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Status Updates posted by Tacojammer

  1. I am back. Woo hoo!

  2. I changed my name to -Saint Dane- since I had a Pendragon dream...

  3. Uhhhhhhh, if you live out of the usa I don't know, but if you really want it you can order on line.Also, once the name yamofun expires, I'm going to a new name, okay!?

  4. I finished the series in a month, yes, my date is entirely correct and yes, I was failing language arts when I wrote the English Language topic.

  5. Pendragon is funnnnnnyyyy.

  6. over lord, what do you mean you recognize me?

  7. hey, guess what!!! I fell asleep in my bed and winded up on my couch down stairs!!


  8. tell us the secret of the dragon disc!!!!!

  9. fine and hot in michigan. It's 100 degrees!hows yours?

  10. I dont care! You just make it happen!( just dont call me pretty flower pony princess! :o

  11. I found out how to start a topic!

  12. will some body tell me how to start a topic?

  13. Its my birthday, I only stopped playing gutair hero 3 to tell you this!

  14. yo! how do you guys get here?!

  15. hellllllllllllllo hellllllllllllo? is any body there

  16. I just thought world gone under was like the pit and mabey ignition is talking about 2008 and the ignition storys in a way

  17. Im back! check my personal file!

  18. oh Im sorry! about your personal statement!

  19. I will tell you what it means: I think it tells the story line 2006-2009. each paragraph is anew year!

  20. thank you! you are very kind! I'm sorry I didn't get back later I was busy setting up my posts and avatar.

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