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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    Didn't really think we'd be without internet on this trip... But that' the case none the less.
    So I'm just checking on things around here from some tourist bureau which happens to have a coupe of computers.
    Not much else going on, though... I guess I'll just have to last the remaining days here. =P

  2. VampireBohrok
    I am now holding Meltdown's GLORIOUS box in my hand. B)
    They didn't have Stormer though... That was the only Hero they didn't have. RAEG
    Too bad because I wanted good ol' Melty to have a playmate
    I'll go hunting for him on Sunday though.
    I'll have pictures of Meltdown up later today, so stay tuned.
  3. VampireBohrok
    So I headed over to my cousin's this easter, as I've done previous times.
    I got a couple of eggs painted and I thought that I might as well show them up.



    So this is some kind of mutated chicken beast violently breaking out of its egg.

    And this is just a big murderous mouth.
    Also pardon my non-existant skill when it comes to painting. I know I should practice. :/
  4. VampireBohrok
    And I am sure some of you won't exactly love it.
    A friend invited me to stay at his summer house until Friday, and I accepted.
    So that's five more days and I'll be back for real.
    But once again, there's a chance I might have access to the internet, so we'll see if I turn up here sometime anyway.
    But in any case, I'll see you guys later. Until then~
  5. VampireBohrok
    So I'm back from Barcelona. It was a pretty cool place. I've got some pictures, but I'll
    upload them later.
    Altough the important thing(whatever you may consider important) is that I came back with
    the Neptune Carrier, Wreck Raider and Gresh Stars.
    Altough that's all for now. I'll make up for this quite uninteresting entry by making a couple of
    fun ones next.
  6. VampireBohrok
    *Looks at profile* hey, what's up with the a-- oh, right.
    Well, this birthday hasn't been anything spectacular just yet. I got waken up to song and
    candles and stuff, which was a welcome change, since I had been dreaming about making my way
    home in a rainy, muddy weather with a maniac in my tracks. :|
    I got two presents just now, and those were
    1. The [awesome] 9 DVD
    2. A[n awesome] t-shirt saying "You are the target" with some
    stickman in a sight.
    Scinos made a birthday topic for me as well. =D
    But comment here if you're too lazy to click the link.
    So yeah, so far, this has turned out great.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I wish doing those was as much of a tradition here as it is for you guys in America. I made small pumpkin only once, and
    that was like five years ago or something. I'd imagine making one today would be crazy fun, the ones I've seen looks like they've been
    a pleasure to design. ;_;
  8. VampireBohrok
    Man it is hard to come up with a good entry for BBC #56!
    The BBC staff want us to "embrace the pins", but I can't find a good and creative way to do it. Grrr...
  9. VampireBohrok
    Consider me back.
    Anyway, I've picked up some sets these past days:
    -Natalie Breez
    A couple of notes:
    Spidermonkey is meh. Fun to mess around with, not much beyond that.
    Corroder is an excellent set. He's grown massively on me since I bought him, and
    it's a set I strongly recommend. He does look better after some minor modifications, though.
    Natalie Breez is good as well, she has one of the best coordinated colour schemes of the Heroes, IMO.
    The weapons look off somehow though, but they look better if they're inverted.
    And that would be all for now. It's great to be back.
  10. VampireBohrok
    Went about like this:
    - take subway into central city
    - check the music store Sound Pollution for The Panic Broadcast
    - leave empty-handed
    - walk to another (a bit more general) music store nearby
    - no Panic Broadcast there either
    - ask cashier if they have it
    - "it's late, it'll be here on Monday"
    - disappointment
    - go to local toy store
    - no new sets or affordable discounts
    - disappointment
    - go home
    So yeah, so far, this day could've been better. :/
  11. VampireBohrok
    So I got some information on what's up with my teeth today, as mentioned in the previous entry, and well, it's pretty bad.
    To the tooth-ripping extent.
    So I'll get a couple of different braces and none of them are of the painful kind, luckily enough. I'm a bit worried about
    a couple that looks like it has huge hooks on the sides, but it's probably not going to be as painful as it looks.
    As mentioned, they're going to take a tooth, but I'm not owrried about that. It's going to be over in 5 min anyway. Altough the entire
    project of getting my teeth straight will probably take about 1,5 years. -.-
    But meh. It's not that bad. It's going to feel horrible at times, sure, but I'm going to manage.
    Also, I got Tahu Stars today for compensation of the bad news. He's pretty neat, altough there's too much red on his sword, and
    it doesn't contrast as well with his hand as it did with Tahu Mata's arm socket. That piece of Avtoran head visible under the chin is very irritating as well.
    And also I removed the Nuva shoulder armour from his hand, it clashes horribly. I'm going to put an orange one there instead.
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