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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    My local toy store is getting the new sets next Friday. YUS
    Then I'll definitely go there and get Meltdown. Maybe I'll pick up Stormer as well. Depends.
    Also they had the Portal to Atlantis on display even though they don't have it yet. I think they're deliberately trolling me. ;_;
  2. VampireBohrok
    Hm. It was interesting. It was pretty rushed and all that, but I think that it explained things pretty well.
    Now, spoiler time:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Teridax' death was half expected, sure, I expected him to die sooner or later, altough I don't think that I could actually see it happen. The way he died was a bit ridicolous though, seeing as the MN robot actually crashed on the moon that Teridax got hit by.
    And suddenly it's the size of the robot's head. Hmmmm...
    Also, on an unrelated note, the Ancient MOC mentioned in the previous entry is turning out great. And pretty large too.
    I still haven't finished his left arm though, but when I do I'll post it immediately.
  3. VampireBohrok
    ... If someone in your class complains and asks why you have to be learning the subject you're studying,
    just reply with "You'll need it when you're on 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.'"
    The person will most likely be silent after that.
    Trust my personal experience.
  4. VampireBohrok
    and not just any kitteh
    tis vb's kitteh B)
    You can click the images if you want to see larger versions of them.

    You can't really see the pattern in her face on these pictures, but it's quite cool so here's a pic where it's fully visible.
    See, she's not just a monster threatening to rip your hand off whenever you try to move.
  5. VampireBohrok
    We've got a small dog running around in our house this evening, so the cat has to stay in my room seeing as
    she's not that good with company of other animals.
    She is not pleased.

    At least I'm happy she's not going berserk as she tends to do when she's in a crazy mood. >>
  6. VampireBohrok
    Initially I hadn't planned on doing the Mistika Makuta, but then Sumiki wanted me to and Sumiki is a cool guy, so here have some Krika.

    It's a bit more refined than the others, mostly because Vezok's Friend suggested that I'd render the previous ones
    out fully in the topic. But as I started doing these as concept sketches/practice, I'll continue doing so,
    but I will be paying more attention to details and values.
  7. VampireBohrok
    Made this earlier today and thought I might as well take some pics of it in the forest close to where I live.

    Both pics are 1200x800
    I'll be taking some pictures with a white background too.
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