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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    They are up :0
    My entry 'City of Wretches' is #7 in this poll. Votes are greatly appreciated!
    On a related note, I may post some character concepts for the comic by the end
    of this week. So if you happen to enjoy the things I draw, do keep your eyes peeled.
  2. VampireBohrok
    I've done seven very sketchy pages and I've just barely gotten started on the story itself. Am I doing it right?
    OKAY PROGRESS: All 11 and 1/3 pages are sketched out, they now have to be inked and perhaps have some values
    adjusted digitally. I think I'll make it in time for the deadline.
  3. VampireBohrok
    I saw it yesterday. I regret that I didn't see it earlier, because it was definitely one of the best movies I've seen.
    It had pretty much everything, and it was the first time in ages that I really got pulled into a movie.
    The actors were way past great, they did to a high degree contribute to the realistic feel of the movie. The amazing
    animation did as well.
    I liked the way it was arranged too, with the documentary elements that were mixed in at the beginning and at the end.
    I can't really think of anything that I didn't like. Yeah, it defintely deserves a 10/10.
  4. VampireBohrok
    Nah, I'll just MOC some instead seeing as Ancient was a success.
    Speaking of that... 63 comments in 2.5 days!? Crazy.
    EDIT: And appearently Hot Topic 2.
  5. VampireBohrok
    You know why I draw?
    Because I feel almost powerful with a pen in my hand. The power to create whatever I want.
    Besides, I'd go insane without being able to draw. Really. I would've broken down long ago if I
    didn't have the ability of drawing that I have.
    Also, if you're an artist, what's your reason?
  6. VampireBohrok
    I've kind of had a lack of drawing ideas lately, and then this idea
    popped up and I thought I may as well post it here.
    So, if there's anything you want me to draw, just drop a comment below.
    Art gallery if you want to know what style I've got, what level I am on, etc.
    It can be a character you've made up, something from BIONICLE, something from a book or a TV series/movie, or something from real life, or
    just plain whatever pops into your head.
    Just briefly describe what you want me to draw, and I'll have it done.
  7. VampireBohrok
    So I headed over to my cousin's this easter, as I've done previous times.
    I got a couple of eggs painted and I thought that I might as well show them up.



    So this is some kind of mutated chicken beast violently breaking out of its egg.

    And this is just a big murderous mouth.
    Also pardon my non-existant skill when it comes to painting. I know I should practice. :/
  8. VampireBohrok
    ...And there starts my third year on BZPower!
    I was deciding between being serious or not on my anniversary, but I decided to be serious,
    so thanks, BZPower, for being such an awesome site with so many awesome members!
    I might make a Flash animation or an art piece or post a MOC, we'll see what I come up with for this
  9. VampireBohrok
    After a lot of tweaking and making the absolute final touches, my BBC #56 entry is done.
    I will have it up tomorrow, by the skin of my teeth.
  10. VampireBohrok
    I have finally gotten black paper to photograph against.
    I tried it just now, and boy is it awesome. Expect seeing lots of new MOCs photographed against it.
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