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DOTM Shockwave

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Posts posted by DOTM Shockwave

  1. A Hau Nuva in my shoe.I was like, 'Oh, it must have fallen in from my collection." Then I go and rebuild both of my Tahu Nuva's. Neither was missing a mask. :ninja:

    I once found my teal Miru that I thought that I had lost, nearly five years later, in the box for the board game "Mouse Trap". My parents bought that game after I lost the Miru. Try to explain that. :P

    Weird :blink:This isn't a Bionicle piece but, 5-6 years ago, I found a mata green slizer disk throwing arm and a teal color of the piece in the circle labeled 1.img320x336lewa.jpg
  2. I enjoyed the theme from beginning to end, so I voted no. To enjoy it from beginning to end, after all, you have to accept that it ended. And in my opinion, it ended well. I think part of the reason it ended was an inescapable consequence of its nature as a toy line. It had a sprawling, epic storyline with lots of characters we came to know and love. But it was difficult for new fans joining in later on to appreciate the theme fully unless they got to know all the backstory for these characters and settings. And being a primarily a toy line rather than a book series or movie franchise, older story couldn't really be promoted by TLG when it was no longer effective at selling the sets still on store shelves. They did try, through the 2008 re-imagining of BIONICLEstory.com, to make older story years more accessible to newer fans. But that was no substitute for what had to be learned from the books and movies that had come previously. And again, BIONICLE was a toy line-- thus, the majority of fans would grow out of it, requiring new fans to appear to keep it successful. There were also two attempts-- 2006 and 2009-- to create new "jumping-on points" for fans, where the older story would just complement the new story rather than being necessary for understanding it. The comics started off with new numbers and the settings shifted dramatically. With that said, I don't think either of these attempted "reboots" went as intended. I know I wouldn't have liked the story of either of these years much at all if I didn't know they were the legacy of so much that had come before. I think Hero Factory and Ninjago could potentially have more staying power than BIONICLE, even though BIONICLE got off to a much better start than Hero Factory in terms of sales, becoming one of TLG's most successful product lines in 2002. If BIONICLE were to return, I do not think it could be such a rich and dense universe as it was before, since a more episodic story seems to be more reliable than BIONICLE's continuous saga. And in the form of a more episodic story I think BIONICLE would the epic scale and sense of grandness that made it so lovable in the first place.

    I've gotta just agree with this
    I agree with this as well.
  3. Back in 2006, I woke up one morning and found my Kongu Inika laying on the floor in a flying pose, the weird thing was, he was on a shelf, surrounded by other figures the night before. EDIT: added more text

  4. When comes to Hero Factory, the story is ok, but the sets are awesome and, in my opinion, are better than Bionicle sets. I own 12 sets (Breez 1.0, Meltdown, Xplode, Rotor, Breez 2.0, Nex 2.0, Drilldozer, Nex 3.0, Bulk 3.0, Stringer 3.0, Waspix, and Raw-Jaw.) in total and might get two more from the 2012 line. Speaking of the 2012 line, the Heroes, despite them using the 1.0 helmets (minus two of them), they don't that great to me, some of them look too random in their designs. The villains, on the other hand, look great, of course some can be better.

  5. Two things: 1. Have you tried flipping the helmet around, exposing more of the face? That's what I always try with new masks to see if they'll work for a generic character.2. Why do you have the Hordika necks sticking out of his shoulders? I would maybe attach something there. Overall a very well made MOC, but a couple of tweaks could make it so much more. Rivin

    1. I have before, didn't like the look. 2. I had them holding on to shoulder pads for Axen when I first builded him.

    Quite good, particularly the chest build and the color layering (silver to grey to dark red to yellow). Now, the arm joints have much to be desired (articulation). However, it looks great. a_peace.png

    To quote myself from earlier:

    About the arms, in order for me to make them look proportionate to the body and legs, those were the only parts I could use, I could had made custom arms, but that would had screwed up the color scheme.

    Thanks for the comments.
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