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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    So now I'm sitting here with one tooth less than when I woke up today.
    I can't say that it was very dramatic. Besides, my dentist is outstanding, and he did his job extremely
    The sequence was pretty simple, I got there, waited for a while and took a look in a brochure.
    The dentist called me in, and I got to sit in one of those classic dentist chairs. There was a short conversation
    about whether I was worried or not, but I was fine so it went on quite quickly. I got the injection,
    it did hurt a bit, but it could have been worse.
    The removal of the tooth itself took about 5 min. It felt perfectly fine, but I could feel a distant
    ache as he carefully pulled out the tooth.
    But the tooth let go with a "pop" after a bit of work and there wasn't more than that.
    The fact that it's over feels great, anyway.
  2. VampireBohrok
    So I've been trying to dig up the asymmetry patch for SPORE for a long time now. My SPORE account has
    been unusable for a while so it has been a pain trying to figure out how to get the asymmetry patch working.
    However, today I did it. And to celebrate it, I created this guy.


    Yes... I'll be having a lot of fun with this.
  3. VampireBohrok
    *Looks at profile* hey, what's up with the a-- oh, right.
    Well, this birthday hasn't been anything spectacular just yet. I got waken up to song and
    candles and stuff, which was a welcome change, since I had been dreaming about making my way
    home in a rainy, muddy weather with a maniac in my tracks. :|
    I got two presents just now, and those were
    1. The [awesome] 9 DVD
    2. A[n awesome] t-shirt saying "You are the target" with some
    stickman in a sight.
    Scinos made a birthday topic for me as well. =D
    But comment here if you're too lazy to click the link.
    So yeah, so far, this has turned out great.
  4. VampireBohrok
    Why must drawing light be so extremely difficult?
    I mean, think of it. Different kinds of materials react different when light is directed at them, compared to each other.
    The way light effects other obstacles can be extremely different too, depending on the light source,
    and don't even get me started on reflections. :|
    There are just so many ways light can appear, and none of its appearances is even close to easy to depict.
    It drives me crazy, I tell you.
  5. VampireBohrok
    ...Can go away now. I don't want there to be piles of half-melted brown snow when my birthday
    comes around. :wakeup2:
    Also, I'm selling twelve thousand tonnes of snow. Anyone interested?
  6. VampireBohrok
    Why must the avatars I upload always be horribly low-quality even though they're the right size?
    Oh well.
    Also no colour coding for now. It's a part of my new theme. =D
    Also new banner and av, whoo.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I suppose it was pretty okay, considering what kind of movie it was. I can't say I loved the representation of Freddy.
    However the main characters did have some depth and the scenery was quite flawless really. Plus the fact that they included a couple of the
    classic scenes. :3
    The insomnia factor was a welcome addition as well if you ask me.
    I guess I'd recommend it, but there's less of a point to watch it if you haven't seen the original.
  8. VampireBohrok
    Spore works on my Mac again, and Creepy & Cute as well as the Exoskeleton Limbs
    work fine. Galactic Adventures, on the other side, does not. Of course. Oh well, I'll just have to figure out
    how to get it working.
    Also, I have a MOC of a Thanator from James Cameron's movie Avatar standing beside me. I'll
    get it up in the not very distant future, so keep your eyes open.

  9. VampireBohrok
    The first thing I want to say in this entry is:
    Man, that 2010 sneak peek is pure awesome. I got hooked directly on those red things with the cannons.
    The second thing is that I've joined the Creed fad. EW's banner is the best one this far, though.
  10. VampireBohrok
    In theory, wouldn't it work?
    If there are small turbines in the blood veins that are connected to a generator or something in that direction,
    it might be possible to by using cables transport electric charges to nerves that will get stimulated by the electrons and make
    a muscle move. I am of course skipping a lot of vital stuff, and it is impossible to get it working using today's technology.
    But it is a pretty cool concept.
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