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Blog Entries posted by Axxerous

  1. Axxerous
    Guitar Hero Part One
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: A long time ago....
    Warning! Horrible Story!
    Johnny Napalm walked down the road to a basement where the tour was held. “Yo! Punk! Here to rock?” a dude asked. Johnny ignored him and went into the basement. The band got ready. This tour’s song was, I Love Rock and Roll.
    As they played the song, the crowd roared in excitement. As the song went on, Johnny’s fingers began to get tired. He Hadn’t played in so long. The last few notes were being played. Johnny hadn’t missed one yet, so he was nervous. Finally, the last note was played.
    “Another complaint about a noisy basement. 5 stars, 101357 points. 100% notes hit,” read the newspaper.
    Johnny left the basement. “Yes! 100% notes hit! I’m gonna be the guitar hero!” he said.
    “Not yet. That was only one of many songs you shall play. You might even become a Guitar Legend,” said a mysterious voice from behind the dumpster.
    “You want to go two player to see who’s better?” Johnny asked. Axel Steel stepped out in agreement. Axel pulled out his Gibson SG guitar. Johnny did the same. The other band members got ready. They began to play the song. Time passed. Axel was winning. A crowd had formed. Johnny lashed out some star power to get the crowd over to his side. The last notes were all covered in Johnny as he blaster Axel to guitar looser
    “what were you sayin’?” Johnny asked. Axel grunted and left.
    “Mr. Johnny, I forgot to tell you, but your cut is $150!” said the band leader.
    “Yeah!” Johnny yelled as he walked home.
    To Be Continued...
  2. Axxerous
    The Legend of Fortissimo
    Chapter One Part 1 : Discovering Fortissimo
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 4/30/2008
    As Maxxor was on his way to Kiru City, he noticed something shiny laying by a tree. He walked over closer to it. He picked it up and noticed that it was covered in dirt. He cleared away the dirt and noticed that it was Generic Mugic. He examined it more clearly and read a strange language which Najarin had recently taught him. It read ‘Fortissimo’.
    “Fortissimo?! A Super Rare Mugic! I could really use this!” Maxxor thought aloud. He took his new Mugic towards his home in Kiru City.
    When he arrived home, he was surprised to see Heptadd there. “I bring news. Chaor claims to know the current location of the Cothica. We must go after him now so he doesn’t get it,” Heptadd said.
    “I doubt that he really knows where it is, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially now. Gather as many OverWorlders as you can. We’re following Chaor. It’ll give me a chance to test my new Mugic,” Maxxor said.
    “New Mugic?” Heptadd asked.
    “You’ll see,” Maxxor answered.
    As Maxxor arrived at Overworld City, equipped with plenty of Mugic, including Fortissimo, he walked up to Heptadd. Heptadd had gathered quite a few OverWorlders, and they were ready to go. At Heptadd’s nod, Maxxor began to lead the OverWorlders to Glacier Plains.
    “I hope the Cothica can translate the language that covers Runic Grove!” Donmar said with an evil sounding laugh.
    “I thought he wasn’t evil,” Rellim said to Najarin.
    “He’s not, he just is a little, well, strange,” Najarin said.
    Heptadd carried on about what to do when he was to use Allmageddon. Maxxor seemed annoyed, but he edged on.
    As they arrived at Glacier Plains, they saw Chaor leading a group of UnderWorlders into a cave. Maxxor quietly led the OverWorlders into it. They saw the shadows of UnderWorlders, but heard nothing. Well, not for long.
    “Well, well. Maxxor and the OverWorlders outsmarted again. But do you want to hear the good part?” Chaor said with mockery.
    “You….You! What good part!” Maxxor demanded.
    “This cave is going to crumble, you along with it!” Chaor yelled as his team suddenly disappeared from the cave. The cave began to crumble.
    “That’s it!” Maxxor yelled, scaring half of his teammates, “Fortissimo!” The Mugic activated, and seven loud but beautiful notes filled the air around them. Maxxor grew much larger. He held the cave up as OverWorlders poured out. He let the cave fall when everyone had made it out safely. Even with the heavy rocks falling on him, Maxxor’s energy remained the same. With no words said, Maxxor led the OverWorlders back to Overworld City, and headed back to Kiru City himself.
    The Mugic was there for some reason, and whoever made it Maxxor’s destiny to find it, saved many people. That is the power of Mugic.
  3. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 2: Battle to the Max
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written : 4/30/2008
    As a smaller group of the OverWorlders were heading back to their section of Overworld City, they were stopped by a group of Danians. Arias, Vidav, Xaerv, Bodal, Frafdo, and Donmar just stared. Arias had 55 energy and was equipped with a Vlaric Shard. Vidav had 40 energy, and was equipped with a Mowercycle. Xaerv had 35 energy, and was equipped with the Ring of Na’arin. Bodal had 45 energy, and was equipped with the Gauntlets of Might. Frafdo had 30 energy, and was equipped with the Elixir of Tenacity. Donmar had 40 energy, and was equipped with Mugician’s Lyre.
    The Danian team was composed of Lore, Odu-Bathax, Ibiaan, Junda, Skartalas, and Formicidor. Lore had 25 energy, and was equipped with the Prism of Vacuity. Odu-Bathax had 35 energy, and was equipped with the Elixir of Tenacity. Ibiaan had 55 energy, and was equipped with a Mowercycle. Junda had 55 energy, and was equipped with the Dragon Pulse. Skartalas had 45 energy, and was equipped with a Cyclance. Formicidor had 35 energy and was equipped with a Staff of Wisdom.
    “Why are you all here?” Arias asked.
    “We’re here to finish you off since Maxxor saved you from Chaor’s last attempt at your demise,” Lore said.
    Frafdo shot a Spirit Gust at Junda, eliminating 5 energy. “We can fight you, you pitiful Danians,” he said.
    “Not with such cheasy attacks. Spirit Gust? Puh-lease,” Junda said.
    “I suppose you’ve got better?” Frafdo asked.
    “Windslash!” Lore yelled. Bodal didn’t expect to be the next target, so his guard was down, and he lost 5 energy.
    “I can do that! Windslash!” Xaerv yelled, aiming the giant gust of wind at Skartalas. Skartalas lost his 5 energy.
    Odu-Bathax’s temper became un-calm and he shot a Thunder Shout at Xaerv, relieving Xaerv of 10 energy.
    Frafdo was attempting an attack when Formicidor set him off balance, and Frafdo’s energy dropped to 30. Ibiaan was hit by Formicidor’s recklessness of attack, and his energy dropped to 45.
    Formicidor tried to use a Flash Mend as an apology on Ibiaan, but he wouldn’t allow it. “It isn’t needed,” he would say.
    Bodal hobbled over to Ibiaan and fired a Velocitrap. “Take that you bozo!” Bodal said as if he were winning.
    “How innocently foolish!” Ibiaan said as he eliminated Bodal. Bodal luckily only fell unconscious to the attack.
    After many long battles within the main battle, only four creatures remained. Arias, Donmar, Lore, and Odu-Bathax. Every piece of battle gear was destroyed in battle.
    “Give up Lore, you and your Mechani-Bug should return to your petty little nests,” Arias said.
    “I will not fail Chaor’s request! He wouldn’t be happy, and even though he doesn’t lead my tribe, he still gained some authority, and Illexia has given him every right to destroy me,” Lore said.
    A wisdom challenge was issued between Odu-Bathax and Donmar.
    “Do you really think that you are more wise than me? I mean, who uncoded Runic Grove?” Donmar said, still bragging about his successes.
    “Man, bad attack choice,” Odu-Bathax said as he fell, defeated.
    Out of pure anger, Lore fired a Skeletal Strike at Donmar, defeating him.
    “Arias, if I don’t get back up, ever, please uncover the secrets of Runic Grove, I can’t strain enough how important it is to finding the Cothica….” Donmar said as he fell.
    “You’ll get back up I know, and it would be nice if you could stop talking about Runic Grove for once….Now back to you Lore…How could you!” Arias yelled while using Rustoxic on Lore. Lore was defeated.
    As Arias was carrying his fallen allies to the clinic in Overworld City, he found a Cascade Symphony Mugic. “That’s weird, I’ve never found Mugic lying perfectly in front of me on a road before….” Arias said.
    When he got to the clinic, Maxxor was there. “You are exempt from all battles unless deathly needed. Your duty is done for now Arias!” Maxxor said.
    Arias only smiled and headed out to his open plain to rest.
  4. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 3 : Conflicts Arise
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written : May 2008
    Prince Mudeenu was planning his new team in which he was going to use to get some new mugic. He already had himself, Marquis Darini, Ario, and Biondu. He knew about Maxxor’s new Fortissimo, and wanted it. Even though Mipedians and Overworlders were basically allies, conflicts still would arise. “This is going to be easy“, Prince Mudeenu thought.
    Maxxor sat at the clinic just studying the wounds on his fellow Overworlders. The wounds were worse than ever before. “Danians did this? No, something’s up. Chaor wants us dead. He wants something of ours, but has something that’s taking a blast on us,” Maxxor thought aloud.
    Intress walked over to Maxxor and sat beside him. “Maybe you should send some scouts to gather information. Maybe Mipedians since Chaor will want them dead too, and since they can use invisibility and not be seen,” she suggested.
    “It’s just that I feel a disturbance with the Mipedians. They aren’t acting normal. It feels like Perim is just falling apart,” Maxxor said.
    “Maybe it just needs our Fortissimo hero to grow large once again, to hold it together like you did the cave,” Intress said.
    “How can I do anything if I don’t know what’s wrong?” Maxxor asked.
    “You’ll come up with a way, you always do. I have something I need to go do, so best of luck. I’ll do my best to help out,” Intress said. With that, she got up and left.
    Maxxor brought his fist to his chin, and sat thinking.
    “Ario! You, Marquis Darini, and Biondu, go find that Fortissimo of Maxxor’s, and bring it to me!” Prince Mudeenu shouted at his royal teammates.
    “But the Overworlders are our allies, we aren’t supposed to do any bad to them, especially not to Maxxor,” Ario complained.
    “I don’t care about allies, I need mugic to get me to the Cothica! Now GO!” Prince Mudeenu yelled.
    “But what if we are captured, and never get our Mipedian freedom back?” Biondu protested.
    “Do I care?” Prince Mudeenu asked.
    “Just do as the prince says. We would rather be Overworld prisoners, than Mudeenu prisoners,” Marquis Darini warned.
    Just thinking about it urged the lizard beings to do as they were told. Ario visioned giving a massage to Prince Mudeenu’s giant stinky feet, while Biondu imagined becoming even more of a punching bag than he already was.
    Ario and Biondu rushed out of the palace with Marquis Darini dying to catch up. They quickly made their way to Kiru City making sure to be as quiet and stealthy as they could. Biondu was not very good at this. He made many unusual sounds on the way their, one seemed to sound “wet”.
    With Ario and Biondu using invisibility, Marquis Darini distracted the guards by starting an interesting conversation, and they snuck in. They crept all the way into Maxxor’s Chamber, and were about to grab the mugic when a giant green hand with stripes picked up the mugic and started tossing it up and down in his hand. Ario looked up and saw Maxxor with his Spectral Viewer.
    “Uh...Biondu...”Ario said while pointing at the angry Maxxor.
    Biondu looked up and was no longer confused by the magical mugic vanishment, but he almost cried, and managed to let out a high pitched, “hello”.
    Two guards walked in with Marquis Darini, hands behind his scaly back.
    “Guys, don’t give in now, let’s battle them!” Marquis Darini said as he shook the guards off of his back. Ario and Biondu stood up into position. They were ready to take him. Ario had 40 energy, Biondu 50, and Marquis Darini 35.
    Just as they were set, 65 energy Maxxor was joined by Intress and Tangath Toborn.
    “Okay, well this isn’t going very well,” Biondu said. Ario and Biondu turned invisible and began randomly attacking the Overworlders, mainly with Skeletal Strike and Viper Lash. Maxxor Rock Waved Marquis Darini, and Marquis Darini fell. Intress Vine Snared Biondu, sending him flying into Marquis Darini. Tangath-Toborn Paral-Eyed Ario into the pile of Mipedians. The Mipedians got up and ran back towards their home, only saying, “It was Prince Mudeenu’s idea!”
    “I told you something was up,” Maxxor said to Intress.
    “Well it looks like we will be having a little chat with Prince Mudeenu eh?” Intress asked.
    “More like a long, physical, and painful chat,” Maxxor answered.
  5. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 4 : Shadow of the Day
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: May 2008
    Maxxor and Intress decided to wait on their chat with Mudeenu till the had come up with some nice resolution ideas. The nights was still after they had returned to the palace. The air was rather thick, and it was rather silent. Psimion was out looking around, making sure no one was attacking at the late hour. He stumbled over a few rocks at the Kiru City palace. He kept as quiet as anyone could except for the occasional rolling around of rocks.
    “How are you going to do it? Maxxor and his people are way too protective!” said a deep voice.
    Psimion gasped, but luckily no one heard. Psimion was a very scared person at night, and would fall for every trick. He looked around the corner of a pillar which he was hiding behind, and saw a large being made of stone with streams of hot and orange lava flowing through him. He also saw a large red being with one eye.
    “Magmon and Solvis, what are they up to?” Psimion thought to himself. He waited for a moment, and then he jumped out, ready to fight the two Underworld criminals.
    “Hey someone’s been here all along! I told you we shouldn’t have stopped here!” Solvis said.
    Psimion began attacking the two with several attacks, his favorite being Thunder Shout, and he had a Cyclance on him. Solvis fell down and hit a tree.
    “Man, these trees are always getting in the way!” Solvis said as he stood back up.
    Psimion finally got to his Shadow Strike attack, and used it. When he used it, something strange happened. He turned into a shadow, and the attacks did more damage than usual. Magmon and Solvis were defeated, and captured as prisoners by Velreth and Dractyl when they made it outside.
    “Hey Velreth!” Psimion yelled. No answer. “Dractyl?” he said even louder. No answer. Psimion floated away confused. He wondered why he turned into a shadow after using Shadow Strike. Usually if that happens, you return to normal after the attack has paid it’s toll on your enemy. He wandered over to Najarin’s place to see if Najarin could see or hear him. “Hey Najarin!” Psimion yelled.
    “Hey! Don’t be so obnoxiously loud in this place!” Najarin replied. He looked at Psimion and looked worried for a moment, but then his expression turned to anger. “I can hardly believe it. Psimion. The nice guy,” he said.
    “What do you mean? What can’t you believe?” Psimion asked.
    “When the Shadow Strike attack turns it’s user into a shadow that only certain Mugicians can see and hear, it means that the user of the attack has evil, great evil, within them,” Najarin replied.
    “Great evil? How could I have great evil within me?” Psimion asked.
    “It is probably hiding itself in your soul so that one day it can come loose and endanger our world,” Najarin said.
    “There is evil hiding within me? How do I get it out? I can’t live knowing evil resides inside me!” Psimion said while starting to shake in fear.
    “The only way to remove this evil is for you to face it yourself. You must fight your enemy!” Najarin said.
    “How could I fight an enemy that lives inside me?” Psimion asked, looking very worried.
    “You have to admit to know it’s presence, and you must challenge it! Evil never backs down to a challenge!” Najarin answered.
    Psimion’s expression turned serious. After looking at the ground for a moment, his head rose and he looked straight into thin air. “I know you are there evil, now I challenge you to prove to me your power!” he said. Suddenly Psimion became flesh again, but the shadow only moved in front of him.
    “Ask and you shall receive! Fight till the death!” yelled the shadow.
    “You are evil, and evil has no authority over good. Return to your place in the fiery pits of the Underworld. I’m sure Chaor could make use of you!” Psimion said, trying to taunt his opponent.
    “You asked for a battle! Lucky Shot!” the shadow yelled. And for sure, the shadow’s disciplines were all lower than Psimion’s. It did 40 damage to Psimion.
    “Nooo! Minor Flourish!” Psimion said while using his only mugic. Seven notes sounded, and Psimion was healed 15 energy. “Viperlash! Skeletal Strike! Thunder Shout! Paral-Eyes! Windslash!”
    The shadow stumbled, for it was down to 5 energy. “How can you be so strong after using so much energy after using so many attacks?” it asked.
    For the first time, Psimion felt his energy flowing away. He hadn’t noticed that he was loosing strength. “Allmageddon!” he yelled as he shot one last unexpected attack.
    “What?!? Noooo!” the shadow yelled as it drifted apart and flew away in the wind.
    “When did you learn that?” Najarin asked Psimion.
    “Vidav taught me yesterday. He told me he sensed an urgent need for me to learn it,” Psimion replied.
    “Orb of Foresight. I see, or he saw. *chuckle* Well, let’s keep our little evil battle between me, you, and the foreseeing Vidav, ok?” Najarin said.
    “Gotcha. I’m gonna go take a minute to think now,” Psimion said as he swung up onto a tree and began to sit in silence.
  6. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 5a : The Infection Begins 1
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 6/25/2008
    Maxxor arrived at the Overworld Embassy at Mount Pillar. He was leading a group of Overworlders who were infected. As soon as they passed through the doorway, they were uninfected. This special doorway consisted of parts that created special laser beams which enter the creatures body, and kill all unwelcome insects. This door was very helpful, but since only one as powerful as it was made, due to lack of materials, the number of infected creatures still increased instead of decreased. Maxxor was saddened by the thought of what could happen to Perim if the case grew worse. And what if it got to him?
    “Go now Jaal! I can’t wait any longer! Infect! Infect them all! NOW!” Illexia screamed. Jaal hadn’t seen her this angry since Maxxor and Tangath-Toborn entered her throne room and were unharmed by guards. Jaal took some tiny insects and went on his way to Kiru City. He didn’t want to upset the queen any more.
    “Agh! How dare you Danians do such a thing!” Bodal yelled as tiny bugs entered his body. He hopped on his Mowercycle and made his way towards the Overworld Embassy.
    When he arrived, he weakly made his way in and became uninfected. He walked over to a nearby table and sat down.
    “Bodal? They got you too? Goodness, what are they trying to do?” Maxxor said.
    “A Danian who said his name was Jaal just came at me all of the sudden. While on my way here, I had to fight the urge to do many things I wouldn’t usually do. It was almost like they were trying to control me!” Bodal said.
    “Control?! This is bad. If any more of my teammates get infected and are CONTROLLED, the Overworlders might really fall to their knees in front of the Danians,” Maxxor said in a worried voice.
    “Maxxor! It’s urgent! Come quick!” called Intress’ voice. Though, her voice sounded a bit deeper...and a bit darker.
    “Intress! Are you ok? What’s wrong?” Maxxor asked as he walked towards the Embassy entrance.
    “Maxxor! Don’t! Intress might be controlled. Have her explain what’s going on from outside the door. You never know who’s infected,” Bodal said.
    Maxxor paused. He looked back at Bodal and realized he was being very serious. Maxxor walked a bit closer to the door, and stopped. “Explain. Why don’t you come in and tell me? It’s more safe in here,” he said.
    “You must come quick! It’s an emergency! I have no time to come in and chat!” Intress said in her newly deep voice.
    “You can tell me what’s going on in here where I can see you. I have to make sure you’re not infected,” Maxxor said.
    “Why do you have to be so complicated? No wonder Chaor and Illexia want you dead,” Intress said in a rather ugly tone. “Vine snare!” Vines bolted at the infection curing door, but the security lasers also stored in it’s main system detected a threat and removed it.
    “Maxxor, she’s...infected,” Bodal said dragging the word ‘infected’ out to add suspense.
    “Bodal, this is no time to be silly. Other Overworlders could fall for this nasty Danian trick, and loosing Intress didn’t help one bit,” Maxxor said, “Perim really is falling apart.” Then, a memory of Intress’ words floated into his mind. “Maybe it just needs our Fortissimo hero to grow large once again, to hold it together...” Maxxor’s expression became serious after that thought. “Perim’s falling apart, but I’m going to put it back together. I have to,” he said. Maxxor began to walk away from Bodal without saying a word.
    “Hey! What’s this Perim falling apart business about? What are you about to do? Maxxor? Maxxor!” Bodal said. Maxxor never once turned back to look at Bodal.
    As Maxxor exited the embassy, Intress looked surprised, but her expression changed quickly. “It’s about time you ca-” her words were cut off by Maxxor’s strong, deep voice.
    “You control her no longer!” he said. Maxxor picked up the infected Intress, and carried her into the embassy. The lasers in the door destroyed the Danian insects, unaffecting Intress.
    “Maxxor? What happened? I saw a Danian and then-” Once again, her words were cut off.
    “You were infected. Ask one of them for details. I’ve got work to do,” Maxxor said as he sat Intress down. Saying no more, he walked out of the embassy, into the open, and dangerous world.
    To Be Continued...
  7. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 5b : The Infection Begins 2
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 6/26/2008
    Skithia was on her way to Khybon’s workshop. She had just left the prison which Miklon guarded, while checking on some prisoners. When she arrived, she paused and folded her arms. She made enough noise blasting open the door with a Torrent of Flame attack.
    Khybon shifted around a few more creations and objects. “Hmm. Let’s see. This goes here and-” he began.
    “Khybon!” Skithia yelled. She now burned with bright blue flames.
    Khybon turned around after he set some scraps aside. “Oh! Skithia! What brings you here? And why did you break down my door?” Khybon asked.
    What? You don’t like my way of knocking?! Anyway, the Danians we had imprisoned for invading territory...” Skithia said.
    “What? Why the worried look?” Khybon asked.
    “They escaped. And Miklon nearly destroyed me on the way in. It seemed like someone was ordering him around. Someone other than you. Plus, he had a few unusual bruises on him, and his skin was darker than usual. The Danians may be up to something,” Skithia explained.
    “Hmm....I overheard a report made by a few scouts a few days ago when I went to deliver some new battle gear to Chaor. They said something about insects and Danians controlling something. Maybe the Danians control insects that infect a creatures body, sending them haywire?” Khybon told.
    “No. I just remembered. I heard an Overworld prisoner speak of Danians, insects, and controlling. The insects infect the creature, and the Danians control the creature. This could get bad. I don’t even know how to un-infect creatures,” Skithia said.
    “Ok, well try to get a new prison guard, and lock up Miklon. Also, find the Danians and lock them up if you can. I’m going to try and build some un-infecting battle gear,” Khybon said.
    “Make it fast. We don’t know how many creatures are already infected. Be careful. Keep your doors locked as well,” Skithia said as she began to leave.
    “What doors? I only had one, and you burnt it up...” Khybon said.
    “Build a new one. You can build anything right?” With that, Skithia left Khybon’s presence.
    Khybon picked up the door hinges that survived the fire, and attached them to a spare piece of wood, which happened to fit the door space. “What a strange creature that Skithia is,” he said.
    Skithia traveled to Underworld City to look for a new guard. She heard loud noises coming from behind a shed. She quickly made her way behind it to see what was going on. She saw a tan colored Klasp attacking Grook. “Grook! Don’t let him touch you!” Skithia yelled.
    “I know! Word spreads around quickly when H’earring listens in on one of you and Khybon’s chats!” Grook replied while fighting for air.
    Skithia thought for a moment. Should she hunt down H’earring and splat him flat, or should she help Grook? She came up with two ideas from those thoughts. “Grook can be the new guard, and if everyone knows about the insects, they are more likely to try and avoid infected creatures! You got lucky this time H’earring!” she said. Then she turned to see how Grook was doing. Klasp was on his stomach, or on his mouth, hands behind his back tied up.
    “See! I tied him up, no hands! Just my power!” Grook said while flexing his muscles.
    “Yep, he’s definitely my new guard,” Skithia said. She then walked over to Grook. “Hey, I have a favor to ask. Miklon, the old prison guard, got infected, and the prison needs a new guard. Can you track down Miklon, and possibly get him and Klasp in the prison, no handed, and be the guard? If you can do that, I’ll go capture the Danians,” she said.
    “Uh, sure, I’ll give it a shot. Be careful around the Danians, we don’t want you getting infected,” Grook said.
    “I know. As soon as Khybon finishes the un-infecting battle gear, we can un-infect all the creatures, and if the Danians are captured by then, we’ll equip everyone with Khybon’s gear, and speak to the queen, face to face,” Skithia said. She looked fearless as she walked away from Grook. Little did she know, the path ahead would be more frightening than she imagined.
    To Be Continued...
  8. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 5c : The Infection Begins 3
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 6/28/2008
    Prince Mudeenu finished scolding Ario and Biondu about failing their mission when Qwun burst into his throne room.
    “Sir! It’s an emergency!” Qwun yelled.
    “What is it?” Mudeenu asked.
    “It’s Brathe. He’s gone wild! He keeps yelling ‘Don’t touch me’ but he keeps attacking us!” Qwun said.
    Prince Mudeenu paled. He had recently spoken with an Overworlder to see what Mugic they would sell. The only thing the Overworlder could say was, “The infection! The Danians are CONTROLLING us!”
    “Sir, are you alright? What should we do? Sir?” Qwun asked.
    “Th-The...The infection is getting us?! Qwun! Get everyone away from Brathe, and capture him, and any other tan, or off-colored Mipedians you see! Don’t touch them, just find a way to lock them up!” Mudeenu said.
    Qwun left immediately. He knew that there was no time to waste.
    Mudeenu walked back over to his throne, and took a seat. He looked to see if Biondu and Ario were still in his presence. They weren’t. “When is war going to end? First, Maxxor wants me to fight some Underworlders, and now, I must fight the Danians to protect my rotten people...Is it even worth it? This infection could destroy me while I am just trying to get it away from my people...” he said.
    Qwun got close to Brathe and stopped. “How am I going to capture him if I can’t even touch him?” he asked himself. He then had an idea, and wasn’t about to reveal it to the enemy. He hopped on a nearby Mowercycle, and attached some kind of technical device. He then got off the Mowercycle and began wiggling a stick on another piece of technology that he had in his hands. The Mowercycle began to chase after Brathe. Before Brathe could react, the Mowercycle leaned over, and flipped over leaving Brathe in the seat. Brathe grabbed a hold of the controls, but they wouldn’t work. Qwun pressed a button on his technology, or his remote, and an impenetrable seat belt strapped Brathe to the Mowercycle. By now, the Danians had gained control of Brathe’s voice as well.
    “Crud! What do I do now? This lizard is useless in a prison!” said the Danian controlling Brathe, using Brathe’s mouth. Brathe struggled to free himself from the Mowercycle, but was never successful.
    Qwun followed the Mowercycle to a nearby Mipedian prison. He flipped a few switches and hit a button. The Mowercycle rolled over to an open cell, unbuckled Brathe, and leaned over, dropping him in the cell. Qwun immediately pushed the Mowercycle aside, and closed the gate on Brathe.
    “Hmph. Easier than I thought,” Qwun said as he left the prison.
    Prince Mudeenu opened his gate, allowing Maxxor to enter. Maxxor walked closer to Mudeenu, and then stopped.
    “We’ve got to team up. You know the Underworlders won’t, se we need to. It’s the only way to defeat the Danians!” Maxxor said.
    “No! I will never fight by your side again, Maxxor! You may fight the Danians alone. We will fight whoever we please, whenever we please. We don’t need your help to rid Perim of the infection!” Mudeenu yelled.
    “That is all I came to ask. Good luck, for whatever you do. I hope you decide to change your mind later,” Maxxor said. He began to walk out of Mudeenu’s throne room.
    Mudeenu had never seen Maxxor not arguing back. He wondered if he had done the wrong thing. It was too late anyway, for Maxxor was already out the door.
    Qwun suddenly burst in through the door. He was covered in sweat and was panting hard.
    “Qwun? Is something wrong? Why do you look so tired?” Mudeenu asked.
    “I just ran from the complete other side of the desert to tell you that Brathe is behind bars! I have a question though. How are we going to stop the Danians from returning, and infecting yet another creature?” Qwun said.
    “That will be my job. I shall challenge the Danians. I will get to their queen and stop this nonsense!” Mudeenu said. “By yourself? You’ll need an army if you plan on getting to the queen. Maybe, you and Maxxor should team up and lead a mixed army!” Qwun suggested.
    “No. I have already turned down that offer. Now I must take full responsibility of defeating this threat. It is my duty!” Mudeenu said, burning with courage.
    To Be Continued...
  9. Axxerous
    Chapter One Part 5d : The Infection Begins 4
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 6/30/2008
    (One Week before the crisis) Dasalin made his way to Queen Illexia. A meeting had been called and was titled ‘Important’. Dasalin knew nothing of it except that he would probably regret it if he didn’t come. Queen Illexia was cruel. After missing one meeting, you might not wake up the next morning.
    When he walked into the meeting hall, he saw every Danian that he had ever known existed, standing there. They were scattered around the outskirts of the main table. Lore, Odu-Bathax, Ibiaan and Skartalas were seated in special Danian chairs at the main table. Dasalin walked closer and saw Jaal come in and take one of the two remaining seats. Dasalin stopped at the front of the crowd, not knowing what to do next. Then Illexia’s eyes fell upon him.
    “Well,” she began, “Will you take your seat?”
    Dasalin looked to his left, and then to his right. He slowly rose his finger and pointed it towards his face. “Me?” he said in a trembling voice.
    “Yes you! Take your seat! Now!” Illexia ordered.
    Dasalin slowly made his way to the last empty chair, which was seated right next to Illexia. A lump formed in his throat, but he managed to swallow it before he was too close to Illexia.
    “Now. You six, Jaal, Skartalas, Lore, Ibiaan, Dasalin, and Odu-Bathax, will start the infection,” Illexia said.
    “Wait. What’s the infection?” Ibiaan asked politely.
    “Ah, yes. The infection. You must know what it is first. Very well. The infection is going to be my newest plan to rule Perim. I will supply many warriors, almost all of you in this room, with tiny insects. You are all currently immune to them but I can change that if I need to. You will need to allow the insects to attach to another creature from a different tribes body, so that the insects can enter their bodies. I will assign certain ones of you to control the insects, which means you will control the creature they infect. Then, we will start a war between the three tribes, and they shall render each other powerless. Then they shall fall to their knees in front of ME!” Illexia explained.
    A faint murmur arose within the hall. One third of the Danians liked the idea, one third hated it, and one third was undecided. The murmuring grew louder as debates spread across the hall.
    “Silence!” Illexia yelled, “now back to you six, you will start the operation. Jaal, Dasalin, head to the Overworld. Skartalas, Ibiaan, go to the Underworld. Lore, Odu-Bathax, hit the Mipedians. Now, as soon as I close this meeting, I’m equipping you six with insects, then you are heading out. Got it?”
    “Got it!” the six said at almost the exact same time.
    Just then, the unseated mob of Danians began firing questions at Illexia.
    “Why do you need to be in control? Life is fine the way it is now!” one asked.
    “I need power, we need power. Imagine a life where Maxxor cowered at the sight of you and offered you his greatest mugic just for food,” Illexia replied.
    “Why can’t we just make peace among the tribes?” another asked.
    “Peace? Peace isn’t possible. Plus, would you rather have Mudeenu saying “hi” to you daily in a world of peace, or would you rather him bow to you and give you new battle gear each day?” Illexia fired back.
    Many Danians began to leave the hall before the meeting even ended. There were so many faces, so Illexia couldn’t remember who to punish. Jaal rested his chin on one of his fists. Skartalas began tapping one of his toes. Illexia returned her gaze to the six.
    “Meeting’s over. Time to get your insects. Come quick. We must strike quick. Make sure to keep the infection unknown for a little while. I want there to be too many infected creatures to be handled by the time it’s found out. Got it?” Illexia said as she handed each Danian a cylinder container containing six insects.
    Dasalin took his cautiously. He looked doubtful as he thought about his mission.
    “Go now!” Illexia ordered.
    Skartalas and Ibiaan were the first ones out the door, with Lore and Odu-Bathax right behind them. Jaal had to push Dasalin towards the door.
    When Skartalas and Ibiaan arrived in Underworld City, the first creature they saw was large, green, round, and his eye was inside of his mouth. Klasp. Ibiaan looked at Skartalas, and Skartalas looked back at him. They shared the same thought. Infect Klasp. Immediately they crept up on him.
    Lore and Odu-Bathax silently strode into the land of Mipedians. Both equipped with spectral viewers, they were on alert. Every time they saw a Mipedian that had seen them, Lore would erase their memories, and knock them out. Then they came upon Brathe. They thought, and then Odu-Bathax said, “Let’s infect him.” Immediately, Brathe was under their control.
    While controlling Klasp, Ibiaan saw Ornanthor running after them. Before he could react, Ibiaan was all tied up, same as Skartalas. Lucky for them, their hidden pockets were not detected in the item scan. They still had the insects, and they still had control of Klasp. But they were locked up in prison.
    Jaal quickly made his way to Kiru City, and began infecting Overworlders. Dasalin snuck off when Jaal wasn’t looking, and headed over to Maxxor’s place, with no intention of infecting anybody. As he walked his way there, he said, “Sorry Illexia. You deserve this.”
  10. Axxerous
    Chapter Two Part 1 : Chaor’s True Motives
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 7/4/2008
    Perim was blooming with plants, for it was the season in which most plants bloomed. The flowers were vibrant in color. The smell of them carried its way into many places. The creatures were already outside enjoying the cool temperature and fresh air. As the scent made it’s way through the towns, being absorbed by the creatures, another scent interrupted the joyful day of the creatures of Perim. It was a rather foul scent. When this scent made it’s way throughout all of Perim, just about every creature returned to indoors. The foul scent grew stronger. It was rather eerie. Bodal had a bad feeling about this smell. He feared the worst. Bodal did have a thing about knowing when he was right or wrong, and it seemed he was right.
    The foul scent came from Chaor. Chaor was making his way towards the Overworld. Rather than taking a pre-made path, he cut through the beautiful flowers, trampling them on his way. Their petals fell slowly from their stem after Chaor’s heavy boot lifted off of it as it headed towards it’s next patch of victims. The stems and petals seemed to rot and wear away very quickly after Chaor’s boot had touched them. It seemed as if fear had even gotten to the flowers and consumed them. Chaor was one to be feared. He could take out five Overworlders in less than a second if it was needed. He may not seem like an overpowered leader, but he is way more strong than anyone has ever known, or even thought.
    Chaor’s intentions were not of evil, but only his way of protecting his people. It was all he knew. It was how he was taught to take care of his people. He may do bad things, but he doesn’t understand how they were bad. He isn’t evil, the things he does is evil. He doesn’t know. He can’t help it. Most creatures in Perim believe he is truly evil because of his actions, but they don’t think about how he might have been raised. Chaor’s past is shrouded in shadows. Chaor is only trying to do what is right, yet people criticize him. No creatures except the Underworlders give Chaor respect for what his intentions are. No one offers to help Chaor find a better way to finish what he wants finished.
    Chaor didn’t care about the flowers. He didn’t have a reason. He just walked right up to an Overworld town. Creatures who saw him began to flee towards a safer place. Chaor didn’t understand why just his presence would bring fear into their hearts. The expression on his face read that he liked how they fled from his sight, but really, he didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t understand. He just kept walking towards a large structure. He looked a lot more fierce and mean than he was. He looked satisfied. He looked evil. Yet, he wasn’t satisfied or evil. The creatures were judging the book by it’s cover.
    “Why do they flee? Why can’t they accept me? Why doesn’t anyone explain when I ask them to?” Chaor thought. Chaor felt like yelling at them, but his recent attempts at peaceful yelling resulted in more fleeing. He just kept heading towards the structure. He had his fingers tightly clenched as fists. He didn’t know why he did it, but it always seemed to happen. It was a habit.
    Suddenly, Chaor saw a young creature standing on the front porch of an old shack used as a home for a poor creature. It looked scared. Chaor felt like yelling at it and telling it to scram, but then, for the first time, before he carried out such an act, he thought about it. He figured it would only make the creature flee, since he would be telling it to. He wanted a friend. He un-clenched one of his fists, and reached out towards the little creature. The creature began to take a step backwards, but a smile came across Chaor’s face for the first time in forever. Not an evil smile, but a friendly smile. The creature started to reach out to Chaor, but it’s mother rushed up to the opening of the shack.
    “My baby! Come back here! Don’t get too close to that monster!” She yelled. The young creature looked at Chaor for just a moment, waved at him, and ran back towards it’s mother. It looked as if it wasn’t scared of Chaor anymore, but glad to have seen him.
    Chaor smiled at the thought of the creature waving to Chaor, but then he thought about what the mother had said. ‘Don’t get too close to that monster!’ Chaor didn’t understand why she had called him a monster. He couldn’t recall any monstrous acts at the moment, so he began to walk again. He also thought about his previous appearances in the Overworld. Then he understood. Four out of the last five times he visited, he had set fire to at least one village, and had terrorized many creatures. He thought he was only destroying threats to his people. He didn’t understand why they would not understand his acts. Just then, Chaor was consumed in rage at the mother. He saw a Danian trooper heading towards the shack with a torch that was lit.
    As the torch which the Danian threw hit the shack, it immediately engulfed in flames. The Danian ran off back to it’s land as soon as he knew the shack would stay lit. Chaor saw the mother inside the shack. “It’s what she deserves!” He said out of his rage. Then he saw the young creature crying outside of the fire’s range.
    Over and over, the creature repeated the same phrase. “No! Mommy! Noooooo!” It kept saying. Chaor then realized, the mother only knew Chaor as a monster and didn’t know his real objectives. He then saw a need for help. He rushed over into the flames and pulled out the mother creature, covering her with his own body to protect her from the flames. He carried her far away from the fire, over to where her child was. He set her down, and waited to make sure she was ok. The young creature’s crying stopped, and it rushed over to it’s mother. The mother looked at Chaor with a surprised expression. She then smiled and thanked him. Chaor just smiled the best he could. He Didn’t know what else to say. No one had ever thanked him before. The child then slowly walked over to Chaor, and reached out it’s hand. Chaor loosely grabbed it, and gave him a handshake. It was the seal of their friendship. Chaor’s first friend.
  11. Axxerous
    Chapter Two Part 2 : The Meeting
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 7/9/2008
    Chaor continued walking towards the structure. The structure happened to be Maxxor’s great palace, in the beloved land of Kiru City. Chaor had some business to discuss with Maxxor, and Maxxor didn’t even know. From a distance, Chaor saw a multi-legged creature quickly running towards the same structure. Chaor froze. He knew what tribe the creature was, and didn’t like it. It was a Danian. After what had been going on recently, Chaor didn’t understand why the Danian was heading towards Maxxor’s place. He had gotten a lot closer, for without knowing it, he too had began to run. He now saw that the Danian had no insects with him.
    “What? Why would a Danian run towards Maxxor without one of those things that infect others? Is this all Maxxor’s plan? Is he doing this?” Chaor thought. Chaor was on his way to speak to Maxxor about the infection. He wanted to know everything Maxxor knew. Now it seemed Maxxor could possibly know more than Chaor thought possible. Chaor still made his way towards the structure. Either he would get some valuable information, or he would put it to an end.
    Dasalin ran as quick as he could to go see Maxxor. He had quietly hid the insects in his bag since he wouldn’t need them as soon as he would get to Maxxor. Jaal still had no idea he was missing. Dasalin kept running. He was about to betray his queen, and all of his people, but he didn’t care. He knew this infection would only destroy the Danians. He didn’t know how, he just knew.
    As he arrived at the building, he saw a red creature quickly running up towards the building as well. “CHAOR!” Dasalin said as he quickly made his way into the building. He saw guards. The guards walked over to him, and took his bag, and tied up his hands and feet.
    “Hey! I’m only here to speak with Maxxor! I want to help! And just so you know, Chaor is on his way here as well! Let me go!!!! I only want to help!!!!! PLEASE!” Dasalin said.
    Maxxor came out of the main hall. “Let him come. I can take care of him if he is lying. Use your strength and ties to capture Chaor. He is going to have to wait his turn.” Maxxor said.
    The guards returned Dasalin’s bag, and untied him. Just then, Chaor burst into the doorway. “Maxxor! Why are you doing this? Why are you forming an alliance with Danians!?” Chaor said. Then he noticed the Danian coming untied from the guards. “Wait, you’re not? Why is he here?”
    Maxxor looked confused. “This Danian says he wants to help. I need to listen to him before I listen to you. Guards,” Maxxor said. Maxxor began to walk into the main hall, motioning for Dasalin to follow him. Dasalin walked directly behind Maxxor, looking back at Chaor every once in a while.
    When they arrived in the hall, Dasalin looked very worried in Maxxor’s presence. Maxxor looked angered. “Why are the Danians doing this. Why?” he asked.
    Dasalin twitched his fingers. “Illexia wants power. She wants to rule all of the tribes.....” Dasalin said.
    Maxxor looked closer at Dasalin. “Why are you here? How can you help?” Maxxor asked.
    “I don’t like what Illexia is doing, so I wanted to show you how it works, so maybe you can start reversing and avoiding it, and maybe use it against the Danians......” Dasalin said.
    “Hmm. I can trust you? How can I believe that you aren’t going to supposively show me the insect and then set it free to infect me?” Maxxor asked.
    “Well, I guess you can hold the canister, but be careful. I don’t know how to open it,” Dasalin said.
    Maxxor grabbed Dasalin’s bag, and removed the container. He sat it aside, still in his view. “So tell me. How does this all work?” Maxxor asked.
    “Well, these special insects contain special venom which is consisted of Danian DNA that can basically change a creature’s type to Danian. It also holds some special mechanics that immediately attach to certain parts of the brain when they enter the body. They allow certain Danians with special mechanics in their brains to control the creatures. After time, if the infection isn’t cured or removed, the creature who is infected slowly becomes a Danian. We don’t know any way to change them back,” Dasalin explained.
    “They turn into Danians? WHAT? Ok, we need to study these insects, and find a cure quick. Once we have a cure, we will produce special insects that will allow us to infect other Danians and make them destroy all of the insects, and retreat. Then we will strike with an army.” Maxxor said, sounding very serious.
    Dasalin looked surprised that Maxxor could come up with a plan that quick. “Sounds good! Except, will you spare the Danians who have no part in this? My friends?” Dasalin asked.
    “Don’t worry. I’m sure we will be able to tell them apart from our enemies. Now let’s get started. I can send these insects off to Bodal while we listen to Chaor. If you can get more insects, I would appreciate it,” Maxxor said.
    “Wait. While WE listen to Chaor?” Dasalin said very worried.
    “He may need some Danian answers. You can get some more insects after we listen to him. I’m sure Bodal can come up with a cure using only these, and you can get the extra insects which will be used to convert to our insects after Chaor is done speaking,” Maxxor explained.
    “Well, I guess I can survive, but only if you protect me from any of Chaor’s attacks. I’m not very strong....” Dasalin said.
    “Deal. I will tell the guards to let him in here. Here’s a note I just finished writing while you were worrying. Give it and the container to Intress. She is right outside the door. Just say Maxxor has a package for Bodal, and she will understand. The guards already told her you are with me,” Maxxor said.
    Without hesitation, Dasalin ran the package towards the back door to the building. He handed it to Intress, said his line, and made his way back to his spot in the hall. Maxxor was leading Chaor to a chair.
    Chaor sat down, and looked at Maxxor with a worried expression. That was when Maxxor realized, Chaor only wanted help for his people. He wasn’t there to fight.
  12. Axxerous
    Chapter Two Part 3 : Chaor’s Request
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 7/17/2008
    Maxxor studied Chaor’s face for a moment. “Well, why are you here Chaor? Why do you look so worried?” Maxxor asked. Maxxor walked over to Chaor’s chair, and stopped.
    Chaor’s expression disappeared. He sat emotionless for a moment. “I want the infection to end. I want to stop it. The thing is, I can’t do it alone. With the Danians powered up with their insects, my army isn’t enough. I don’t know what you two were just discussing, but I hope you can help. I know you don’t trust me Maxxor, but my people really need your help. Just this once, may our armies become allies? Just for this fight?” Chaor said.
    Maxxor’s frown quickly turned to a smirk. “Chaor, you just got lucky. I was hoping you would agree to an alliance, but I was afraid to ask. Anyway, this here Danian has given us a way to end the infection before fighting the Danians! He has provided us with some of the insects, and has explained to me how they work. I have sent them to Bodal, and he is going to find a cure, all the while creating a special venom that will turn the insects into our allies. Then the insects will infect the Danians, and make them destroy all of the insects, while making them retreat! Then we attack,” Maxxor said.
    Chaor’s face now held a surprised expression. Then he smiled. Hardly anyone had seen a heartfelt smile that held no evil appear on Chaor’s face. “That’s great! But, we will need more insects. Anyway, we should let our people know about the plan, so our army can be ready once our plan succeeds,” Chaor said.
    “Yes, Dasalin is going to retrieve more insects once this meeting is over. The queen knows nothing of his betrayal, and we will keep it a secret. Once Bodal gets the cure, I will send some with you, so you can be safe from attacks on your way home, and so you can cure some of your people. I will try to help him get a big batch made,” Maxxor said.
    Chaor stood up. He walked over to Maxxor, and stuck out his hand. “We are in this together, brother. May all the good souls of Perim unite to take down the evil of the Danians! And Maxxor, I heard Mudeenu denied your request for a temporary alliance, but maybe if we both ask, he will change his mind. Imagine. The Overworlders, the Underworlders, and the Mipedians all fighting together as one to defeat such a weak evil. It will be a battle to mark down in the young creatures history books! It will be a great day. And I do believe Mudeenu will accept. May we stand together and win this fight!” Chaor said, filled with a sense of great justice.
    Maxxor grabbed Chaor’s hand, and gave it one strong shake, and that sealed the alliance. They then began to walk towards the exit to go and seek Mudeenu.
    “Hey Maxxor, Chaor, we need that cure first right? I’ll go get some more creatures, and take them to Bodal, but you should wait for the cure, so you can present it to Mudeenu as a gift to prove that you truly want to help, and want his help. So, like the idea?” Dasalin said.
    Maxxor turned to see Dasalin’s excitement. “That is one great idea. Do you mind sneaking out to Bodal’s place to see what he has done yet? You are more safe than we are. Oh, and, thanks a lot for your help. We wouldn’t be able to do this without you,” Maxxor said.
    Dasalin’s eyes watered with pride. He was given a ‘thanks’ from Maxxor! Dasalin was speechless, for he often over-reacted. He nodded and headed on his way to Bodal’s office.
    When Dasalin arrived at the cluttered office, he found Bodal sitting in a chair hidden by a stack of paper. “Hey, Bodal, Maxxor needs the cure as soon as you can get it to him. He wants me to deliver it to him, since I can’t get infected on the way here and back. As soon as I get the cure to him, I’m on my way to get you more insects to transfer to our side,” Dasalin explained.
    Bodal looked at Dasalin with a confused expression. He then smiled. “So you are the brave Danian who took your chances and helped us out? I’m impressed. The cure is ready. I only have a couple more things to figure out before I can re-train these stubborn insects,” he said.
    Dasalin looked surprised for a moment. “I only helped because I knew her motivations were only of wrong, and I knew that someday, the infection would destroy the Danian tribe if I didn’t stop it’s existence. Anyway, man you work fast! The cure is already ready?! Only two more things?! Goodness, I admire you! I wish I was as greatly knowledged as you!” Dasalin said.
    Bodal handed a container to Dasalin. “One drop of this in any creatures mouth instantly cures any infected creature. Tried it on mahself. Oh, there are twenty more containers over there. Each one can cure up to five hundred creatures when full!” Bodal said.
    Dasalin took the container. “Only one drop?! You risked your life?! Twenty whole containers?! Five hundred each?! Wow!” Dasalin said.
    “Twenty one containers actually. You are holding one, remember? Now hurry and go! Get this thing done with!” Bodal said.
    Dasalin quickly grabbed all twenty containers. They barely fit inside of his bag. He ran out of the shop after waving at Bodal, and headed back to Maxxor’s palace.
    When he arrived, he ran up beside Maxxor and told him all about the cure. Maxxor was also amazed at how it worked, and how much was already made. Maxxor grasped one container, Chaor grabbed another. “Hey, you need to give one to Mudeenu remember?” Dasalin reminded. Maxxor grabbed another.
    “Now, let us go and recruit the Mipedians. And Chaor, if you ever need more cure, you know where to come,” Maxxor said.
    Chaor looked at Maxxor. “Thank you very much for sharing your army, and valuable cure with me and my people. Now, let’s get to Mudeenu! We don’t have much time. Give a cure container to one of your most trusted creatures, and let them cure as many creatures as they can. I will drop one off with my people on our way to Mudeenu. We need to keep a container each for ourselves incase we get infected. Five hundred cures will last us a while,” Chaor said.
    Maxxor nodded, and they began on their way. Maxxor handed a container to Intress on his way out.
  13. Axxerous
    Megaman Starforce 1.5
    Written by Axxerous
    Date written: Half a month ago
    Part 1
    Geo was glad that Andromeda was defeated, and that he could live a normal life, or more normal life than it was, once again. He and Omega-Xis always went out on a wave road every once and a while. School was only getting easier ever since Geo made some friends. Sonia stopped by quite a bit now, so Geo and his friends got plenty of free tickets to her concerts. As life became more perfect, Geo began to feel as if something was going to happen, but he threw the thought away by thinking that the good life was just getting to him. But he couldn't stop wondering if it was all over yet or not. Omega-Xis knew something was up with Geo, but Geo always said, "It's nothing. Just thinking about dad."
    Suddenly, a loud continuous knocking sounded at the front door. It startled Geo's mother, but she stood up and rushed to the poor door. Geo yawned as he awoken in his room that morning. He sat still, waiting to hear who was at the door at such "early hours". Geo thought it was morning, but he did not know the time. He looked at his clock.
    "One Thirty Nine?!" Geo rushed to get into his normal clothes, and then he heard his mother say, "Geo dear, someone's here to see you!" Geo finished pulling on his left shoe as he rushed out into the living room. He saw a tall, 14 year old looking guy at his front door.
    "Geo. I need to talk to you. Meet me at Amaken at three," the guy said as he began to walk away.
    "Who was that? One of your friends? He seemed older than you," Geo's mother said.
    Geo didn't seem to hear his mothers words. Something about the guy reminded Geo of someone, but he couldn't picture who, or why. Geo just walked back into his room and layed down on his bed.
    To Be Continued...
  14. Axxerous
    Death Road
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: About a year ago
    All the people of Zango, Nexius know of Death Road. Every time someone goes down the dark, forbidden road, they never come out. That is why no one can tell us what happens.
    Three days after the last disappearance, someone new came to the town. His age he kept a secret, but by his size, he must have been a teen. He worked out, a lot, and never got weaker. He said his first name was forbidden to be told in this month of July, but he said his last name was Blackheart. With his arms so muscular and strong, we dare not bother him, in fear of those arms.
    It finally came to the end of July when we woke up on a day labeled August First. We gathered a group to go to his house and a group because he was strong. When we arrived, some non-understandable music was playing. We knocked on his door and stood back. The loud music stopped. The door opened.
    “My first name is Justin,” he said as he walked outside and headed towards the dark alley. He carried many supplies.
    As soon as a second had passed, a creaky voice from behind saying, “Oh please. He can’t do it.” It was a small girl. She walked up with no equipment in hand. Justin stopped, and turned around. He looked furious.
    “Who said that you could?” Justin said in an insulting way.
    “No one. I just know that you think you are better than us. Though you are not. You are going to try and do it casually and that’s going to mess you up,” she said, though her face never cried.
    Justin ignored her and continued to the alley. The alley is called Death Road because it used to be a road until no one came back from it.
    When Justin was finally beyond the mist, which threw him out of our view, we no longer heard his footsteps. The little girl rushed beyond the mist, and she fell silent also.
    Here on the planet Nexius, nights are dark and cold, normally silent. Most people got tired of our abandoned planet, so they went down to the Death Road and disappeared. The remaining Nexians, and us, strive to survive so we dare not go down Death Road. We wish to find a pathway to a more accompanied planet, or to retrieve back our lost Nexians.
    We have heard of a highly accompanied planet in the galaxy Zarthans away, and it’s named Earth. We try hard to create ways to get there.
    Suddenly, Justin’s voice was sounding. It was saying gratitude words. Then the little girl’s voice was sounding, “Your welcome!” As they came into view from behind the mist, Justin began to blabber.
    “It was awesome! The mist hides a portal to Earth! Little Cindy, her name, found the secret Earth portal on Earth leading us back! We need your help to get back all the Nexians we can!” Justin exclaimed.
    My group and I left our planet and used the portal to get to Earth. I now understand the stories of earthlings seeing odd life forms pop up out of nowhere. When we safely arrived on Earth, thousands, maybe millions of Nexians were grouped there. They had seen Justin and Cindy disappear. We took them back through the portal.
    Nexius was then again lit, noisy, and filled with Nexians. Life was restored finally. I will never forget Cindy. As soon as we got to the courthouse to have a party, she fell down and never woke up. She was burried right by Death Road. She was a legend to us, and maybe even a super hero, but we wont forget her. As life continued on Nexius, we went to Earth on vacation. We labeled the portal with special gel that earthlings can’t read.
    Justin wasn’t very optimistic after Cindy passed away. He decided to go to Earth and gurad the portal as his job. He never visited unless he accidentally fell in. But now we enjoy life on Nexius.
  15. Axxerous
    The Vampire Council
    Chapter One
    Written by Axxerous
    Rain poured down outside of the small house that seemed to always be dark. It was dark for a reason. Inside the house, sitting in silence was a small being. That being was still growing, but it felt like the world was only trying to compress it, and make it smaller. The sound of raindrops on the window echoed throughout the entire house. Faint thunder crackled in the distance. Rain water flooded under the cracks of the door, soaking the floor, and weakening the wood panels. The being never stirred, it just sat, alone in the dark. It seemed storms comforted the being, but comfort to this being was different. Comfort was darkness. The storm provided that darkness. Though, the being still had comfort in company, but no company was present at the time. No company was ever present. No one cared for this being. No one ever had, and it seemed like no one ever would. Though, the beings heart was always open, incase someone decided to be different from everyone else. The being was different from everyone else. Not just it’s personality, but it wasn’t the same species either. It wasn’t human, nor was it an animal. The being was a vampire. Beasts who take on human form. Though this was not a blood-thirsty evil vampire, it was a pure-blooded, good-hearted vampire. It only seeked to help others, but no one ever allowed it. Or else no one would recognize it for it’s good deeds. Vampires were always excluded from parties and other events, even though no one knew they were vampires. They were just different, and different in a way no human cared for. Every vampire would grow up and be sorrow filled. Though this one being didn’t let the harsh attitudes of others corrupt it’s future, for that very rainy day, it sat in the darkness with a smile on it’s face. It had a plan. It knew how to bring vampires the company they needed without the harsh judgment, and the harsh attitudes. This being grew up with it’s idea. The idea of the Vampire Council. A council where great vampires could meet and converse about important things. So this being, Axxerous, and the few friends it had made, became closer, and Axxerous created the Vampire Council for those few people to help make greater. Though, even those few people seemed to ignore Axxerous, for the never attended meetings. But Axxerous would not give up. The Council had only begun.
    Chapter Two
    Written by Ghost in the SocialSystem on Gaia
    Axxerous stiffened. She had heard a sound many kilometers away approaching from the south. It made a weird noise, not like a horse, a car, or a motorcycle like the ones she had seen in magazines that people from the nearest village throw out. She has not been outside much for a week in fear that she'll miss a possible member visiting her "lair" mentioned in the flyer she set up for her council. So she "borrowed" magazines or newspapers whenever she could to keep up in the news. Today though, she wishes she had went out because whatever was approaching gave off a presence that she feels she should fear. Though, because of her anti-prejudice nature, she feels she should not fear what she does not know about like how people treated her. The noise stopped. A sweat drops. Ragged breathing escalates. Rats scurry back into their holes. It was the longest 10 seconds she has ever perceived. Finally, the figure slowly opened the door and took a step in. It looks to both sides, as if absorbing the life from the dark stale moist room. She could see the green tribal tattoo clearly as if it glowed. "You can come out now," it said. Axxerous came out as told, used to being commanded to avoid conflict. "How would you like it, a crucifix in the heart, holy water in the mouth, a fast death or a slow one?" But as Axxerous came closer finally visible in the moonlight and just stood there taking the presence of the new one in, but the being was surprised by her aura. He knew she was different and was only testing her, but her presence was full of... hope. "No pleading? No last stand? So you do not fear me, eh? Even though I am naturally your enemy?" The small vampire was perplexed, "Enemies?" Before she finished though, the new one came up to her a noiselessly pulled out a knife and nicked her finger which he had also unexpectantly pulled away from her. After said act, he did something out-of-the-norm, he began to lick the knife! "No, " She yelled, "Its poisonous to humans! Even vamps can't drink vampire blood!" "Who said I was human,... or a vampire. You see... I'm a Crusnik!" the Crusnik boasted. "I have come to help your cause. It appears I am the first," the still unnamed man implored. "No your not said!" replied a shadow leaning against the wall. "Who are you?" said the Crusnik. "You come uninvited and question me? How rude!" said the shadow. "Fine, my name is...", hesitated the man ", I have no name, but people call me Ghost." "I am Kora, the Vampire god!" "I am Axxerous and this is the Council of... Vampires, but I guess we'll allow you to join us." And that was the night that the council began to prosper...
    Chapter 3
    Written by The Dragon-keeper 503 on Gaia
    Axxerous felt another Vampire approach. This one was.....different, not normal at all. It smelled alive.... and yet dead. There was blood in it's veins, but not it's blood. So, Axxerous waited, hiding in the shadows, to analyze the new approach. A tall, blue haired vampire approached.
    "I've come to see Axxerous," The vampire said. "I am Selos, representative to the Zanos clan. We are the living vampires." Selos stood proud, her hood still hiding her eyes.
    Axxerous came out of the shadows and asked, "You will join our cause?"
    "Yes," Selos replied, "and my clan will help when needed. We're having a bit of a problem with the Crusnik at home. They send their apologies about not being able to come. But seeing as I'm open minded about things, they sent me here." Selos bowed to Axxerous.
    "Then you are excepted, but I warn you, we have a Crusnik on our council. So show him respect." Axxerous warned.
    "I have no problems with Crusniks," Selos replied, "I find them fascinating. Its my sisters who have problems, well.......only if their female."
    "How so?" Axxerous asked.
    "My clan is female only. They have problems with sharing their mates, even if only they see the male that way, and not vice versa." Selos replied smirking.
    "Oh.......well, this one is male, but don't get any ideas." Axxerous warned.
    "Zanos don't court. The males come to us." Selos said coldly, as if offended.
    "No offence intended." Axxerous said.
    "Then none received," Selos replied, her voice softening, "who are the other members of the counsel?"
    "Come and see them for yourself." Axxerous replied. Axxerous walked inside, with Selos fallowing.
    "I am Kora, the Vampire God." Kora said, forming out of the shadows.
    "Selos of Zanos." Selos said, bowing.
    A man walked from the shadows, "I am called Ghost, and I'm a Crusnik."
    "Selos of Zanos." Selos repeated holding her hand, palm up, so Ghost could try her blood, as was custom where she came from. Ghost pulled his knife out and barely slit her finger.
    "I warn you, its strong." Selos said. Her body began to expel hormones into the air, she had no control.
    Ghost was effected by the hormones and licked her blood from the knife. The hormones and the blood made him want more. Selos quickly pulled her hand back and licked her own finger, causing the hormones to stop.
    Ghost suddenly stopped craving her blood.
    A faint smile showed around the edge of Selos's hood, "I warned you."
    Axxerous was perplexed, she couldn't figure out what was going on, so she dismissed it. The council had grown, and that was all that mattered...........
  16. Axxerous
    The Dawn of Aeropolis
    Intro Written by Axxerous
    Aeropolis was silent for what seemed hundreds of years. People of the surrounding lands never visited, or even looked at Aeropolis. But the days were growing darker in all of the worlds. Not just Aeropolis and it’s world, but every world out there. Akami dropped to the ground as he was on his way to see the king. He had news. News of an unidentified enemy that had appeared and had attacked his crew of light warriors. The enemy fled not long after he arrived. Must be afraid. Thought Akami. Akami was a great warrior. One of the kings best. He was the most loyal knight the king had. *** Ario was looking for a shoreline. He swam underwater for a moment to catch one last glimpse of his new enemy before he went to Mute Castle to tell the guards. Ario was the kings best swimmer, but he was kinda new, so the king never spoke to him face to face. *** Clara and her team, Fugi, Lauren, Ikami, Inukerrin, and Wheuii, struck the new enemy viciously before he finally fled. They looked at each other in confusement and seriousness. It didn’t take much for them to get going towards the castle. Being the only girls on the kings side at the time, they wanted their reputation high so all would know just how strong girls really are.*** Creden, Tom, and Michael flew towards Mute Castle. Well, Tom was carrying the wingless Creden. They had fought a strange enemy, and being high to the king, they had to tell him. The enemy had shot ice at them, and it almost froze Michael’s wing, until Creden fire bolted it.ccThey had never met anyone able to freeze their firey hot wings that fast. *** Legoran and Fairun fought back as their opponent shot shards of ice at them. The enemy was tough, but Fairun was tougher! Legoran was tough too, but he was hit as soon as the enemy arrived by surprise. Now he was less powerful, after finally unfreezing himself. He was still strong, but it seemed as if he would drop any moment. Fairun kept a close eye on him, making sure he could make it to the castle when the fight was over. *** Zero was in light form, but he was being chased by something, or someone. All he could make out was a shadowed figure that resembled himself. He tried to lure the enemy into the light, but it wasn’t working. Zero was loosing control over himself, but he never turned to his shadow form. He couldn’t not now.*** King Javogeh sat almost perfectly straight in his chair. After hearing tons of news about new enemies attacking, he was afraid what they might be. Even his best warriors noted that they were too afraid. Dawn was rising, but on what he still couldn’t ponder.
    Sir Vlascus led his giant team into an open field in the land of Mute. He was preparing something foretold in all the prophecies he had ever read. His team was Albert, Argane, Dark, Jack, Kannen, Princess Alladore, Samantha, Sarah, Skithia, Weldren, and Zhade. The Masters finest men, and women. Sir Vlascus was the Masters right hand man, and he could handle almost anything. Allen and his brother Ryou, the Shadow Ice weilders, followed close behind Vlascus’ army. They were making sure everything went right. If anything went wrong, they could blast Shadow Ice on the opposer, and it would hold them a while. The Shadow Ice Fighters, or the Shadow Ice army, were returning from their missions in the land of Mute. They had gathered information to help Vlascus defeat each opposer quickly. Jaden, Ardon, and Chaotix watched from afar, telling Lord Chaor everything that happens. “In a team of dark warriors, one must keep an eye on another if he wishes to keep his rank,” Chaor always said. Flare, Malvadine, and Odinn were backups for Vlascus’ army and they were ready, but they were worried. From what they heard from the Shadow Ice Fighters and other tales, Mute residential armies gave them the chills. Seiyra, Siado, and Sidicous were attending to Lord Chaor’s Battle Gear which was slightly damaged from his last match with his own warriors. They loved to be on the battlefield, but Chaor wanted attendance on his Battle Gear first. Spilicus, Tray, Vergil, and Vincent sat on small chairs in the throne room. As bored as they were, they still didn’t bother to ask to go into battle, which is basically asking to die, when Chaor already chose his army. Spirah was watching Chaor very closely. Spirah longed for his own power such as Chaors. Those two were tribal enemies. *** Zerakness followed closely behind Zero, making sure to stay in the shadow. Zerakness was the shadow duplicate of Zero. When Zero became shadow form, the two shared one mind. He was searching to take the power of the Zero Cross from Zero, but he had to kill Zero, and survive, to do that. But he wouldn’t give up. *** Lord Chaor glanced around his throne. He had an odd feeling that he was being watched. He saw nothing but his team members, and the army preparing for battle outside of his window. Chaor was determined to fulfill the written prophecies, so he had to do what was said to be done. It was the dawn of something, so said the prophecy, but the dawn of what was not foretold.
    Clara walked quietly through the castle halls dressed in a simple soldiers uniform. she had no reason to where her full suit of armor. It was hard to believe this beautiful woman was once a thin malnourished little girl. She was now fully grown, she had truly blossomed, in fact she had been mistaken for a princess a couple times before. To keep herself out of the limelight, so to speak she kept her fair hair short and dressed in a soldiers uniform.
    She was the last living member of the Draco family, the Draco family were charged with the responsibility of keeping the king safe. All the men produced of this family line had become a hero of sorts, especially her father, who gave his life in battle. Her father Daniel Draco had a statue made in his likeness in the middle of the city, his men loved him for his brilliance on the battle field. In fact rummer was that he could have easily overthrown the king. However he did not wish to commit such a sin. He served his king faithfully until the day he breathed his last.
    Rumor was that he was the last of the family line, no one knew that he had a wife, and that he had a child. when Clara was found taking care of her uncle, her fathers sickly half brother. Rumors spread like wild fire, the king quickly took her from her home. Offering her anything she desired. He was quite shocked when the small thin girl bowed at his feet and announced. "I wish to serve you, like my father before me. I know that I am a girl, But my good King, I wish to become a knight." And the rest, as they say is history.
    Lauren was trying to sit calmly in the castle gardens, resisting the urge to pick up her swords and slash something through. Her eyes closed, Lauren fidgeted knowing very well what would happen if another area of flowers were dead when the gardeners came outside.
    Suddenly, she jumped up with energy and ran up to the castle. Lauren decided she should walk instead of sit for meditation today.
    Zero was panicking. After he had escaped his shadow enemy, he almost lost control of his form. Unknowing of his enemy's ability to share minds with him when he was in dark mode, Zero gave in to the pressure. He transformed into his dark self. He seemed to have calmed down, but he knew something was wrong. He could sense it. He could sense someone. He looked around. Seeing no one, he became uneasy. He pulled out his gun. Somehow, the King had given him a weapon that transformed from a sword to a gun, as he transformed from light to darkness. He pointed the gun into a nearby patch of shadows.
    Why are you so afraid? It's just you, or me, but we're the same. Zero, your power of the Cross Form will be mine! All to Lord Chaor! said a voice in his mind.
    Zero turned in every direction, for the voice seemed to come from everywhere. No one was anywhere. Confused, and slightly startled, Zero began to run toward Mute Castle to see if his teamates knew anything.
    Creden looked back as they landed only to see Zero running up fear on his face. "Are you okay?" he called out before griping his sword. He began to smile at the thought of fighting.
    Cara entered the throne room and bowed low before the thrown knealing on knea. "You called your magesty? How can your servent serve you?" She questioned keeping her head low.
    Zero stopped to glare at Creden. "You want a fight, don't you?" Zero said to Creden with no sign of a smile or a smirk. "Look, I've got some weird voice that keeps talking to me, and everywhere I go I seemed to be followed but no one is ever there. I'm going to the king to ask him what's going on since he has some knowledge."
    Zero began to run towards the castle again. He was hoping Creden wasn't going to come back and try to fight him, because his Cross Form was leaking out. His Cross Form would devour any opposer.
    Once she reached the opposite end of where she started, Lauren followed the path out of the castle. No one would need her, unless they called. Feeling adventerous, Lauren ran into the forest looking for something interesting.
    King Javodeh looked at Clara a moment. He then spoke. "Theese new enemies, they use ice. Do you know anything else? Also, where is Zero? I haven't seen him at all today. His report was to be said five hours ago. "
    The King seemed to be thinking while he was talking. His words were not as graceful as they useually were, and his expression was rather grimm. He stared into Clara's eyes, but he was somewhere else deep in thought. Almost as if he was in a trance. He knew something that they didn't.
    "I'm afriad I know nothing more then the fact that our enimie use ice." 'my one weaknes..' Clara thought dryly. "Unfortunatly, no i have not herd from Zero as well. In fact after this meeting I was going to go out and find him. As a matter a fact i can sence hi spressence now.." She stopped speaking she looke dto her king, his eyes were blank and thoughtfull., she knew his mind was a million miles away. "If i may be so bold your magesty, might I inquire what is on your mind? "
    The King looked at her more now than the space infront of her face.
    "It's all happening as it was written to. The unknown enemies, the shadow ice, and a disturbance btween one of our heroes and one of the enemies. The prophecy fortells we have a major challenge heading our way. It's Dawn. It's finally dawn. " The King spoke so grimly.
    Zero stumbled into the throne room of Mute Castle. "Agh!" He sreamed while holding his hands over his ears. "Tell it to go away! Mocking my every thought! Gragh!!!!!!!!" Zero began to stumble frowards, hunching over his knees. His eyes began to glow a bright red as he began to transform. Cross Form was taking over. Then he felt an arm on his shoulder. He looked at his shoulder, but saw no hand. Nothing was there. But he then transformed to his light form, and the voice stopped. The unseen hand left Zero's shoulder. Zero looked at King Javodeh. There was worry in both of their faces.
    "Zero!" Creden called as he ran into the throne room. "Oh, you're highness." he said bowing before moving closer to them. Creden frowned as he thought of all the legend he had heard which seemed to be happening right infront his eyes.
    While practicing her sword skill on a stump, Lauren saw a flash of light out of the corner of her eye. It was rushing to the castle. Confused at what to do, she figured she'd better go back to see what was happening.
    Lauren ran back to the castle, but stopped when she realized she hadn't a clue where the person went. "Shoot!" she muttered.
    Cara quickly stood drawing her sword when the men entered the throne room. She spun herself in front of the king protectively. She could sense both of the men's pressence, but there was another that made her skin crawl. Was the prophesy to come true. "...." Her eyes turned a deep violet color, as she changed the position of her booted feet. Suddenly she sent a lightingng bolt threw the air craking though the castle walls, the projectile furiosuly sought out hit one who dare spy on her king and her friend Zero.
    Samantha sat in the tavern waiting for people to come in. She twirled her hair around her finger. Samantha wonder how the princess was doing she had not seen her in a long time. Samantha got up and walked over and picked up her weapon and stuck fingers in the hole in between the two blades and began to spin it around her fingers. Samantha saw a couple of dark solders come in and sit down she was kind of happy because they were on her side but she wasn't about to trust them. So Samantha walked over to them and sat with them and listened to them talk.
    Zero looked over ar Creden. Still looking a bit frightened, Zero began to think. He had no idea what could have happened. "I...I...I don't know what happened, or whose hand i felt, or whose voice it was...." He said.
    King Javodeh jerked up at the words "Whose hand I felt" and looked at Zero closer.
    "You felt a hand? Like the prophecy fortells also the arrival of an unseen friend...." The King said.
    "A friend?" questioned Cara, "well wopops." She called back the bolt motioning with ther gloved hands and snapped her fingers causing the elctricity to disperse harmlessly in the air. She frowned slightly, as she looked at Zero, she had never seen him so afraid in all the years she knew him. She fell silent sheathing her sword.
    Zero's expression turned from scared to very serious. He pulled out his trans weapon whic was now a sword. "Our little friend isn't the only one here. There's someone else," Zero said with all the fury returned to his voice."Inhuman."
    Evil laughter sounded loudly in the castle. Anyone partially near the castle could have heard that laughter. Zero's face showed no sign of wory as he scanned the room for clues of the new arrivals location. He would rather die himself than let someone harm his friends. Expecially Clara who cared for him most.
    King Javodeh pulled out his shield. He was luckily wearing his armor. Someone, or something was there.
    Feeling a lightning bolt shiver through the castle, Lauren ran to the throne room. She wondered what could have been bothering Clara if she sent a bolt out. The shiver quickly retreated as Lauren entered the throne room. She saw the King, Zero, and Ceden were also in the room.
    Cara pulled out her sword once more hearing the laughter, being a energy elemental, she found it disturbing that she could not pin point the dark energy that was seeping through the air. "Show yourself!" She shouted aloud. "You shall conduct yourself properly in front of our king!" she made the one who laughed angry, she felt the eyes on her flesh. Her eyes turned violet as the energy became more prominate. She breathed calmly she suddenly reliezed her breath turning to mist do to the cold of the air.
    Samantha got message that soldiers were coming. She told the soldier she was sitting with as she had her sword at her side and her other weapon still on her fingers. Samantha thought to herself "At least they don't know how close I am to the princess and lord Chaor." She got up and went over to the bar at the tavern and sat down. She began to wonder "What if the king or a higher rank is with them I would have to get out of here before they figure out who I am." Samantha sighed.
    "What's going...?" Lauren stopped as her breath became a visible mist and her memory began to work. "Shadow ice? Is it really the legend?"
    Zero looked at Clara. He was looking inenseley. He wanted to ensure her safety, but he wanted to know every thing she was thinking. He then aimed the point of his sword at an open patch of air. Pulsing red energy from his sword began to encircle the area, forming the shape of a treacherous demon, but this demon was more treacherous than any he'd ever seen. His red energy stayed on the being showing every move it made.
    King Javodeh fired a flame ball at the being from his fire blasting gun. He kept it for serious occasions such as this. The being simply shrugged off the fire.
    Zero thought. Shadow Ice, it destroys fire... We need Icilax for this mission, but he's not here yet...
    Clara stared at the demon who finally showed itself. It smiled at her, Why did it's eyes rest on her that way? She whirled her sword, she clamly aproached the demon, and they began to circle. "You shan't harm my king!" she shouted at the demon swinging her sword. She had to distract it, until help arived.
    "Such a pretty little thing," it sneared as it blocked her attack with it's own sword. "You would make a nice gift for my king.."
    She stuck at it agian cutting her sword through the air, cuting away some of the creatures hair. "I'm not going anywhere." She replied.
    Zero went over to help Clara out. He never showed any sign of emotion. He struck his sword, and shot more red energy at the demon.
    King Javodeh began to get up to help, hoping they wouldnt notice he was helping until it was too late for him to quit helping.
    Samantha got a message a demon needed help and ran off when she got there she watched from a window and when she saw the other sides king she knew she couldn't help him. Samantha kicked in the window and jumped in and front of the demon giving him enough time to run the ran after she attacked. Samantha fallowed the demon out of where the were to the tavern and back in where he sat down. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.
    "Samantha why did you help me if they find out who you are you know lord chaor will go and save you" He said in an evil voice.
    Clara stuck at the demon. The demon reliezed it was easily outnumbered. it suddenly smiled and cast an ice spell. Clara found herself trapped in a large block of ice.
    "Surrender, or die, my messege bring. Now i must return to my king." And with that the demon sank onto the floor disapearing. Knowing that Clara's allies would be distracted by the fact she was trapped in a large block of ice. Frozen in a fighting positition.
    "Clara!" Lauren cried. She thought that the demon freezing Clara could be a diversion, but she decided to try and un-freeze her friend.
    Zero stood in shock for a moment. He was motionless. Something was more powerful than he thought. This was no ordinary demon. He was feeling ice prickle up his neck.
    Samantha screamed as a bunch of light soldiers carried her to the light castle she kicked away from them. She began to run away till one of them grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back Samantha kicked him in the face. Samantha looked around then ran down one of the streets not knowing where she was going at all. She stopped when she saw some kids and began to sing.
    I love the part in fairytales
    That's very near the end
    When all the kingdom cheers for their new queen
    And all is well, and all is good
    And everyone belongs
    And happily they're ever after-ing
    But when I enter the kingdom of dreams
    And face the promise of all I can be
    Will they see me as a heroine?
    Tell me, will they let me in?
    Won't someone let me in?
    Clara stood frozen solid in place. Her eyes wide open, she could her a voice call out to her wickedly. She had to break free of this prison! but how?
    Lauren cautiously held out her palm, increasing the fire magic's intensity slowly. She didn't want hurt Clara if she burned her by melting the ice too quickly, but moved as fast as she dared.
    "Can you hear me, Clara?" she asked, feeling stupid.
    Clara just stared out, she was unable to reply that yes, she could hear her friend calling for her. The ice begn to slowly weaken melting away.
    Samantha saw the guards again and ran off but they blocked her. She pulled out her sword stabbed one off them making him fall to the ground. People began to yell "demon demon get the king." Samantha ran off but stopped when she saw this let girl all by herself. She grabbed her hand and ran off later she stopped and picked her up but came to a dead end. The people came faster and faster Samantha jumped up the fire escape to the roof and ran then jumped to a diffrent roof with the little girl gripping on to her back.
    King Javodeh fired a fire bolt at the ice Clara was trapped in. It melted away, and she was free.
    A New Dimension Gate Opens
    SSB Brawl
    So Far:
    After the recent trouble with shadow ice enemies, the dimension gate of Mute and Infage open sending all of it’s inhabitants to Aeropolis. The battle between dark and light still rages on in the new location.
    As the people of Mute and Infage battle so intensely, no one notices a new door that appeared. Out of it came lots of people of many sorts. One in particular, Marth, notices not only how strange the land is, but also that there is a strange presence somewhere near him. He turns around to see the one and only Master Hand. After many more people and items spill out of the door marked SSB Brawl, it closes and disappears. Master Hand was still wounded from Tabuu. When a few more Brawlers noticed Master Hand, they remembered old times and began to attack Master Hand. Marth quickly pulled each of them off. He explained that Master Hand could be an ally in combat. They understood. Zelda came forth and healed Master Hand. He arose. As he rose, a few Brawlers readied themselves. Master Hand spoke for the first time in ages.
    “Thank you for helping me. Please forgive me of what I’ve done in the past, I would like to join your team,” He said.
    A few Brawlers began to snicker. Marth got up and stood before the others. “We could use his help! We are heroes, we are supposed to care about others besides ourselves! If you can’t be like that, leave this team,” Marth said.
    The Brawlers looked at each other and raised their hands to their foreheads. Master Hand put himself in that position and acted like he had a forehead to whack. A couple of Brawlers began to chuckle, but the ones next to them elbowed them to get them settled down. There was much more to be done.
    Master Hand turned to Marth. “You know, I think we are in the middle of something here, maybe we should move, or like…” He said.
    “What do you mean? We just fell out of…a….door…” Marth replied.
    Lots of angry looking warriors were staring and grunting in the direction of the Brawlers who were right in the middle. It was the people of Mute and Infage. “Who do creeps think you are falling out of a door and stumbling over to the middle of OUR battle?” Asked an angry Zero.
    “As I said, we should get going master Marth, um, we’re not trying to interfere or anything, um we-” Master Hand was cut off by Marth.
    “Who are you and where are we? Why were we sent here? Tell me or I will stand here forever,” Marth said in a heroically brave tone.
    “We are people of Mute and those are people from Infage, but we don’t know where we are either. We just appeared here just as you did Mr. Marth,” said Zero.
    “I’m afraid I don’t let people use my name if I don’t know theirs and I don’t go by Mister. If we form an alliance we can help each other out, but you all don’t seem like the type of folk to be so generous like that. Or are you?” Marth asked.
    “It’s Zero, and an alliance can only be formed if you prove yourselves worthy. I declare-” Zero began to say.
    “A Brawl. You’re on. We Brawl daily. We’re called BRAWLERS. Be warned, my team has never lost,” Marth said.
    “Probably because you’ve faced no one else but each other,” Zero commented, but Marth paid no attention, for he was already in the air beginning to strike. “Such annoyance.”
    Zero faced Marth for the first Brawl. The fight was fierce. Marth had stopped speaking in English so poor Zero was baffled. He thought he was baffled when he heard the amazing Marth speak English, he never expected his normal language to be so complicated. Soon the fight was near over. Marth stood high above Zero. Zero lifted his hand.
    “Well done… You pass, now can your team stand against mine?” Zero said, or asked.
    “I don’t trust that you believe the battle is over,” Marth said while knocking Zero farther than the eye could see away. The battle was over then.
    After multiple falls and get back ups on both sides, the fight fell down to Captain Falcon, Sonic, and Link to defeat Clara. It didn’t take much time, till Brawling heroes were declared winning heroes.
    “You may have won this time, and the agreement is accepted, but wait till we aren’t exhausted from earlier battles,” Zero said.
    “I won’t need to. I already have experienced it. I know you all used someone’s powers to revive your health. I’m not that blind,” Marth said.
    “Now we must find out more about this strange land, and maybe find some twiggs for a fire, it’s pretty cold around here, as if someone was breathing ice on my back,” Ike said.
  17. Axxerous
    Ok, I'm new at blogging. I have always wanted to do it, but I remember only premier members could, so I took advantage of the seven years celebration! I bet either this blog will be destroyed when it's over, or else I won't be able to make new entries, so just in case, I'm going to fill 'er up! Anyway, I'll introduce myself.
    I am Axxerous, a very mysterious character. I was born a pure-blooded vampire, but my parents were killed by a crusnik. I lived my life searching for crusniks to get my revenge on, when I met an unusual Crusnik named Ghost. Ghost wasn't your average Crrusnik, for he actually didn't kill me, or even try. He helped me. Anyway, later on, I met a Pure-Blood named Kora. He claimed to be a vampire god. He helped me out quite well when I was creating the Council of Vampires. Of course we are still creating it, but he has helped majorly.
    I love to write. I hate it when my hand starts hurting, not because it hurts, but because that means I have to stop writing for a while. My literature was horrible up until around februrary. I still like to share my old stories with other people, so I have started typing them up. I'm not always sure when each story was written, but I can give you the general idea. I might start posting some of my stories in this blog! Be sure to tell me what you think!
    Thank you for taking the time to read this rather long entry. I'll be sure to keep you posted!
  18. Axxerous
    Ok, to add my first story, I would like to add just a random story from my pile of stories.
    I wrote this story about two years ago.
    Protoman, Fall and Rise
    From Megaman Axcess
    Written by Axxerous
    We remember how it began. The girl put the dark chip in Chaud’s battle chip holder so he would use it to destroy Shademan, and it would turn Protoman into a darkloid. Chaud knew his chips and knew it was a darkchip. Megaman offered to use it to destroy Shademan since it was the only way. Protoman used it instead to save Megaman from the darkness. Protoman destroyed Shademan, but fell weak after that. The darkness took over him. His evil laughter filled the net. He left after that, but he always came back to try and delete Megaman. Now one of the greatest stories of all time is about to be told.
    Megaman and Lan, currently in crossfusion, stood in front of the evil Protoman. Chaud watched from afar.
    “Protoman! Remember who you are!” Chaud yelled.
    “I am a darkloid!” Protoman yelled back.
    Chaud got closer. He pulled out a battlechip. “Syncro Chip in! Download! Crossfusion!” Chaud yelled.
    “Chaud cross fused with Protoman!” Lan said.
    ~Inside Protoman’s Heart~
    “Don’t you remember this place? We grew up here together,” Chaud said to Protoman.
    “It’s an old piece of junk,” Protoman said back.
    “Look over there,” Chaud said while pointing at a wall.
    A younger version of Chaud holding his PET was standing there.
    “So you’re my netnavi?!” The young Chaud asked his PET.
    “Yep. Forever and ever, I vow to protect you,” Protoman said from inside the PET.
    “You can’t get me with those stupid memories!” Dark Protoman said. He aimed his Dark Windblast chip at the memory and destroyed it. Then he aimed it at Chaud. “Don’t make me,” Protoman said.
    Chaud began to walk towards Dark Protoman. Protoman shot multiple fires at Chaud. Chaud just shook them off and kept walking. He got right in front of Protoman.
    “You can’t defeat me!” Protoman said. Chaud put his arms around Protoman, hugging him.
    “Nooo!” Protoman yelled as he began to blow up. Chaud stepped away.
    A nearby statue broke apart, and out fell the real Protoman.
    “Thanks....Chaud,” Protoman said as he got up.
    ~Back at the Battle Scene~
    “Look! The real Protoman is back! Chaud did it!” Lan exclaimed as the Dark Protoman turned into the normal Protoman. The cyber wall fell and the Crossfusions came undone.
    “Chaud! You did it!” Lan yelled as Chaud stood in front of him.
    “Yep! Protoman’s back,” Chaud said. They all went to a place to celebrate.
  19. Axxerous
    I started a story when I was bored once. If I get enough people wanting me to continue either here, or on Gaia, I will.
    Ninja Speed
    Written by Axxerous
    Date written: 3/8/2008
    Maybe it was fate. Maybe. Or maybe I just happened to be in a certain place at a certain time. I don’t know. I do know that whatever happened caused something to happen in my life. It was, well, a bit shocking, but it all happened very fast.
    “Lookout! Duck! Now! It’s your only chance!” A scientist screamed at me but he wasn’t fast enough. The glowing liquid splashed all over me and I felt as if the world was spinning 500 miles per hour. My feet began moving faster than my eyes could see. I tried to take control, but I seemed to be in so much shock that I just kept running.
    After what seemed like an hour, I was not a bit tired, but my eyes had adjusted to the speed. I finally slowed to a stop. I was still speechless, but I could tell I wasn’t in Washington anymore. First of all, my feet were wet. Second of all, the people were Japanese. That kind of gave away my location.
    A man came up to me and said something in a language that I didn’t understand. “Excuse me in all, but do you speak English?” I gave a half smile.
    “Oh, you American. I see you speed. You very fast. I want you to train with me and become ninja warrior!” The man said.
    “Uh, me? A ninja? Not possible…..” I stared for a moment, but I thought. If my speed was increased majorly, was anything else?
    “To be a ninja, all you need to start is speed! You have speed, much of it!” The man seemed to bright to turn down.
    “Oh, ok. But only if you promise to supply me with food. I have high metabolism, and I am easily hungered.” I made sure to take advantage of everything in Japan.
    “That be no problem! I own a sushi shop down the street! You eat for free.” The man pointed down the narrow street.
    Raw fish didn’t sound to great, but if it was free, hey! I could care less about how it tasted! Plus, I’ve never had sushi. “Thank you sir, now when does my training start?”
    “You begin now. I have a dojo near the Siternack Statue,” He said.
    “You will have to show me around the place….” I didn’t really want to start now, but if I had to, and remember, free sushi!
    The man guided me to this d-o-j-o and I stepped inside. “You will sleep in that room over there. But first, you learn basic fighting skills,” The man said.
    Guess I don’t have to pay for hotels, good I guess, but basic fighting skills aren’t easy, or are they? “Okey dokey……”
  20. Axxerous
    The Best Substitute Ever
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: 4 years ago
    On Tuesday, April 5th, 2005, a substitute came to room 404. He was very tall and strong. He had the power to become invisible and read minds. He was very smart and handsome too! He made sure we did our work and didn’t play around. He was nice to us all. He tried to see how fast we worked and how good we remembered. He trusted us all. He was also very funny. He would read a story I wrote and make up a funny story of his own. He made good encouragements for us. He encouraged me to write this unusual but interesting story. He would give us assignments right when everybody was done with the first one. He would make sure we would learn. He was always on time.
    Oh, I almost forgot. His name is Mr. Giddings, or Mr. G for short. His daughter is Akira Giddings. She goes to Quest the same day I do and she is in my Quest class. When we started on a paper, in her mind, Katie B was thinking, “I want to go home.”
    “Well you can’t,” Mr. G said after he read her mind. Also, when we were all bored, he went into the hallway after saying, “I’m going to the bathroom,” and he turned invisible and came back in and picked up the overhead and dropped it, but he caught it before it hit the ground. We were all awoken with surprisement. He revealed himself and made us laugh. We had a great time with him.
    At lunch time, he took us to the cafeteria. Then he went to the bathroom, turned invisible, came into the lunchroom and grabbed Kyle’s lunch tray, picked it up and waved it around saying, “I am the evil lunch tray, fear me and my doom!”
    “Mr.G, we recognize your voice,” we all said at the same time. Then we laughed. He was laughing too!
    Then came music. Ms. Varner was thinking in her head what we were going to do. Mr. G said, “Oh, so you are going to have a free day soon, well then.” We all laughed. Ms. Varner was puzzled.
    So when music was over, we just did a lot of work. Then when it was time to go, all I had on my mind was daycare.
    Mr. G said, “So you go to daycare K****?” I laughed. So did my classmates. Then the day was over. We all wished that Mr. G could come back soon.
  21. Axxerous
    TV Trouble Part One
    By Axxerous
    Date Written: About a year ago
    Sabrina, a 12 year old girl, was watching TV with her dad. The TV suddenly went berserk and the picture was no longer clear. Her dad got up slamming his foot into the TV cursing. Sabrina was supposed to stay home alone the next day, she remembered. Her mom was supposed to get home at 2:30, and her dad at 3:00. Every time she stayed home alone, she never knew when her parents walked in the door, so she was going crazy in her room. Her mom never notices when her dad smashes the TV, until someone tells her. Her mom was already in bed, and she leaves earlier than her dad, so she won’t know until she would get home, and Sabrina told her. That would mean Sabrina would be home alone with no TV to watch when she got bored, because her parents would have no time to buy a new one. Sabrina went to bed soon after the thirty fifth TV was broken that night. Throughout the night, something strange happened. The broken TV put itself back together and sprouted arms and legs. Then the screen flickered on with two eyes, a nose and a mouth.
    The next morning, Sabrina got up to go see if her dad really broke the TV or if it was a dream. But when she got to the living room, the TV was gone. All that was left were four carpet circles where the TV once was. Sabrina ran back into her room petrified. She fell to sleep on her mattress bed not too long after she laid down on it. She woke up at about 2:35. She heard a knocking sound on her door.
    “What?” She mumbled.
    “Scooby Doo is on right now, isn’t it?” said a faint voice. Sabrina suddenly remembered the missing TV. She quickly got her sling shot and a marble.
    “Is something wrong? Can I come in?” Asked the voice.
    “Come on in!” exclaimed faintly.
    To Be Continued
  22. Axxerous
    Idea from my friend.
    Written from Axxerous
    Date Written: About a year ago
    Sally, a mid age teen girl, went to her closet to get a toyish item. She suddenly heard a high pitched glass breaking noise. She opened her door thinking that her mom would never let her stay home alone again if the window had broken or something. She found glass all over the kitchen floor. Then, a chair slid across the floor behind her making her heart race. Sally turned around to see a chair with no one in it. She crept to it, and put it where it belonged. She walked to the couch to watch TV wondering if a crook was in the house. Before she turned on the TV, in its reflection, she noted a little doll sitting beside her. She turned on the TV not caring about the doll. Every channel she flipped to said something about dolls. “I’m tired of dolls!” she yelled. She grabbed the doll and went to her room. She put it in a box and locked it all up, then she threw it in her closet. She went to lay down on her bed for a nap.
    When she woke up, she noticed the closet door slowly opening. The box the doll was in was now open and on the floor. She noticed that the closet door had stopped opening. A shiny object began to make it’s way out of the closet door. As it stopped moving, she noticed that it was a knife with a little doll hand curled around it. From under her blanket, she made a quiet cry. The knife flew back into the closet followed by the closet door closing. She decided to sleep until her mom got home.
    When her mom got home, Sally asked if she could throw away the doll. Her mom said yes and so Sally threw it away. She checked her closet to make sure it wasn’t there. She tied a rope around her door and tightened it. She then tied a bunch of other knots in other places so that no one could get in, but she only had to pull a rope to untie everything. Then she went to sleep.
    Later on, when she woke up, Later on, when she woke up, she heard her mom beating on her door. She then heard a noise. It was her doorknob, turning, someone trying to get in.
    “Who is it?” She said in a funny voice.
    “Dinner time!” said her mom’s familiar voice.
    “Phew,” Sally said. The door knob began twisting and turning again. “What?!” She yelled. No answer. “Hello! What!?” Sally yelled. Still no answer. She pulled the rope to “unlock” the door. She opened it and went into the kitchen. She saw her mom hanging from the ceiling. Sally then heard a rumbling noise coming from her garage. It was her dad’s chainsaw. She knew her dad wouldn’t be home at this hour, so she ran to the couch and hid under a blanket. She heard the chainsaw get closer and closer. Sally was about to run out of the house when the doll came up to the blanket.
    “You aint goin’ nowhere,” it said.
    She jumped and ran the other way to her room. She stood against her door. Suddenly the chainsaw came down the door slowly. Right as it was about to cut her head, it stopped. She looked up so terrified, that she couldn’t move. Then the chainsaw came back on. She got so scared that without thinking, she jumped onto the top of her dresser. The door split open and the doll came in with the chainsaw. Then the doll realized that he couldn’t reach the top of the dresser.
    “I’ll be back tomorrow at seven pm,” it said. It then jumped out the window. Her dad got home just then.
    “What the-” he yelled. He walked into Sally’s room to find her shivering against the wall. “What happened?” he asked her.
    “The, the, the doll,” was all she could mutter. Her dad got her and went to look at her mom. A letter was on her.
    “I’ll be back tomorrow at seven pm” it read.
    They got a flight to Tennessee. As they arrived, they got a log cabin and a rental car. They had dinner. The cuddled up tight all night to sleep. The next day, they woke up at 10:30 am. They had breakfast. Then they went into a shopping center and went into a gun store. They bought a few guns to defend themselves. They soon had lunch and waited.
    “I hope the doll doesn’t know we are her so we can relax,” Sally said.
    Soon enough, it was 6:00pm. They had an early dinner to relax before the attack. At seven pm, the cabin door opened.
    “I knew all along!” The doll said. The dad fell to the ground. Sally picked up a gun and fired. Nothing came out. The gun store clerk forgot to give them bullets. “Nice try,” the doll said. Luckily, Sally still had a knife. She cut up the doll, and then cut out the heart area in it. The neighbor heard all the racket and came over to check it out.
    “What happened?” Shrieked the neighbor.
    “The doll,” Sally said sadly. But as she pointed to it, the doll was gone. A boy walked in. As he did, the dolls heart disappeared. The neighbor left.
    “Ugh, I know it sounds silly, but I’m the doll,” he said.
    “What?” Sally said confusingly.
    “I was cursed, but now I’m fine!” The boy exclaimed,.
    Sally and the boy got married after learning about each other. Years later, they died of old age, but the kid they had was passed on the curse...
  23. Axxerous
    Doll 2 Curse Reborn Part One
    By Axxerous
    Date Written: About a year ago
    David, a 10 year old boy that loves dolls for no reason, went to his room to put his Lisa doll back in her case. He properly set her up. He had grown tired of staying up late. His parents were already asleep, and he wanted to stay up late. He stayed up till four am the night before, so he was too tired this night. He went to bed.
    The next morning, David went to get his Lisa doll, but the case was open and empty. He went to his closet to see if Lisa had been in there. He saw nothing. He went to his younger sisters room. She loved boy stuff. Total opposites. His younger sister was playing with his Lisa doll.
    “How did you get her out of my locked case?” David asked.
    “I didn’t. She was in here when I woke up,” his sister said.
    “But I locked it and I never told anyone the code!” David said confused.
    “I thought you were letting me play with her,” David’s sister said. She handed the Lisa doll back to David.
    “Well thanks for not being fussy about it,” David said as he left.
    “Let’s play!” said a voice David recognized. David looked at the doll.
    “I haven’t put any batteries in you, why are you talking?” David said. He took off the battery door. No batteries. “This is scary,” he said.
    “Don’t you want to play?” the doll said. David plopped her onto the table. “I know who you are, David,” it said. David took the doll and threw it out his window. He turned to his door. His Lisa, Sally, and Jessica dolls had returned from the dead! They had sharp fingernails.
    “You know we love you, David!” the dolls said.
    “Agh!” David said as he ran out of the room, jumping over the dolls. When David reached his front door, his parents had become zombie like and were moaning as they came after him. He pushed them aside and ran out the door of his invaded home. When he came out, millions of dolls surrounded him. He ran to his neighbors house. They were zombies.
    To Be Continued...
  24. Axxerous
    Silent Lady Part One
    Written by Axxerous
    Date Written: About a year ago
    It was a quiet day, March 13, 1894. A woman by the name of Elizabeth Quenton was silently looking out of her window at the people walking the streets late at night. She had a silent nature, doing everything quietly, and she was very shy. She grew up in a very rich family and currently lived in a mansion. She lost both her parents to a murder and her grandparents lived with her even though she was twenty two. It was 10:30 pm, and Elizabeth couldn’t sleep. Suddenly a footstep was heard on her creaky floor. She thought that it was only her grandparents, or one of them. The footsteps got closer. Elizabeth felt the cold of a metal object on her throat. She gasped as she felt the cold breath of someone behind her.
    “Don’t move or you will get cut, he, he, he, he, he,” a faint voice said. Elizabeth recognized the feel of a knife, which was the metal object touching her neck.
    “Aghhhhhhh!” sounded Elizabeth’s voice.
    About 113 years later
    A newly wed couple, rich couple that is, walked up to their new home, mansion home. It was April 13, 2007, and Ricky Vanchester and his wife Sally moved into their new 1880 mansion.
    “Come on Sally! Our room is upstairs, you know, the one I picked!” Ricky said. They ran up to the second floor and entered the room. The floor was creaky. A chair, and antique chair, was left by the window.
    “Cool! We get a free antique!” Sally exclaimed. Ricky walked over to the chair to feel it’s texture.
    “Ooh! It’s so cold in this spot that it feels as if a ghost was sitting in it!” Ricky said in a spooky voice. They had just finished moving all of their furniture in. The new couple crashed on the bed because of the time.
    “Whew! It just turned 10:30 pm!” Sally yelled. Creak. “Whh...What was that?” Sally said in a scared voice.
    “Probably just the old floors and the wind,” Ricky said.
    Creak. “I hope so...” Sally said. They fell asleep.
    When the awoke the next day, the antique chair was pushed under a desk that the Vanchesters had bought.
    “Ricky, are you sure it was just the floor and the wind last night?” Sally said.
    “We probably just don’t remember putting it there,” Ricky assured her. They both got up and went to work.
    When they got home, it was already 10:00 pm. They turned on their TV and sat on their couch.
    Krrrrusuck..... The TV screen was all cat scratch.
    “The TV guy plugged in the Dish two days ago, I saw him. I even watched TV as a test after he did and it worked!” Ricky said. He got up to check the wires. The wires were cut as sharp as a knife. “######. Now I have to pay for it again,” he said looking frustrated.
    The couple went into their room and laid on the bed. “Hey look! It’s 10:30 pm! The same time we went to bed yesterday!” Ricky said sarcastically.
    Creak... Creak...
    “Ricky,” Sally whispered.
    “It’s nothing,” Ricky said.
    “Stickers?!” Sally yelled.
    “Why would Stickers be meowing that loud at night?” Ricky asked. They went to where the cat had meowed. Stickers lay on the floor, with blood dripping from his neck. Sally looked closer. The cat’s neck was cut with the letters SL in cuts.
    “S? L? What does that mean?” Sally said in fright. They ran to their bed and fell asleep.
    The next day, Sally and Ricky took off and researched their mansion.
    “Quenton, Mansion, 1880. All typed in!” Ricky said. The computer screen had many search results. One stood out. ‘Biography on Quenton Mansion, 1880.’ Ricky clicked on it.
    “Elizabeth Quenton lived in this Mansion for fourteen years after her parents were murdered while on vacation at Elizabeth’s age of 8. On March 13, 1894, Elizabeth at the age of 22 was silently murdered at 10:30 pm. Legend says, that Elizabeth has come back as a ghost every night at 10:30 pm to look for a victim to kill. Every person that has ever lived in that house was trapped after they found out and were killed,” Ricky read aloud.
    “Can we get a different mansion?” Sally asked Ricky.
    “We have to get all of our stuff first,” Ricky said.
    “How about we have a late night party for a test?” Sally suggested.
    They planned the party for 10:25 pm the next day.
    As the guests arrived, Sally and Ricky were on the lookout. Five minutes passed, and the clock read 10:30 pm.
    “Aghhh!” A woman’s voice sounded. Everyone but Sally and Ricky left. Sally and Ricky went to where the voice came from. She lay dead on the floor with the letters SL cut on her neck.
    “I didn’t read it aloud, but the website said that Elizabeth sometimes went by Silent Lady because she was quiet and shy. SL might stand for Silent Lady,” Ricky said.
    Sally was suddenly no where in sight. Ricky ran out to the door to find Sally on the edge of the sidewalk.
    To Be Continued...
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