thornax always seemed to slip out of their launchers for me...The story was okay for each village, but the whole giant-robots mata-nui himself getting there was really strange to me. Aside from explaining the origins of each village, the rest of the story pretty much confused me. I did, however, absolutely hate the new head pieces. I still do. No backwards compatible helmets! Nope. Nah-ah. No way. Just helmets. For one line of sets....Ugh. At least you can backwards compatible the metru head masks onto the Mata heads to an extent, and vice-versa to an extent.And with the whole robot-fighting story... How is a moon supposed to kill a giant robot that literally CREATED the moons and is supposed to be bigger than anything?And then there's Phantoka/Mistika...I never really understood it.Jetpacks!Vehicles!Pump blasters!Silver ball launchers that are OBVIOUSLY not zamor ripoffs!It was extremely hard to follow the story, and the minigames were just horrible to me.Plus... Hero Factory? To me? Rescue heroes, but you build them.Hero factory.Rescue Heroes.See the likeness, anyone?/end rant
    Excuse the HUGE quote (and the fact that I dropped a GREAT multiquote list for this), but.... Most of this (Pretty much all but the HF thing) I agree TOTALLY with. The only other thing would be the Mistika blasters. I loved those. And Cordak blasters... Yeah, they suck, but ever tried them underwater? Actually pretty amusing, if still a fail. They shoot perfectly well but then the missiles float to the top. AND glatorian... see below.IMO after Metru Nui... wait no after 2004, the story was generally sinking, and so were the characters (until Bara Magna...). I never liked 2005 besides the Hagah and weapons (Mutations: the worst part about Bionicle IMO, besides possibly Nuva), Voya Nui was cool (If only the masks weren't weird...), Mahri Nui was implausible (Plus we got close to NOTHING about everyday life in their Matoran world, not even a game, just Hydruka and Airweed. How can they say that year was about Mahri Nui if Mahri Nui wasn't really included?), I didn't like the Karda Nui story (IMO Mata Nui shouldn't've died like that, if at all)... and then the Glatorian. I actually LIKED them. Although Bara Magna wasn't exactly New Mata Nui Island, it was done decently... including the robot battle. The only problem was how it was cut short. If there was actual time to do a better 2001-style two-sided approach, where Agori stories and Mata Nui/Glatorian stuff happened seperately and eventually converged, then (in the final year) bring in the Toa and MULTIPLE Makuta, then have a final battle. Or something.Anyway, truly on topic... I liked the Phantoka masks (but not the orange), I like brown, I like the Visorak (but I DO strongly dislike the Rahaga and Hordika), I LOVE keetorange, with gunmetal or not, I liked B:TLR, I liked the Glatorian (Metru heads would've been appreciated though, despite the possibilities opened up by top-mounting the "masks") and more stuff...
  9. No, Toa of Fire can't control lava. If they can absorb enough heat to freeze water, though, I expect they could freeze lava into stone by absorbing heat from it.But in conjunction with a Toa of Earth or Stone, that makes sense. Hm, by that logic, I wonder if a Toa of Fire and a Toa of Ice together could control water.

    Ehh... No, somehow it just doesn't seem right though. I can see Fire and Water controlling steam, and Air and Water making a thunderstorm, Air and Earth sandstorm, Ice, Water and Air snowstorm (Or Fire, Water and Air, if the Fire Toa is capable of absorbing heat on that scale), Earth and Fire making glass,, Stone/Rock and Fire controlling lava, etc., but really I doubt that Toa can control other elements, I think that even with combined power, they can only create or destroy them, and that only in certain cases. For instance, Fire/Ice can create or absorb water. 'Ice creates, Fire heats,' or 'Fire sucks heat, Ice absorbs the ice itself' respectively.But, also, couldn't Light and Shadow theoretically create an infinite loop of absorption?
  10. These are awesome. That last group shot is REALLY cool, with Teridax looking like some kind of awesome enforcer commando shadow ally dude. Too bad he isn't really... I love the claws, the Tahu... Pretty much everything. And the HF pieces work better than well here! The only one I'm not feeling so much is the generic Mak - Like everyone said, pulling the seaweed out of his head wouldn't hurt... oh wait... Also, at least from that view, the blaster thing didn't look too great. Just the chain with the spears (Dark Chain of Sharp Protrusions?) would suffice. And the glowing armor... Save that for a Mars Mission ETX tail. Honestly silver, plain or not, would look pretty cool there. I may be mistaking things and being over-critical (and that sword's way cool!), but... Just my opinion.

  11. Hmmm, your post reminds me of something(off topic?): Where do the rebuild pieces, besides the ones that WERE there, come from? For instance Kazi's blue Bohrok eyes (The Mahri Nui/ Northern Continent Matoran forms didn't have them) and the rebuilt Mataran's body pieces/gears/etc. (Geez, where'd those things come from???) Plus, how do the Matoran's systems reconfigure for the smaller/larger/just plain different form? Are they somehow completely modular and universally adaptable?Which reminds me of more stuff: What about transformations? How does that work? And what about Matoran Nui? And what about the end of Bohrok Online Animations where Jaller blushed sitting with Hahli? And what about... ehhh, I'll stop there.

  12. @ those sets: Hmmm.. where'd Nya get that thing? I love how multi-use those crowns are. Also it would be funny if they went fully Power Rangers and created a combination mech out of the Ninjas' weapon-vehicles. Seeing the Jay/Zane thing made me think of it... ELEMENTAL VEHICLES COMBINE! LIGHTNING! FIRE! EARTH! ICE! *blah blah blah* lol.

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