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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    So I'm back from Barcelona. It was a pretty cool place. I've got some pictures, but I'll
    upload them later.
    Altough the important thing(whatever you may consider important) is that I came back with
    the Neptune Carrier, Wreck Raider and Gresh Stars.
    Altough that's all for now. I'll make up for this quite uninteresting entry by making a couple of
    fun ones next.
  2. VampireBohrok
    Why must the avatars I upload always be horribly low-quality even though they're the right size?
    Oh well.
    Also no colour coding for now. It's a part of my new theme. =D
    Also new banner and av, whoo.
  3. VampireBohrok
    I couldn't quite get back to you yesterday, so I'll do so now instead,
    now that it's all over.
    Anyway, after the pretty late dinner (which consisted of tacos, by the way) there was an
    interlude of TV. I'm not quite sure why I watched TV yesterday, seeing as I never use to do it anyway,
    but whatever. I got a couple of gifts, namely a pair of shirts. But appereantly, that wasn't all,
    because my sister had arranged some kind of "treasure hunt", which was pretty fun.
    So there were a couple of gifts hidden in various cupboards, under pillows,
    et cetera.
    So the things I recieved during that was:
    1. A movie called "The Ninth Gate"
    2. The Seabed Scavenger
    3. Another [awesome] shirt
    And appearently there are some ordered gifts as well.
    And then we had some cake.
    That was pretty much all, I had a good time, but I can't deny that my previous
    birthday was even awesomer.
    I'll post a short review of the Seabed Scavenger as soon as I can.
  4. VampireBohrok
    *Looks at profile* hey, what's up with the a-- oh, right.
    Well, this birthday hasn't been anything spectacular just yet. I got waken up to song and
    candles and stuff, which was a welcome change, since I had been dreaming about making my way
    home in a rainy, muddy weather with a maniac in my tracks. :|
    I got two presents just now, and those were
    1. The [awesome] 9 DVD
    2. A[n awesome] t-shirt saying "You are the target" with some
    stickman in a sight.
    Scinos made a birthday topic for me as well. =D
    But comment here if you're too lazy to click the link.
    So yeah, so far, this has turned out great.
  5. VampireBohrok
    Nah, I'll just MOC some instead seeing as Ancient was a success.
    Speaking of that... 63 comments in 2.5 days!? Crazy.
    EDIT: And appearently Hot Topic 2.
  6. VampireBohrok
    I will have to go to the dental care office again today... They won't attach the braces now, though.
    That'll wait until the next time.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I was bored. I had two Stars sets. What did I do? Well, the following of course:


    As usual, click to see larger.^
    I've got a couple of others too, but I haven't photographed them yet. (I must've been really bored :|)
    also pics suck lol
  8. VampireBohrok
    I won't bother to make a topic for this one. :/

    If I would have wanted to complete it I would probably have put it on a layer separate from the background
    layer, but I didn't want to do that when I made it. w/e
    Comments and stuff are welcome.
  9. VampireBohrok
    I'm in the finals. I'm losing, but I'm in the finals. Didn't see that one coming. ._.
    Well, vote #9 if you want my HAL 9000 to end up well in the finals.
  10. VampireBohrok
    Hm. It was interesting. It was pretty rushed and all that, but I think that it explained things pretty well.
    Now, spoiler time:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Teridax' death was half expected, sure, I expected him to die sooner or later, altough I don't think that I could actually see it happen. The way he died was a bit ridicolous though, seeing as the MN robot actually crashed on the moon that Teridax got hit by.
    And suddenly it's the size of the robot's head. Hmmmm...
    Also, on an unrelated note, the Ancient MOC mentioned in the previous entry is turning out great. And pretty large too.
    I still haven't finished his left arm though, but when I do I'll post it immediately.
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