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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    Okay so I've realized I've basically fallen into shadow and obscurity here
    Moreso than before, that is
    But well, the idea is that I'll try to redeem that now :u
    I have this tendency of getting stupidly indifferent about things, so I think a good move right now
    would be to stop taking this place for granted and actually contributing to the community
    I have a lot of artwork going on, and I've also taken up music-making so I should definitely
    have a thing or two to post here
    So yes, here - have this to-be frequently updated blog, on special discount for you guys :0
  2. VampireBohrok
    hey everybody, guess what I found in the garbage???? that's right, leaked footage of LEGO's upcoming line, to be released in 2015!!

    just more proof LEGO didn't forget about us BIONICE fans!!
  3. VampireBohrok
    wooooo, time for some new art



    [Full Image]

    Vezon is a pretty bizarre guy. I do wish he hadn't turned into a comic relief character, he had a lot of potential
    to be genuinely terrifying even after he was released from his position as a mask of life guardian. Or he could've
    suffered some dreadful fate or something, I dunno. I think he's devoured by Fenrakk when you defeat him in the
    Gameboy version of Bionicle Heroes. I enjoy the character concept a lot anyway, maybe I'll make a few radical
    redesigns for the fun of it.
    About the picture – I should say that the torso was an afterthought, and I think it turned out a bit too small. It does
    portray the overall physique which I intended, though. But in the end this is really only a sketch I worked with over
    a day, at a lack of better things to do. At any rate, critique is very appreciated. c:
  4. VampireBohrok
    One of the reasons I was happy with Helsephyr is that he's so consistent with my drawing style, so here's a quick attempt at a photoshop sketch of him. don't mind the halo thing, that's just for the sake of composition I think. (also oops the head turned out way too flat looking, but it'll have to do)
  5. VampireBohrok
    I'm on the fence about that set really, it has some pretty cool pieces and minifigs, but at the moment there's only one thing that would make me actually buy it.
    so I'm wondering, does anyone know if the set comes with a spare for the tile on Gorzan's chest plate? you know, this one:

    because if it does, I may very well have to buy it
  6. VampireBohrok
    When the watch is opened, that lens can be used as a magnifying glass.
    The entire thing is really brilliant, and a significant improvement to the ugly plastic thing I've been using the past few years.
    I think we can all agree that steampunk is pretty much the best thing.
  7. VampireBohrok
    So I've done some serious clay sculpting for pretty much the first time in my life, as it was required for a school appliance portfolio.

    *Click the thumbnails*
    I think this is a medium I want to continue developing my technique with.
    It has a lot of potential and it's actually pretty fun to work with, when it's not dissolving in your hands.
  8. VampireBohrok
    So yeah if you're an active Homestuck reader you shouldn't be reading this if you aren't up to date

    =About 2 hours of sporadic work
    So this is an attempt at making a portrait of the most recently revealed Homestuck character.
    Just in case you couldn't tell, this being is female and no she is not a zombie or a ghoul or whatever,
    she's a really nice character and has all of my sympathy
    Any thoughts are appreciated.
  9. VampireBohrok
    Okay so I've mentioned earlier that I've gotten into music making. In Garageband, more specifically. The program
    has its limitations but I've found that I can go pretty far with it none the less.
    I've been working on this song for the past few days, and it's a theme for an original character who's basically
    this disturbing skeletal fleshmonster dude. I should have some artwork of him eventually. (He's not that horrifying.)
    So yes, without further ado, please do have a listen to Emissary of Taint.
    Soundcloud Link
    As mentioned in the description there, critique is very appreciated. c:
  10. VampireBohrok
    I love doing combiners.

    Yeah, I had to fiddle around with that last one to let you see it properly, though I had to sacrifice the colours
    Its colour scheme is white, black and yellow, if you didn't figure that out already. =P
    Oh, and the image quality in general isn't all that good, actually.
  11. VampireBohrok
    Okay so I finally got around to deciding what art I should be posting here first
    The thing is, as many of you have probably noticed, I don't really make any complete compositions or anything, it's usually just concept art and such
    None the less, I dug up a couple of pictures that I think would make a good start for the resurrection of this blog

    these two are both from the game OFF which has some really cool character designs
    To the left, we have Zacharie, the eccentric masked merchant, and to the right we have a type of spectre, the main type of enemy in the game.
    (the zacharie one contains a hidden surprise, can you find it???????)
    Made in Photoshop CS5, about two hours each.
    so there we are, do stay tuned for more artwork :B
  12. VampireBohrok
    Rakes on a Plane - People step on rakes resulting in them being smashed in the face throughout the movie
    Crates on a Plane - Features the main character trying to make it through an seemingly infinite barrier of crates and boxes to
    get to the cafeteria
    Both take place on some plane, obviously.
    Thoughts and ideas?
  13. VampireBohrok
    apparently Lego didn't get my phone number, and it took me forever to notice they were trying to contact me, but here we are. now I was thinking, perhaps I should just not open this box just so that whenever someone goes "so what 2015 sets do you have", I can be like "all of them. theoretically." then I'll shake a sheet of paper with Schrödinger's face printed on it right in front of them for several minutes
  14. VampireBohrok
    Initially I hadn't planned on doing the Mistika Makuta, but then Sumiki wanted me to and Sumiki is a cool guy, so here have some Krika.

    It's a bit more refined than the others, mostly because Vezok's Friend suggested that I'd render the previous ones
    out fully in the topic. But as I started doing these as concept sketches/practice, I'll continue doing so,
    but I will be paying more attention to details and values.
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