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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    Went about like this:
    - take subway into central city
    - check the music store Sound Pollution for The Panic Broadcast
    - leave empty-handed
    - walk to another (a bit more general) music store nearby
    - no Panic Broadcast there either
    - ask cashier if they have it
    - "it's late, it'll be here on Monday"
    - disappointment
    - go to local toy store
    - no new sets or affordable discounts
    - disappointment
    - go home
    So yeah, so far, this day could've been better. :/
  2. VampireBohrok
    I couldn't quite get back to you yesterday, so I'll do so now instead,
    now that it's all over.
    Anyway, after the pretty late dinner (which consisted of tacos, by the way) there was an
    interlude of TV. I'm not quite sure why I watched TV yesterday, seeing as I never use to do it anyway,
    but whatever. I got a couple of gifts, namely a pair of shirts. But appereantly, that wasn't all,
    because my sister had arranged some kind of "treasure hunt", which was pretty fun.
    So there were a couple of gifts hidden in various cupboards, under pillows,
    et cetera.
    So the things I recieved during that was:
    1. A movie called "The Ninth Gate"
    2. The Seabed Scavenger
    3. Another [awesome] shirt
    And appearently there are some ordered gifts as well.
    And then we had some cake.
    That was pretty much all, I had a good time, but I can't deny that my previous
    birthday was even awesomer.
    I'll post a short review of the Seabed Scavenger as soon as I can.
  3. VampireBohrok
    More or less three days until it comes out here.
    I don't know what I'm most hyped for, seeing how the graphics and such have been developed or GLaDOS' sheer brilliancy.
    Yeah, probably GLaDOS.
    Oh, and maybe co-op mode. Just maybe.
  4. VampireBohrok
    Let's talk science.




    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

    This is something I've been working on to try the Portal 2 Authoring Tools out. I haven't learned how to create
    the more complex test elements yet, but as soon as I do, emancipation grills, gel and buttons will be added to this map.
    I'm still working on this, so any suggestions would be very welcome.
  5. VampireBohrok
    Man it is hard to come up with a good entry for BBC #56!
    The BBC staff want us to "embrace the pins", but I can't find a good and creative way to do it. Grrr...
  6. VampireBohrok
    I know I didn't add an entry about school starting again, but that's because it wasn't much of
    a deal a week ago. Still, when I had to get up today, it was all "NO".
    But yeah, education is important, so I'll have to live with it two more years until I can choose myself
    what primary education I want.
  7. VampireBohrok
    Okay I have no idea why I didn't post this earlier.
    Well anyway, a couple of weeks ago, the camera I've been using pretty much fell to the floor and broke.
    It can most probably be fixed because the software was still intact, but the lens had gotten separated from the body
    of it completely. So I'm guessing getting it fixed could take a while.
    But yeah, this means that I won't have any MOCs or art up for a while, with an exception for LDD/digital art stuff possibly.

  8. VampireBohrok
    Whenever I encounter one of those small dogs, you know, chihuahuas and their like, they're bound to start yapping at me.
    The last week it has happened like three times. It's real weird... Altough somehow mildly amusing.
  9. VampireBohrok
    yes click that

    I could've entered something like this into BBC#63 but then things were all "ship it do B-fair or be DQ'd" which
    just made me go "nah", living in Sweden and all.
    Drawing the picture was fun though, so I guess there's that.
  10. VampireBohrok
    Decided to get it while it was 50% off, and boy is it fantastic.
    I'm having a great time killing zombies in unorthodox ways.
    I'm VampireBohrok on Steam as well, if you feel like adding me there.
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