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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    So, how many of you remember this entry?
    I suppose that it has seemed like I've given up on it and forgotten all about it.
    But that's not the case, oh no!
    So, here's Nidhiki for Xaeraz:

    thoughts kthxbai or i'll unleash my two-dimensional zombie army upon you
  2. VampireBohrok
    Whenever I encounter one of those small dogs, you know, chihuahuas and their like, they're bound to start yapping at me.
    The last week it has happened like three times. It's real weird... Altough somehow mildly amusing.
  3. VampireBohrok
    What? I didn't read it until now.
    I think it's okay this far. Firing up a new serial this way works better than I would've thought it would, but I
    like Greg's way of writing and the general idea is displayed well.
    But I hope the new characters will prove to be more interesting than they have been to this point, honestly.
    And I can't believe I didn't see Angonce as a new villain coming.
    Also, the Marendar seems very cool and interesting so far. :3
  4. VampireBohrok
    First off, I've realised that entering #59 is pretty much impossible at this point. What I was aiming to build hits too far from
    the theme, TTN kinda confirmed that. Plus, I started working too late, so even if the concept would've been allowed, I doubt that I'd been able to enter it in time.
    I'm going to make up for that next time though.
    Then today I found that the Minifigures series have been released. I only found one, though. Grabbed it immediatly.
    At first I suspected it was the Spaceman, but it turned out to be the Magician. Both have that new beam piece, so that tricked me a bit.
    But he's cool as well. Face is win.
    Finally, some real good news. I might end up sending some stuff to Brickfair. Depends on how much it'll cost all in all and if I can package my MOCs
    good enough to send them all the way to America. Hopefully it'll work out.
  5. VampireBohrok
    Went about like this:
    - take subway into central city
    - check the music store Sound Pollution for The Panic Broadcast
    - leave empty-handed
    - walk to another (a bit more general) music store nearby
    - no Panic Broadcast there either
    - ask cashier if they have it
    - "it's late, it'll be here on Monday"
    - disappointment
    - go to local toy store
    - no new sets or affordable discounts
    - disappointment
    - go home
    So yeah, so far, this day could've been better. :/
  6. VampireBohrok
    ... That I can't wait for Hero Factory to come out. Altough it's not going to be here until about a month from now. :/
    I just really want to get my hands on Meltdown so that I can revamp him beyond recognition.
  7. VampireBohrok
    Made this earlier today and thought I might as well take some pics of it in the forest close to where I live.

    Both pics are 1200x800
    I'll be taking some pictures with a white background too.
  8. VampireBohrok
    Rakes on a Plane - People step on rakes resulting in them being smashed in the face throughout the movie
    Crates on a Plane - Features the main character trying to make it through an seemingly infinite barrier of crates and boxes to
    get to the cafeteria
    Both take place on some plane, obviously.
    Thoughts and ideas?
  9. VampireBohrok
    ... yes, I know we've seen pics of them already. But now, they're actually avalible. Well, in the US at least.
    Doesn't help me myself much, but whatever.
    I am so getting the Exploration HQ and the Portal to Atlantis. No matter the price.
    The HQ because it can TURN INTO A SUB
    also pieces.
    The Portal to Atlantis because, well, it's a cool set in general.
    also pieces.
    I'll be getting the Deep Sea Striker too. Pieces are awesome here too, not to mention the set itself.
    Who can't love a huge monstrous lobster?
    I am however not getting the Undersea Explorer. Looks cool, but those legs are just WAAHT. Probably would've gotten it if it
    had bendable knees.
    Overall though, these are some awesome sets.
  10. VampireBohrok
    I was considering building some kind of mutant Rahkshi. The concept idea was that it should've been green, but I realized
    that I don't have a single Lerahk. So currently, I'm considering these colours:
    - Black
    - Brown
    - Red
    I don't really feel like making it blue. They're pretty much even to me, altough I must say I'm leaning towards red or brown.
    But yeah, my question is: is there a colour to be preferred?
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