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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    My cat has gripped my hand steadily -it feels like having two sharp forks brutally keeping your hand in place- and licks it. And I fear that I won't
    be able to use my hand anymore if I move... ;__;
  2. VampireBohrok
    Initially I hadn't planned on doing the Mistika Makuta, but then Sumiki wanted me to and Sumiki is a cool guy, so here have some Krika.

    It's a bit more refined than the others, mostly because Vezok's Friend suggested that I'd render the previous ones
    out fully in the topic. But as I started doing these as concept sketches/practice, I'll continue doing so,
    but I will be paying more attention to details and values.
  3. VampireBohrok
    So I got this perfect idea for #58. I'm going to start working on it... well, about now. *cracks knuckles*
    Also I woke up today to find that the snow was back. And the snow we already had just melted. Oh well, it won't last long.
  4. VampireBohrok
    What? I didn't read it until now.
    I think it's okay this far. Firing up a new serial this way works better than I would've thought it would, but I
    like Greg's way of writing and the general idea is displayed well.
    But I hope the new characters will prove to be more interesting than they have been to this point, honestly.
    And I can't believe I didn't see Angonce as a new villain coming.
    Also, the Marendar seems very cool and interesting so far. :3
  5. VampireBohrok
    Okay so I drew Antroz too, after I'd posted Chirox image in the last entry

    This one took me about two hours to draw. It was fun to work with contrasting colours here.
  6. VampireBohrok
    I unintentionally went back to the rough style on this one. I might redo it if I feel like it.

    Colours were also hard to get right and I don't really like how they came out.
  7. VampireBohrok
    The sets are pretty cool, I guess. Altough the only one I thought was like "Wow I've got
    to get that one" was Meltdown. His face is so beautifully monstrous and those nuclear goo containers are absolute <3
    Also, I don't really think that Van Nebula will use the black Hydraxon mask, as I mentioned in the Hero Factory topic, it's probably just
    a placeholder. It looks alright where it is, though.
    EDIT: Also, Xplode's face is awesome. :3
  8. VampireBohrok
    I was considering building some kind of mutant Rahkshi. The concept idea was that it should've been green, but I realized
    that I don't have a single Lerahk. So currently, I'm considering these colours:
    - Black
    - Brown
    - Red
    I don't really feel like making it blue. They're pretty much even to me, altough I must say I'm leaning towards red or brown.
    But yeah, my question is: is there a colour to be preferred?
  9. VampireBohrok
    Tomorrow I'm getting my tooth removed, even though I thought that it was about a month left until
    that would happen. Oh well, I can't say I'm too worried. Still, wish me luck, guys.
  10. VampireBohrok
    We've got a small dog running around in our house this evening, so the cat has to stay in my room seeing as
    she's not that good with company of other animals.
    She is not pleased.

    At least I'm happy she's not going berserk as she tends to do when she's in a crazy mood. >>
  11. VampireBohrok
    So I've done some serious clay sculpting for pretty much the first time in my life, as it was required for a school appliance portfolio.

    *Click the thumbnails*
    I think this is a medium I want to continue developing my technique with.
    It has a lot of potential and it's actually pretty fun to work with, when it's not dissolving in your hands.
  12. VampireBohrok
    I've kind of had a lack of drawing ideas lately, and then this idea
    popped up and I thought I may as well post it here.
    So, if there's anything you want me to draw, just drop a comment below.
    Art gallery if you want to know what style I've got, what level I am on, etc.
    It can be a character you've made up, something from BIONICLE, something from a book or a TV series/movie, or something from real life, or
    just plain whatever pops into your head.
    Just briefly describe what you want me to draw, and I'll have it done.
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