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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    We haven't gotten any trick-or-treaters at all this evening.
    I'm kind of wondering what happened, usually there's always a heapload of them running around all over the place.
    Also we've rented the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, so it'll be interesting to see what it's like compared to the
    original. I'm remaining skeptical until then though.
    Oh and I'm doing a Halloween-themed MOC. Any guesses as to what it'll be?
    Don't expect me to confirm anything though, hoh hoh hoh
  2. VampireBohrok
    One of the reasons I was happy with Helsephyr is that he's so consistent with my drawing style, so here's a quick attempt at a photoshop sketch of him. don't mind the halo thing, that's just for the sake of composition I think. (also oops the head turned out way too flat looking, but it'll have to do)
  3. VampireBohrok
    I am now holding Meltdown's GLORIOUS box in my hand. B)
    They didn't have Stormer though... That was the only Hero they didn't have. RAEG
    Too bad because I wanted good ol' Melty to have a playmate
    I'll go hunting for him on Sunday though.
    I'll have pictures of Meltdown up later today, so stay tuned.
  4. VampireBohrok
    My local toy store is getting the new sets next Friday. YUS
    Then I'll definitely go there and get Meltdown. Maybe I'll pick up Stormer as well. Depends.
    Also they had the Portal to Atlantis on display even though they don't have it yet. I think they're deliberately trolling me. ;_;
  5. VampireBohrok

    High res


    No idea what to call the fellow, but he'll be a character in a Flash film I'll be making eventually.

    And yeah, the pic isn't done, so I'm open to suggestions and as always, comments and critisism.

    also lol 300th entry
  6. VampireBohrok
    I wasn't genuinely inspired to draw this, I just felt like I had to after I'd done both Chirox and Antroz.
    Therefore it's my least favourite out of the three, but I suppose it's all good practice.

  7. VampireBohrok
    I've done seven very sketchy pages and I've just barely gotten started on the story itself. Am I doing it right?
    OKAY PROGRESS: All 11 and 1/3 pages are sketched out, they now have to be inked and perhaps have some values
    adjusted digitally. I think I'll make it in time for the deadline.
  8. VampireBohrok
    And I am sure some of you won't exactly love it.
    A friend invited me to stay at his summer house until Friday, and I accepted.
    So that's five more days and I'll be back for real.
    But once again, there's a chance I might have access to the internet, so we'll see if I turn up here sometime anyway.
    But in any case, I'll see you guys later. Until then~
  9. VampireBohrok
    I've finished my entry for BBC 58.
    I'll have to use a lot of paper when photographing it, though, because this thing is big.
    I'm not sure if I have such large amounts of paper at hand at all, really. I'll see what I can do...
  10. VampireBohrok
    So I got some information on what's up with my teeth today, as mentioned in the previous entry, and well, it's pretty bad.
    To the tooth-ripping extent.
    So I'll get a couple of different braces and none of them are of the painful kind, luckily enough. I'm a bit worried about
    a couple that looks like it has huge hooks on the sides, but it's probably not going to be as painful as it looks.
    As mentioned, they're going to take a tooth, but I'm not owrried about that. It's going to be over in 5 min anyway. Altough the entire
    project of getting my teeth straight will probably take about 1,5 years. -.-
    But meh. It's not that bad. It's going to feel horrible at times, sure, but I'm going to manage.
    Also, I got Tahu Stars today for compensation of the bad news. He's pretty neat, altough there's too much red on his sword, and
    it doesn't contrast as well with his hand as it did with Tahu Mata's arm socket. That piece of Avtoran head visible under the chin is very irritating as well.
    And also I removed the Nuva shoulder armour from his hand, it clashes horribly. I'm going to put an orange one there instead.
  11. VampireBohrok
    Hm. It was interesting. It was pretty rushed and all that, but I think that it explained things pretty well.
    Now, spoiler time:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Teridax' death was half expected, sure, I expected him to die sooner or later, altough I don't think that I could actually see it happen. The way he died was a bit ridicolous though, seeing as the MN robot actually crashed on the moon that Teridax got hit by.
    And suddenly it's the size of the robot's head. Hmmmm...
    Also, on an unrelated note, the Ancient MOC mentioned in the previous entry is turning out great. And pretty large too.
    I still haven't finished his left arm though, but when I do I'll post it immediately.
  12. VampireBohrok
    That's right, folks - I've been participating in The Three Virtues' third MOCist interview!
    So do go listen to that in the supplied topic link, and preferrably to some of their other episodes too, because they're an awesome bunch right there.
    And also big thanks to Tom and his editing skills for making me sound nearly normal instead of like a stuttering freak.
  13. VampireBohrok
    I'm giving up on my current #58 entry. I aimed way too high.
    The idea was that I'd build an Odex-1, a hexapod functionoid.
    It turned out great, but I didn't have the pieces to finish any of the legs. I was going to build six legs, and I couldn't make one that looked good. So
    I'm giving up. Oh well, I'll see if I can find something that my collection will handle.
  14. VampireBohrok
    ... from the forum "General Discussion" of BZPower.
    According to my sources, a major event has occured here.
    The ones responsible for this forum has decided to act against a major trend that has
    spread all over like some kind of plague. Apparently this trend was very dull to the population that
    wasn't part of it. We'll get back to you on the trend itself, for we do not fully have all
    information on that yet.
    But the ones controlling things around here made a raid, taking out the trend and sealing it in a building.
    The reactions from the population are mixed.
    Hello there! What do you think of the eliminating of this trend?
    -Well, it was pretty entertaining as long as it lasted. But I guess this is for the best.
    -Indeed. Well, this is all we've got to share for now, back to you, HQ.
    - Thank you, mr. Reporter. Now, here's the weather.
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