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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    Fun stuff.
    It is the best if you're doing it really deep into the forest when the weather is damp.
    We did it in pouring rain earlier today, and even though the piece of paper you're supposed to stamp
    slowly turned into an unrecognisable mass, it was a great time.
    I never imagined switching socks could feel that amazing.
    Anyone else liking orienteering?
  2. VampireBohrok
    I had expected it to take longer ._.
    What's important is that it's back. With us. And now we're on to all its little tricks. Also Portal 2 references aside, I don't think
    that's actually possible. BZP is quite unpredictable.
    Oh yeah, and if you're like me and are displeased with the new layout, here's a kitteh to boost your mood. :>
  3. VampireBohrok
    The first thing I want to say in this entry is:
    Man, that 2010 sneak peek is pure awesome. I got hooked directly on those red things with the cannons.
    The second thing is that I've joined the Creed fad. EW's banner is the best one this far, though.
  4. VampireBohrok
    I have to get to school at half past 5 PM... (evening, I'm not really familiar with the american time measure) We're supposed to show up some kind of project to our parents. I thought that they stopped doing that in, like, 4:th grade?
  5. VampireBohrok
    Decided to get it while it was 50% off, and boy is it fantastic.
    I'm having a great time killing zombies in unorthodox ways.
    I'm VampireBohrok on Steam as well, if you feel like adding me there.
  6. VampireBohrok
    My cat has gripped my hand steadily -it feels like having two sharp forks brutally keeping your hand in place- and licks it. And I fear that I won't
    be able to use my hand anymore if I move... ;__;
  7. VampireBohrok
    Where are all the art entries?
    I must seriously start making some art worthy of posting.
    Well, I may as well redirect you to my art topic.
    And no, I don't expect replies to this entry. Not at all.
  8. VampireBohrok
    Spore works on my Mac again, and Creepy & Cute as well as the Exoskeleton Limbs
    work fine. Galactic Adventures, on the other side, does not. Of course. Oh well, I'll just have to figure out
    how to get it working.
    Also, I have a MOC of a Thanator from James Cameron's movie Avatar standing beside me. I'll
    get it up in the not very distant future, so keep your eyes open.

  9. VampireBohrok
    I had another little pleasant dentist session today.
    Oh well, I did get told that they wouldn't have to do any "little treatments" in the future... >>
    Still, I have a couple of remotely fun days in front of me.
    School begins for me tomorrow, too.
    I do hope that some of my classmates have matured some, then maybe this year won't
    be a complete flame war.
    That's hardly probable, though.
  10. VampireBohrok
    I'm giving up on my current #58 entry. I aimed way too high.
    The idea was that I'd build an Odex-1, a hexapod functionoid.
    It turned out great, but I didn't have the pieces to finish any of the legs. I was going to build six legs, and I couldn't make one that looked good. So
    I'm giving up. Oh well, I'll see if I can find something that my collection will handle.
  11. VampireBohrok
    yay it's like bzp's anniversary
    I must say that I'm not sure whether I'll come to a point or even make sense at all if I ramble on, so I'll try
    to make this coherent and not too long. =P
    But yeah, nine years is a lot for a site like this. Not that I'm surprised it has lasted this long.
    It's really an amazing site, and personally I'm very thankful for all that BZP has given me.
    I have met a lot of truly awesome people here, and my inspiration to draw and MOC has constantly increased
    because of all the incredible things I've seen that the imaginitive folks here have created. It has assisted me in
    developing in many ways as well.
    I'm also not entirely sure my interest in BIONICLE would have been intact now if it wasn't for BZP.
    And of course I've got to give credit to BZP's staff for making this site what it is. Keep it up, guys.
    and no i'm not going to say "stay classy BZP" because that phrase is starting to get overused k
  12. VampireBohrok
    I will have to go to the dental care office again today... They won't attach the braces now, though.
    That'll wait until the next time.
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