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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    Okay so I've realized I've basically fallen into shadow and obscurity here
    Moreso than before, that is
    But well, the idea is that I'll try to redeem that now :u
    I have this tendency of getting stupidly indifferent about things, so I think a good move right now
    would be to stop taking this place for granted and actually contributing to the community
    I have a lot of artwork going on, and I've also taken up music-making so I should definitely
    have a thing or two to post here
    So yes, here - have this to-be frequently updated blog, on special discount for you guys :0
  2. VampireBohrok
    So I'm not really sure how to finish this thing. Specifically, the head, the shoulders,
    and the back. New (quickly taken) pictures up.


  3. VampireBohrok
    hey everybody, guess what I found in the garbage???? that's right, leaked footage of LEGO's upcoming line, to be released in 2015!!

    just more proof LEGO didn't forget about us BIONICE fans!!
  4. VampireBohrok
    I saw it yesterday. I regret that I didn't see it earlier, because it was definitely one of the best movies I've seen.
    It had pretty much everything, and it was the first time in ages that I really got pulled into a movie.
    The actors were way past great, they did to a high degree contribute to the realistic feel of the movie. The amazing
    animation did as well.
    I liked the way it was arranged too, with the documentary elements that were mixed in at the beginning and at the end.
    I can't really think of anything that I didn't like. Yeah, it defintely deserves a 10/10.
  5. VampireBohrok
    I was bored. I had two Stars sets. What did I do? Well, the following of course:


    As usual, click to see larger.^
    I've got a couple of others too, but I haven't photographed them yet. (I must've been really bored :|)
    also pics suck lol
  6. VampireBohrok
    Rakes on a Plane - People step on rakes resulting in them being smashed in the face throughout the movie
    Crates on a Plane - Features the main character trying to make it through an seemingly infinite barrier of crates and boxes to
    get to the cafeteria
    Both take place on some plane, obviously.
    Thoughts and ideas?
  7. VampireBohrok
    When the watch is opened, that lens can be used as a magnifying glass.
    The entire thing is really brilliant, and a significant improvement to the ugly plastic thing I've been using the past few years.
    I think we can all agree that steampunk is pretty much the best thing.
  8. VampireBohrok
    ... Namely Skrall Stars. Quite honestly, I can't say that I like it very much. All the angles are horribly awkward and
    the long blades and helmet limit articulation a lot. The green is also not spread out enough, just concentrated onto the arms.
    I would actually have preferred if it was a black Tahu Stars clone altough with the same body piece and limbs, but with red hands
    and foot sockets as well as those red Stars armour pieces on arms and and torso. I'd keep the black Kopaka sword, though.
    The pieces will be good for MOCing though, I guess.
  9. VampireBohrok
    wooooo, time for some new art



    [Full Image]

    Vezon is a pretty bizarre guy. I do wish he hadn't turned into a comic relief character, he had a lot of potential
    to be genuinely terrifying even after he was released from his position as a mask of life guardian. Or he could've
    suffered some dreadful fate or something, I dunno. I think he's devoured by Fenrakk when you defeat him in the
    Gameboy version of Bionicle Heroes. I enjoy the character concept a lot anyway, maybe I'll make a few radical
    redesigns for the fun of it.
    About the picture – I should say that the torso was an afterthought, and I think it turned out a bit too small. It does
    portray the overall physique which I intended, though. But in the end this is really only a sketch I worked with over
    a day, at a lack of better things to do. At any rate, critique is very appreciated. c:
  10. VampireBohrok
    I'm in the finals. I'm losing, but I'm in the finals. Didn't see that one coming. ._.
    Well, vote #9 if you want my HAL 9000 to end up well in the finals.
  11. VampireBohrok
    So. I see a dupe of the 'Official Sets Mistake Topic', I report it and redirect eventual members to the official topic.
    In his closing post, SPIRIT says:

    EDIT: I found another one:

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