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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    ... If someone in your class complains and asks why you have to be learning the subject you're studying,
    just reply with "You'll need it when you're on 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.'"
    The person will most likely be silent after that.
    Trust my personal experience.
  2. VampireBohrok
    I was at a museum yesterday, there had been some kind of gingerbread creation contest there.
    Most of the entries were houses or buildings, two or three of them had collapsed, but there was one that was really,
    really cool.
    It was a giant monster snail.
    Appereantly, it had won the contest- and trust me, there was no doubt why.
    The body was mainly sculped out of thick gingerbread, but it was covered
    by different kinds of syrup that looked exactly like slime of different kinds.
    It also had a huge track of slime/syrup behind the beast, and in it was lots of
    slaughtered gingerbread people. Everything was perfectly sculped, the shell,
    the head, the body, not to mention the chess board it crawled over.
    It was really awesome. I might get some pictures up, but I took them
    with my cellphone, and they are very dark, and the quality of them probably
    won't be the best, but whatever.

  3. VampireBohrok
    Title about sums up my thoughts on this day.
    I've had an amazing birthday this far though :>
    I got lots of drawing accessories and also money for Brickfair, plus a pair of Stephen King books, an awesome
    Walking Dead shirt as well as a great headset.
    The day itself has also been better than my usual Tuesday, because class was cancelled in favour of
    going ice skating on a lake. :]
    Yeah, best birthday in a while.
    Finally, I want to thank all of my bros for being as awesome as they are <3
  4. VampireBohrok
    So it's Halloween already?
    I must say, I'm not quite as exited for it as I was last year. Yeah, I love
    horror stuff and such, but this year, Halloween was just another day.
    Maybe because of the fall break or something, but it just isn't as appealing
    to me anymore. In any case, that gives you an actual reason to watch horror
    movies, or at least something in that direction, like Sleepy Hollow, that I myself
    watched. I loved it. Headless horseman for the win, everybody!
    Also, I didn't go the trick-or-treat round this year. I guess that's just another excuse
    to make yourself look like a total freak, but then again, if I want candy or something like
    that, I buy it myself, instead of begging other people for it. And I only buy candy like,
    once a week or something.
    I guess it can be fun, but it's better when people don't expect it, like if you have
    a sleepover in school or somehing. I did that one (or if it was two) years ago,
    and it was great fun. I may do something like that in my new school.
    But after all, scaring people isn't my life. Oh well.
    Well, I'll have something Halloween related up in GA or the BBC soon. We'll see.
    And with that said, all that is left is...

  5. VampireBohrok
    I won't bother to make a topic for this one. :/

    If I would have wanted to complete it I would probably have put it on a layer separate from the background
    layer, but I didn't want to do that when I made it. w/e
    Comments and stuff are welcome.
  6. VampireBohrok
    I just can't describe it. It was so epic, so sinister.
    Yes, that's right. It was released where I live... two days ago. Lolwut?
    What happened with 9/9/09?
    Anyway, that's the movie that everybody in the world should see. *Logical nod*
    9 theme coming up.
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