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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    I was considering building some kind of mutant Rahkshi. The concept idea was that it should've been green, but I realized
    that I don't have a single Lerahk. So currently, I'm considering these colours:
    - Black
    - Brown
    - Red
    I don't really feel like making it blue. They're pretty much even to me, altough I must say I'm leaning towards red or brown.
    But yeah, my question is: is there a colour to be preferred?
  2. VampireBohrok
    ... yes, I know we've seen pics of them already. But now, they're actually avalible. Well, in the US at least.
    Doesn't help me myself much, but whatever.
    I am so getting the Exploration HQ and the Portal to Atlantis. No matter the price.
    The HQ because it can TURN INTO A SUB
    also pieces.
    The Portal to Atlantis because, well, it's a cool set in general.
    also pieces.
    I'll be getting the Deep Sea Striker too. Pieces are awesome here too, not to mention the set itself.
    Who can't love a huge monstrous lobster?
    I am however not getting the Undersea Explorer. Looks cool, but those legs are just WAAHT. Probably would've gotten it if it
    had bendable knees.
    Overall though, these are some awesome sets.
  3. VampireBohrok
    Does it look okay for you Windows people, or is it just a red cross?
    Cause I have experienced that before with some banners that were generally nice looking, and I'd be happy if
    that wasn't the case with this one.
  4. VampireBohrok
    I've kind of had a lack of drawing ideas lately, and then this idea
    popped up and I thought I may as well post it here.
    So, if there's anything you want me to draw, just drop a comment below.
    Art gallery if you want to know what style I've got, what level I am on, etc.
    It can be a character you've made up, something from BIONICLE, something from a book or a TV series/movie, or something from real life, or
    just plain whatever pops into your head.
    Just briefly describe what you want me to draw, and I'll have it done.
  5. VampireBohrok
    I have finally gotten black paper to photograph against.
    I tried it just now, and boy is it awesome. Expect seeing lots of new MOCs photographed against it.
  6. VampireBohrok
    ... from the forum "General Discussion" of BZPower.
    According to my sources, a major event has occured here.
    The ones responsible for this forum has decided to act against a major trend that has
    spread all over like some kind of plague. Apparently this trend was very dull to the population that
    wasn't part of it. We'll get back to you on the trend itself, for we do not fully have all
    information on that yet.
    But the ones controlling things around here made a raid, taking out the trend and sealing it in a building.
    The reactions from the population are mixed.
    Hello there! What do you think of the eliminating of this trend?
    -Well, it was pretty entertaining as long as it lasted. But I guess this is for the best.
    -Indeed. Well, this is all we've got to share for now, back to you, HQ.
    - Thank you, mr. Reporter. Now, here's the weather.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I've been hearing a lot of negative comments about its plot recently.
    But really, was it bad? I personally feel that it may be pretty simple and not very complex, and the idea is pretty
    much a classic. But does that make it bad?
    And even if it would be that bad, the visuals and the design would make up for that twenty times over.
    You can't deny that everything that you can see in that movie is, to put it simply, awesomesauce.
    But really, I think we're just being too picky. And there is nothing wrong with being picky, as long as you can appreciate a movie
    even though it does not match with your idea of a perfect movie.
    I hope that I've made my message clear.
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