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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    We've got a great weather today. Altough it's one of the coldest days we've had this far.
    It's very bright though and a perfect day for shooting MOCs! *Cocks gun*
  2. VampireBohrok
    I'm in the finals. I'm losing, but I'm in the finals. Didn't see that one coming. ._.
    Well, vote #9 if you want my HAL 9000 to end up well in the finals.
  3. VampireBohrok
    I was officially not prepared for this. <_>
    I definitely wouldn't have preferred spending these three years anywhere else though. :3
    This place is the best. But of course it would be nowhere as great without all of you awesome people here. <3
  4. VampireBohrok
    yay it's like bzp's anniversary
    I must say that I'm not sure whether I'll come to a point or even make sense at all if I ramble on, so I'll try
    to make this coherent and not too long. =P
    But yeah, nine years is a lot for a site like this. Not that I'm surprised it has lasted this long.
    It's really an amazing site, and personally I'm very thankful for all that BZP has given me.
    I have met a lot of truly awesome people here, and my inspiration to draw and MOC has constantly increased
    because of all the incredible things I've seen that the imaginitive folks here have created. It has assisted me in
    developing in many ways as well.
    I'm also not entirely sure my interest in BIONICLE would have been intact now if it wasn't for BZP.
    And of course I've got to give credit to BZP's staff for making this site what it is. Keep it up, guys.
    and no i'm not going to say "stay classy BZP" because that phrase is starting to get overused k
  5. VampireBohrok
    If you get to know it real good, Spore Galactic Adventures is a pretty awesome game.
    Also, I can't understand why I didn't start to listen to In Flames a little earlier...
  6. VampireBohrok
    So I got this perfect idea for #58. I'm going to start working on it... well, about now. *cracks knuckles*
    Also I woke up today to find that the snow was back. And the snow we already had just melted. Oh well, it won't last long.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I am, at last, on my way home. B)
    This was a pretty fun trip as soon as you got used to the circumstances, actually.
    Buuut coming home is going to be sweet none the less. Especially since I've had quite a serious
    case of cat abstinence.
    And don't worry, I'll post a summary of the last week tomorrow.
  8. VampireBohrok
    THIS CALLS FOR CAPS AND LOTS OF ANGRY EMOTICONS :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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