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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    I won't bother to make a topic for this one. :/

    If I would have wanted to complete it I would probably have put it on a layer separate from the background
    layer, but I didn't want to do that when I made it. w/e
    Comments and stuff are welcome.
  2. VampireBohrok
    About the replacement line, that is.
    Greg said in the Talkback of Doom that the new line will have the same building platform
    as BIONICLE. That means that we will still get BIONICLE-compatible pieces that hopefully
    are not too different in design.
    I don't know if I'll buy the sets from the new line. It depends on how much I like it.
    My hopes are that the new line is as robotic as the BIONICLE sets are, maybe something
    in the Throwbot/Slizer direction. But I stand with what I have said: BIONICLE can not be replaced.

  3. VampireBohrok
    So I got some information on what's up with my teeth today, as mentioned in the previous entry, and well, it's pretty bad.
    To the tooth-ripping extent.
    So I'll get a couple of different braces and none of them are of the painful kind, luckily enough. I'm a bit worried about
    a couple that looks like it has huge hooks on the sides, but it's probably not going to be as painful as it looks.
    As mentioned, they're going to take a tooth, but I'm not owrried about that. It's going to be over in 5 min anyway. Altough the entire
    project of getting my teeth straight will probably take about 1,5 years. -.-
    But meh. It's not that bad. It's going to feel horrible at times, sure, but I'm going to manage.
    Also, I got Tahu Stars today for compensation of the bad news. He's pretty neat, altough there's too much red on his sword, and
    it doesn't contrast as well with his hand as it did with Tahu Mata's arm socket. That piece of Avtoran head visible under the chin is very irritating as well.
    And also I removed the Nuva shoulder armour from his hand, it clashes horribly. I'm going to put an orange one there instead.
  4. VampireBohrok
    Seriously, I think that we take things just a little bit too serious on BZP
    now these days.
    Reall, why get yourself hung up on something? Even if you've made a mistake, what's so bad about that?
    Things happen, just shrug and move on. Things are just as bad as you make them.
    I've let small silly things destroy my day in the past, so I decided that, "Hey, why worry?".
    You may think that you've made yourself to public embarassment at times, but really. Editing your post is understandable,
    I guess, but collapsing and having a bad day is not.
    Also, try to make difference on things that are supposed to be funny and things that are supposed to be
    offencive. Like if you've made a mistake, and somebody posts a "facepalm" image in association with that event.
    That's supposed to be humor. It may not be that funny, but the person cannot have meant to harm you.
    Oh, and that's also a good idea; try to figure out why the person does this. Why would you've done it?
    Maybe this a reason too why you should not post things like that.
    Actually, this works on some things meant to be offensive too. Not all of them, but some.
    -Hey, that's a silly idea.
    -Heh, I guess it is.
    It works, right?
    I've seen things like this happen quite a lot, so just follow this advice if something happens.
    So, in short, let's laugh maniacally at ourselves.
    No cats were harmed in the making of this entry.
    edit: actually let's just laugh at this entry for a second because it is dumb and impossible to understand
  5. VampireBohrok
    Okay so I drew Antroz too, after I'd posted Chirox image in the last entry

    This one took me about two hours to draw. It was fun to work with contrasting colours here.
  6. VampireBohrok
    BZP's staff have a nature of making kind of vague April fools jokes.
    Well, I guess that everyone agrees on that the two biggest candidates are the BBC contest and B6 stepping down.
    EDIT: Well, B6 stepping down is now out of the game. I suppose that it's a reverse psychology joke; there's no joke and that's
    the joke itself.
  7. VampireBohrok
    Man it is hard to come up with a good entry for BBC #56!
    The BBC staff want us to "embrace the pins", but I can't find a good and creative way to do it. Grrr...
  8. VampireBohrok
    Why must drawing light be so extremely difficult?
    I mean, think of it. Different kinds of materials react different when light is directed at them, compared to each other.
    The way light effects other obstacles can be extremely different too, depending on the light source,
    and don't even get me started on reflections. :|
    There are just so many ways light can appear, and none of its appearances is even close to easy to depict.
    It drives me crazy, I tell you.
  9. VampireBohrok
    I seriously need a tablet. :<

    But yeah, this is supposed to be Irnakk. I decided to take some artistic liberty, as you may see.
    I'm pleased with the end result though.
    But this actually isn't exactly the end result, it will get coloured in due time.

    So yeah, comments are very appreciated.
  10. VampireBohrok
    So, how many of you remember this entry?
    I suppose that it has seemed like I've given up on it and forgotten all about it.
    But that's not the case, oh no!
    So, here's Nidhiki for Xaeraz:

    thoughts kthxbai or i'll unleash my two-dimensional zombie army upon you
  11. VampireBohrok
    ... yes, I know we've seen pics of them already. But now, they're actually avalible. Well, in the US at least.
    Doesn't help me myself much, but whatever.
    I am so getting the Exploration HQ and the Portal to Atlantis. No matter the price.
    The HQ because it can TURN INTO A SUB
    also pieces.
    The Portal to Atlantis because, well, it's a cool set in general.
    also pieces.
    I'll be getting the Deep Sea Striker too. Pieces are awesome here too, not to mention the set itself.
    Who can't love a huge monstrous lobster?
    I am however not getting the Undersea Explorer. Looks cool, but those legs are just WAAHT. Probably would've gotten it if it
    had bendable knees.
    Overall though, these are some awesome sets.
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