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Everything posted by Konuju

  1. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Hallway, The Alamo She offered him a reassuring smile. "Well, I think you may have found your call in teaching. Maybe you could start a class or something? A martial arts dojo?" Her smile faded as she glanced around and realized they were in an unfamiliar hallway of the Alamo. "Um . . . speaking of not knowing where to go, I wasn't really paying attention to where we were walking." Dahlia rubbed the back of her head. "I guess I never really decided if I wanted to head back to my room, try and catch Olivia in the food court, or visit Aspen in the medical wing. And I was so busy talking to you, I didn't end up in any of those places."
  2. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Hallway, The Alamo Dahlia had to admit she had never heard of the no-longer-existing company. Although she was curious about what happened to it, that wasn't the first question that came to mind. "So what are your plans now? I mean, it sounds like we're both staying at the Alamo for the time being, but after this all blows over, what will you do?"
  3. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Hallway, The Alamo Dahlia nodded, choosing to keep quiet for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. "My siblings and I met a nice girl in Sootopolis. She couldn't have been older than about ten, but she still helped us out when a big fight broke out involving Groudon -- or a Groudon impersonator. When we later ran into some friends of friends in Lilycove, we heard that little girl had been taken by McKinley." She looked over to Jared. "I didn't have to think twice about joining the group that had set out to rescue her. McKinley's treachery became even more apparent when he attacked our boat and stole one of our group. So yeah, we wanted to get our friends back, but we were also after McKinley. And Ford too, although I guess we were wrong about him." The silence was only given a brief moment to settle before Dahlia spoke up again. "So who's your superior? Rocket? Liberty?"
  4. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island The gardener finished picking up the cans, placing a number of them in her backpack for use in future training but throwing most of them away in one of the garbage cans that dotted the outskirts of the arena. The resealed can she had practiced on she kept in her hands. "Sure thing," she said. "To both the regular training and the walk." As the two headed out of the training field, Dahlia glanced over at the aura wielder. The thought struck her that although she had just made him her tutor, she hardly knew anything about him. She would have to remedy that. "So, how did you get involved in the thing on Two Island?" she asked. "Were you also trying to rescue someone McKinley had recruited?" IC: Shannon Willows/Madison Morrow/Jayron Aaron/Theodore Willows/Ava Willows - Command Center, The Alamo "Tomorrow morning? That doesn't give us much time," Madison muttered as she started to type out a message on her Pokétch. The mission details left her uncertain as to what she should do. On one hand, this was the perfect opportunity for someone like her to help make a difference. She didn't have much experience in Pokémon battles, but with these power suits almost everyone would have the same learning curve. On the other hand, while safety was a priority, it seemed very clear that gathering intel came before getting everyone home in one piece. She had held her own well enough in Celadon, but this was something else entirely. When Ryan asked his question, Shannon tried to make herself as small as possible. The last thing she needed was to draw undue attention toward themselves. When Executive Arthur gave his answer, Shannon tugged on Ryan's arm. "You're not seriously thinking of going, are you?" she asked in a near-silent whisper. "Something feels sketchy about these suits. Unsanctioned work? Ethical concerns? Don't throw yourself into this." Jayron leaned back in his chair, resting his chin on his hand. Something tells me it's going to be a long night, he mused. I just hope Goldhawk was right to trust Vert with this. IC: Ryan Sanders/Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo Sonja's suggestion took Ryan by surprise. Up until now he had assumed that he'd join Sonja and Mewtwo in visiting Hayes. He now realized that Sonja probably had it covered. Mewtwo was the one with direct experience, but it was Ford who knew the history behind these things, the power of those cards, and the details of the Signs. "I'll go with Chloe," he decided. "I guess I'll get the transport afterwards." "I'll do the same," Dack said. "A Rocket perspective might help when asking questions." "I'm with Dack, then," Luke said. "Although at this rate it sounds like we're sending a small army to Ford." At that moment Dack's Pokétch buzzed with a message. The sound made Ryan cringe as he instinctively checked his own Pokégear. Dack quickly scanned the message, a frown growing on his face. "Actually, I need to talk to Madison." He looked over at Luke. "You go see Ford in my stead." The blackbelt raised an eyebrow. "What's this all about?" "I'm not sure," Dack responded with a worried look at his Pokétch. "But I've got a bad feeling she's going to do something stupid if I don't stop her. In the meantime, the rest of you need to get to Ford and Hayes pronto. That big alert they sent out to everyone? They're deploying people tomorrow morning to fight that thing."
  5. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Despite her exhaustion, Dahlia felt giddy at her success. Olivia and Lachina really missed out. She started picking up the cans that lay strewn about the arena, making a mental note to track down her sister later so she could tell her all about it. "So, are we going to make this a regular thing?" she asked. "These training sessions, that is. With you teaching me, I feel like I could learn to control my powers in no time at all!"
  6. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island She took the can from Jared and set it on the ground in front of her. Taking a deep breath, Dahlia closed her eyes to focus her mind. Her doubts and fears had no place here. When at last she was ready she opened her eyes, unaware of their soft glow. She extended her hands towards the can. All she wanted to do was to fix it. To reverse what was wrong. She saw her brother with his broken leg. She saw the fear in Ryan's eyes after her battle on the boat. She saw McKinley, that monstrous clown set on destroying the world. Each image floated through her mind like before. But instead of bearing down on her, Dahlia found a strength of will in the memories. A desire to undo the evils of the world. She honed in on that yearning. Before she could save everyone she loved, she had to save this can. At first nothing seemed to happen. Then the can trembled, as if caught in a sudden quake. The can slowly inflated like a balloon. Wrinkled aluminum turned smooth. Scars healed. Before long the once-crumpled can sat good as new. But Dahlia didn't stop there. The tab swiveled and the lid swung shut. The can resealed itself as if it had never been opened. The glow in her eyes faded, but Dahlia held her pose for several moments, in awe of her own abilities. Then she fell to her knees, exhausted. "I . . . I did it . . ." She looked up at her tutor, a grin breaking out on her face. "Jared, I actually did it! This is amazing! Thank you!"
  7. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island The girl nodded. "That might be part of why I've been having so much trouble; my powers aren't the easiest to understand. Time and Space seem fairly straightforward, but Reverse is just . . . odd." She got to her feet picked up a can, turning it over in her hand. "To be honest, I feel like I'm only scratching the surface with what I can do. But crushing cans and reversing punches is what Ryan had me practicing, so . . . here I am."
  8. OOC: Happy Seven Year Anniversary, Rise of the Rockets! Maybe I should've waited a few hours and made my last post my anniversary post. I'll try to keep this brief since I'm sure it will run longer than the actual IC, but every anniversary I've done this little personal year in review and I'd like to keep that tradition going. And man, this past year has been one of the biggest plot-wise. I feel like the Sins Arc was very character focused, and that combined with having way more "downtime" than previous arcs (especially after the mad rush of moving everyone halfway across Unova for that arc's finale), we've grown more invested in each of our characters. So now that our heroes are facing a more universal and far more deadly threat, the stakes are that much higher due to the past nearly four years of character exploration and development. I also love how this arc has brought together characters who would've never before interacted, namely all the Rockets and Liberties that weren't part of the Unova group. And I think the current distrust of Liberty's leadership could either drive these characters closer together, or tear them apart. Only time will tell. So congrats on seven years, and here's to the start of another fantastic arc! IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia watched her sister leave. Part of her wanted to go with her and turn lunch into a group event, but she knew how important her training was. She sat down on the floor to catch her breath and glanced over at Jared. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of it," she said with a smile. "Have you ever trained anyone like this before? You seem like a natural."
  9. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia tried to make each kick better than the last. Her thoughts drifted to Jared. Was she reading too much into things, or was something else going on? It wasn't surprising for Olivia to snap at anyone she thought might harm her siblings, but it still felt like the redhead had overreacted. After all, Olivia didn't know about how Jared had already helped her. That's all the aura wielder was trying to do, help them. Right? The middle Seaton wiped her brow as Olivia struck up a conversation with Lachina. She glanced at Jared, then averted her eyes back to her sister. The workout had found her more tired than she'd expected and she wasn't thinking clearly, especially after her tantrum had left her emotionally drained. That was it. IC: Ryan Sanders - Hallway, The Alamo Ryan stared in disbelief. "Of course! Here I was thinking Mewtwo had no way to communicate without his powers, but if a human psychic were to talk with him . . ." For the briefest of moments he wondered if that had been Jayron's plan all along. He shook the thought from his head. Mewtwo was far more likely to open up to one of Ford's agents than some Liberty executive. Not to mention, a meeting with Hayes would knock out two birds with one stone. "I handed Adams' Pokémon, including Mewtwo, to Ethan Worth. He's a Rocket agent who's helped me out in the past." Ryan spoke quickly and quietly, as if afraid someone would overhear. "We'll have to track him down. But first we should talk to Evan and fill him in on our plans." IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo "I'm not sure how well Liberty's transportation department takes vague requests from Rocket agents," Dack said. "But I can try to get a helicopter or something arranged." "I'll help you with that." Luke grinned. "If they prove difficult, I'll just give 'em a little Machoke-style persuasion." Dack shot him a look. "I was only kidding! Geez, you need to lighten up." Dack chose to ignore his friend and instead looked back at Kyle. "Before you go, we should all exchange contact info. That'll make it easier to keep in touch." As the group shared numbers, the door to the records room opened and two more people walked in. "Sorry we're late, but we've got big news. Sonja's- Ethan!" The young man ran up to the table and took several moments to compose himself to the point that he could speak in comprehensible sentences. "Fate must be smiling down on us; you're just who we needed to find!" Now that he was closer, Dack recognized him as the kid from Fortree. His companion looked like one of Ford's recruits -- likely Sonja, based on what Kyle had said. "Slow down, kid. You'll give yourself a heart attack at that speed." A bemused smile crossed Dack's lips. "What exactly do you want with Ethan?" Ryan took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. "Ford's Mewtwo," he finally managed. "Sonja got permission to speak with her sister -- Hayes -- who can communicate with Mewtwo. Mewtwo had been sent to that monster's world to fend it off and buy time. If anyone can give us tips on how to stop it, it's Mewtwo." Luke gave a low whistle. "Well I guess we've all got our tasks now. Ford, Hayes, chopper, daycare. Am I forgetting anything?" IC: Theodore Willows/Ava Willows - The Alamo Theodore and Ava Willows had come to the Alamo to help. The two veteran agents had recently requested time off to be with their daughter, who had been injured in the 'small war' that had ravaged Celadon. No one had expected to see them back at Liberty headquarters so soon. Then again, no one had expected Pokémon power to suddenly shut down around the world, either. Life is full of little surprises. With their daughter transported from a private Celadon hospital (it was a small miracle she hadn't been anywhere near the city's public hospital) to the Alamo's medical wing, Theodore and Ava returned to the line of duty. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew they had to help, in whatever way they could. For the first few days while Liberty leadership tried to assess the situation, the Willows found themselves assisting with the nightmarish task of managing the Alamo's small fleet of helicopters and ships in coordination with the Sevii Islands' public transport. Refugees from Two Island flooded to Kanto, Four Island, One Island, anywhere they could find. A small number had departed for Three Island, which made that island's subsequent evacuation all the more complicated. Theodore and Ava were field agents. They weren't used to dealing with people outside of a battlefield. But amidst the mass evacuations, standard transportation couldn't just come to a standstill. Agents out on missions in other regions couldn't just be abandoned, and with the teleportation network down, Liberty choppers and boats were stretched frighteningly thin. And that wasn't even getting into the sheer number of people who still thought it was acceptable to use Liberty vehicles for personal transportation. Ava had just recently dealt with a man who insisted on he and his daughter being taken to Unova of all places, with a pit stop in Hoenn. The sheer audacity of the request had her pulling her hairs out. She still couldn't believe she had finally given in. Their volunteer assignment had turned out to be far more stressful than their years of fieldwork. Naturally, when an emergency summons requested volunteers for a mission, Theodore and Ava leapt at the opportunity. As soon as their shift in Transportation was done, the two rushed over to the Command Center as fast as they could. They made it just in time to see several teenagers get kicked out. "I.D.s, please." The couple produced their badges. "Those kids have spunk," Theodore muttered. "Reminds me of when we were young and foolish." Ava shook her head sadly. "When we were their age, we weren't at war. They've had to grow up much faster than we did. It's for their own good they're getting turned away." It wasn't long before Goldhawk and Blackskull appeared, flanked by Sleight, Joker, and Bounty. It was an odd feeling being in the same room as these powerful figures who for so long had been at each others' throats. The sight of Aleivy and Alaric standing side-by-side as allies spoke to the gravity of the situation. Goldhawk began the briefing. Theodore tugged on his wife's sleeve. She ignored him. He tugged harder. "What?" she hissed, clearly annoyed at the interruption. They were in the presence of five of the most powerful leaders in the world, and Ava did not want to appear distracted. Her husband nodded toward the opposite end of the room, where a girl with dirty-blonde hair stood amongst the crowd. "Is that who I think it is?" he whispered. Ava couldn't believe her eyes. It was impossible. She shouldn't be here. She couldn't be here. And yet there she was, another face in the deathly solemn crowd. It took every ounce of effort for Ava to turn her attention back to Goldhawk's presentation. "We'll deal with her later," she said under her breath. IC: Shannon Willows/Madison Morrow/Jayron Aaron - Command Center, The Alamo Towards the end of Goldhawk's briefing, Shannon suddenly clenched Ryan's arm. She bent her legs and took a half step backwards, a cold sweat starting to break out on the back of her neck. At a glance one would simply assume she was nervous about the mission. In truth she was trying to hide behind Ryan and make herself as small as possible, for she had just spotted something far more terrifying than the Missing Zero. Something that could jeopardize everything she had planned. She could only hope they hadn't noticed her. An uncomfortable silence filled the room when Goldhawk finished speaking. Jayron scanned the crowd. He recognized a few people from the egg but was largely disappointed in the outcome. It did not help ease his nerves. How many of these faces would give their lives on this mission? All because he had suggested they gather research? Sanders better hurry up with that Mewtwo, he mused. These guys are going to need all the help they can get. It was Madison who finally broke the deathly silence. She timidly raised a hand. "Um, when would we be leaving for this mission? And . . . would it be possible for someone who couldn't make it to this meeting to join?" Her heart went to Dack. She didn't know if he'd want to risk his life in a mission like this, but she knew she couldn't go without him. Nor, she realized, could he go without her.
  10. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia gave another, slower kick. She pivoted as Jared had shown her and extended her leg, ending with pointed toes. She held the pose and looked at the aura wielder expectantly. "How was that?" she asked with a smile.
  11. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia studied Lachina's technique and paid attention to the tips Jared gave her. Fully extend the leg. Just like her punches. The middle Seaton took a deep breath, lifted her knee, and flung it out. The force of the kick threw her off balance, and she flailed her arms about, but managed not to fall. Instead she hung poised with two arms and one leg outstretched like some crazy ballerina. "Um . . . was that too much?" she asked sheepishly.
  12. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia laughed at her sister's enthusiasm. "Well you can count me in, too. After all, I can't let Olivia show me up." Her earlier doubts had faded away. She was no longer the Heroine of Reverse struggling to learn control; she was simply a young girl enjoying the time spent with her sister and her new friends. IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, Four Island "I vote doing we do this ourselves," Luke said, with a glance over at Ethan. His Machoke nodded in agreement. "Dack and I are kind of the experts of taking things into our own hands. Did I ever tell you how we helped save Sinnoh from the Ancient Darkrai?" "I don't know." Dack's eyes remained fixated on Pride's mark. "Hannah Wright took things into her own hands, and look how well that ended for her. As easy as it would be to go about things on our own, you can't deny the benefit of having the support of both Rocket and Liberty. I think we should at least try to keep the leaders in the loop." IC: Ryan Sanders - Hallway, The Alamo Ryan slipped his hands into his pockets and stared at the floor in front of him. It was a long moment before he answered. "Jayron wanted me to bring Ford's Mewtwo," he said slowly. He looked over at Sonja. "I can't do that. There's enough red tape as it is trying to talk to Ford or your sister, and Mewtwo was actually in that dimension fighting those things. He's probably our biggest asset, even if we have no way of communicating with him right now. I know it's insubordinate, but I think we need Mewtwo on our side, not cooped up in a prison like Ford." IC: Madison Morrow/Luke - Command Center, The Alamo People were now flocking to the command center by the dozens. Madison though she saw a face she recognized, but quickly lost it among the bustling activity. The sweet hum of a violin pierced the din of casual conversations, drawing the skier's attention. "Oh, what a lovely song." Shannon smiled as she rested her head lightly against Ryan's shoulder. "This is a command center, not a concert hall," Madison muttered. "Maybe there's been some delay, and he got sent here to keep us entertained until the briefing starts?" IC: Jayron Aaron - Executive Offices, The Alamo I don't need my powers to know something was off with Sanders. Jayron's Lucario gave his trainer a pointed look as he pushed off from the wall and walked over to the desk. "I agree." Jayron paused from organizing his notes and ran through the meeting again in his mind. "He seemed reluctant to share anything; I practically had to pry the information out of him. It could just be stress. I know I'd sleep better at night if I could just ignore anything to do with the egg, so I wouldn't put it past Sanders to have just handed off Adams' Pokémon -- a brutal reminder of how deadly those things are -- to the first person who seemed remotely interested in taking them. He probably just wanted them off his chest." Hopefully you're right. Lucario hid the worry from his face, but could not conceal it from his aura. At this point we'll just have to hope Sanders delivers. The executive nodded. "In the meantime, the briefing in Command will be starting soon. Who wants to come with me?" Scythe, Servine, and Leafy stepped forward while Midnight landed on top of Jayron's fedora. Lucario simply raised an eyebrow. Do you even have to ask? Jayron returned the volunteers to their Pokéballs, sans Lucario, and turned to the remaining trio of Aqua, Metagross, and Flygon. "Watch over the place while I'm out." He smiled to conceal his anxiety, for he couldn't help but feel woefully unprepared for a second encounter with those things. He could only hope that the rest of Liberty leadership had come up with a feasible plan.
  13. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island One, two, punch. "Hya!" One, two, punch. "Hya!" Dahlia gradually got into a rhythm, alternating her punches and emphasizing each with a soft shout. The repetitive motion felt cathartic, and in a much healthier way than her punches in the bathroom. She was glad for Olivia's company, although she was a bit worried about her one-on-one lesson turning into a small class. Regardless, having a teacher who was dividing his attention between three people was better than not having a teacher at all. Pushing her doubts aside, Dahlia continued to rhythmically punch the air. IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo "Well, you've got at least one other Sin." Dack pointed to another symbol. "That one's Pride." He glanced at the others. "So we're planning to show these to Ford and hope he knows what they all mean? Then try and relay his message back to Liberty leadership?" IC: Ryan Sanders - Hallway, The Alamo Ryan nodded. Between Ethan and Evan, he had decided that Evan would be the easiest to find. Not to mention, Evan or some of the others might be able to help track down Ethan and Mewtwo. Pulling out his Pokégear, he typed out a quick message to the Hero of Space letting him know that he and Sonja were on their way, and asking where to meet. It didn't take long to get a response. "Evan's meeting with some others in the Records Room," he announced. "Odd place for a meeting, but luckily that's not too far from here." He and Sonja walked in relative silence. It wasn't until they were out of the executive wing that Ryan finally voiced the question that had been on the tip of his tongue. "So how'd the meeting go? Sorry for worrying so much over you, but Arthur-" He stopped himself. Regardless of his feelings towards the executive, he had still taken a vow of confidentiality. Sonja might have gotten out of being labeled a traitor, but he risked the same punishment should he betray James' trust. "I mean . . . I was afraid you were going to get arrested. I didn't have much of a chance to warn you about it."
  14. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia felt her breath catch in her lungs as she stared at Jared. Was he . . . hitting on them? Was that his whole reason for agreeing to train her? For offering to bandage her hand? For walking in on her in the women's bathroom? Suddenly flustered, Dahlia went back to her spot across from the aura wielder. She tried to push the thoughts from her mind. With a nod at her sister, she resumed her stance. One hand outstretched, the other at her side, palm up. "Shall we try this again? I-I'll try not to mess up this time." IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo "Why not just ask Blue to meet us here?" Dack asked. "That way we can maybe talk to him while we're waiting for Kyle, or vice versa." Luke sighed. "Either way, that's still a lot of waiting. You think Blue will even listen to you? 'Hey man, I know you don't know most of us, but could you put in a word to get us a meeting with that terrorist you guys have locked up?' Yeah, that'll go over real well." Dack shot him a glare. "Well, it's him or Kyle's father. Our options are pretty limited here." IC: Ryan Sanders - Executive Offices, The Alamo Ryan stepped back out into the hallway and closed the door to Jayron's office. His heart was racing. He checked his Pokégear. No word from Sonja; she was still in James' office. He knew he needed to find Ethan Worth as quickly as possible, but he had never asked for the Rocket's number. It would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But he couldn't leave the executive wing just yet. He walked back over to James' office and sat down next to the door, hugging his legs. When had things gotten so complicated? Team Liberty was feeling more and more like an organization he couldn't trust. This whole situation with Ford had just turned everything on its head. He wasn't sure who to trust, or where to turn. Hopefully the old group from Unova would be more understanding. Evan seemed to be trying to call them back together, and Ryan had planned to meet up with him before Jayron had unexpectedly placed Ethan on his priority list. Evan or Ethan? Which was more important? He mulled it over, hoping Sonja would come out soon.
  15. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia mimicked Jared's stance and took a deep breath and held it, preparing to exhale on the aura wielder's count. It seemed simple enough. Reverse her arms. Like a spring. One . . . Two . . . "Sorry if I'm buttin' in . . ." "Kyaaaaaaa!" Dahlia punched the air so hard she stumbled forward, falling flat on her face. Color rushed to her cheeks as she glanced over her shoulder. "O-Olivia?! What are you doing here, you startled me!" She hastily picked herself up and turned an embarrassed eye on Jared and Lachina. "U-um, sorry about that . . ."
  16. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia shot Lachina a grin before focusing back on her training. She held out her right hand, the one Jared had bandaged, and balled it into a fist. The muscles in her arm tensed. Her whole body tensed. She looked at her hand nervously, the unasked question on her face wondering whether her punches would open up her wounds again. IC: Ellen Burks/Paul Burks - Alamo Barracks, Four Island "Authorities are still unsure what to make of the strange monsters that invaded Two Island earlier today. Rumor has it that the Rocket government is working with Team Liberty to address the situation, and we expect there will be a press release by tonight. Meanwhile the former residents of the island have evacuated to the Kanto Region, and refugees continue to flock from Three Island, which is also being evacuated as a precautionary measure. Back to you, Jim . . ." The door opened and Ellen's father walked in. "Man, you would not believe how hard it is to secure a chopper off this island," he muttered. "I practically had to- Ellen, what are you doing? Turn that off!" ". . . Here we see some rare footage leaked from the Alamo. One of the flying monsters, what some have likened to a harpy, rips through a Pidgey like tin foil. The bird Pokémon falls to the surface of the island, where its body is slowly consumed by--" The television abruptly shut off as Mr. Burks let the remote clatter onto the coffee table. Paul knelt in front of his daughter, who continued to stare past him at the blank screen. "Ellen." His eyes were already flooded with tears. "I told you not to turn on the television. You'll only give yourself nightmares." "This is the nightmare." Ellen's voice was soft and distant. "Turning off the television is just like pretending it isn't real. Unova pretended the war wasn't real, then Sophia blew up Castelia. You can't ignore it." Paul had no answer. "Listen, Ellen, I got us a ride to Unova. They've agreed to stop in Fortree to pick up some of your belongings. We'll leave in a couple days, so you'll have time to say goodbye to your friends. They're all really worried about you . . ." "Xander was here earlier," she said. "So was Ray." "Well, that was nice of them to visit. I'm sure they-" "They're going to fight those things." As quickly as it had appeared, Paul's smile vanished. "Ellen, I'm sure they'll be fine." "You don't know that." ". . . You're right. I don't. But I do know that your friends are very capable. Look how much they went through just to rescue you." Paul sat down on the couch next to his daughter and pulled out his Xtransceiver. "Come on, let's give your mother a call to let her know our plans. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear your voice." Now it was Ellen's turn to let her eyes fill with tears. She pulled her feet up and hugged her legs, burying her face in her kneecaps. "I should have listened to you," she sobbed. "I never should have gone with Tyler. I'm a horrible daughter. I'm so sorry, Daddy . . ." He wrapped his arms around her. "No, Ellen . . . You're the kindest, sweetest daughter a father could ask for. I shouldn't have pushed you away. During Christmas, you only wanted to help your friends. All I could see was the danger you were stepping into. I'm the one who should be sorry, Ellen. I didn't want to lose you, so I held on too tight." "What's scarier?" she asked softly through her tears. "To know every unspeakable horror our friends will have to face? Or to know nothing aside from the fact that they're putting themselves in danger?" For a long while, Paul did not speak. "I don't know." He stood up and slowly moved over to the room's small cupboard. "I think we're both in need of a little pick-me-up. How does a cup of hot tea sound?" Ellen didn't answer, but Paul prepared the tea anyway. He sat back down with two steaming mugs. Ellen left hers untouched. His Xtransceiver was laying on the coffee table. With a sigh, Paul placed the device back in his pocket. Seeing Ellen like this broke his heart. He wouldn't want to break Anna's heart as well.
  17. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island "I've never been much of a fighter," Dahlia admitted. "I'm pretty sure the first time I actually punched someone was on the boat ride from Lilycove. Guess I should learn how to punch before I Reverse Punch, huh?" A smile slipped onto her face. "This martial training isn't going to involve me waxing your car, is it, Jared?" IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo Dack nodded at Evan. "Blue's supposed to help us secure a meeting with Ford, to learn more about this blob thing we're facing. That is, assuming we can convince him to help us. It sounds like you've got the same general idea. But like you said, time is not on our side. We need to work together, come up with a common plan, or we'll all just be spread out doing our own thing." IC: Ryan Sanders/Jayron Aaron - Executive Offices, The Alamo "Come on in." Ryan opened the door. Jayron's office was constructed disturbingly similar to James'. The executive was seated at his desk jotting down notes, but unlike Arthur and his computer, Aaron seemed to prefer pen and paper. His numerous Pokémon dotted the room, creating an atmosphere that felt both familial and a bit intimidating. Ryan took a seat and waited patiently as Jayron finished scribbling something out. Finally, the executive looked up. "Agent Sanders. How are you doing?" "I've been better." To his credit, Ryan didn't outwardly reveal his current worry. But it was hard to tell how much the aura reader actually knew about the situation. "We all have." Jayron offered a melancholy smile as he shuffled his paper notes. "Now, let's get straight to business. What can you tell me about Ford's Mewtwo?" The question took Ryan by surprise. "Well, Ford said something about it living in that other dimension for a while, buying time. There was a statue of the Mewtwo in the final chamber . . . I think." He shifted in his seat as he furrowed his brow. "It might have been its petrified body, or its tie to this world. All I know is, once that thing started dripping down from the ceiling, Ford's Mewtwo was standing where the statue had been. Unconscious. I helped drag it away from the pedestal, until Adams returned it to its Pokéball." Jayron nodded. "And with Adams gone, the Mewtwo was left in your charge." Ryan tensed. Was Liberty planning to place Mewtwo under arrest too? "I don't have it with me," he said defensively. "That's a shame." The executive pursed his lips. "I had hoped to get this over with sooner rather than later. Where is he?" Ryan did not answer. He had said too much to Arthur, and now Sonja was about to pay the price. He quickly deduced that if Ford, Sonja, and Hayes were all locked up, Mewtwo could be the only one left who could help them defeat McKinley's monster. Even if the current power loss rendered the once-powerful Legendary as nothing more than a tall bipedal cat-like clone with no form of verbal communication, it was better than nothing. He could not afford to make the same mistake twice. "Sanders. Where is Mewtwo?" "I don't know." "What do you mea-" "Adams' Pokémon were all gravely injured. Especially Mewtwo." Ryan spoke through clenched teeth. His mind raced as he tried to think of the best way out of this situation. "I had to get them healed." "So they're in the Pokémon Center?" Jayron reached for his desk phone to page the resident Nurse Joy. "No. After they were healed, I gave them to someone more familiar with Adams. Someone who could tell them their trainer was gone." "Who?" ". . . I don't know." The executive brought a hand to his temple with a sigh. "Can you give me a name? A description? Were they Liberty? Rocket? Unaligned?" Ryan closed his eyes. Ethan Worth. He had to find Ethan Worth as quickly as possible. Before it was too late. "I don't know." Jayron shook his head in exasperation. "So you just handed off a Ford agent's Pokémon to someone you don't know because they claimed to have known Adams?" He opened his eyes, staring straight at the executive. "Like you said, it's been an emotional time for all of us. I've got enough on my plate without having to tell a handful of Pokémon I've never met before that their trainer is dead. Especially when I could have saved her." Jayron jotted down a few more notes, then looked back at Ryan. The lesser agent stared right back, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling that the executive was likely peering into his aura. "Those Pokémon should have been placed in Liberty custody, not handed off to an unknown. Sanders, it is imperative that you find this person and bring them to me. Do I make myself clear?" Ryan stood up and nodded gravely. He could feel the eyes of each of Jayron's Pokémon staring at him. "I understand the situation perfectly, sir." "Good. I expect you back in my office by the end of the week, preferably sooner. You are dismissed."
  18. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field Dahlia stood, exchanging a glance with Lachina. She had no clue what sort of physical exertion Jared had in mind, but she felt like the girl who had just leapt gracefully from her Altaria was more fit for typical physical exercises. In the past, Dahlia had gotten most of her exercise from gardening, which while not as strenuous as something like running or push-ups, was still exerting in its own way. She looked back to Jared, awaiting further instructions.
  19. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field Dahlia opened her eyes. She glanced over at Lachina before focusing on Jared. "I feel . . . unprepared. I know this is supposed to help with my powers, but even if I had full control, I'd still be scared. I'm supposed to be the Heroine of Reverse, but I don't feel like a hero. Maybe it will come with experience, but I just don't have the confidence of my fellow Heroes of Space and Time. Those two were made to be heroes. I'm just a gardener from Olivine. A nobody. I try my best, but it never feels good enough."
  20. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia closed her eyes. She could still see the cans littered about in her mind's eye. It was clear she needed training. She could only hope that meditation was the answer. She let the thought go. She felt the pressure of the bandages wrapped around her hand. For a near-complete stranger, Jared had been incredibly kind and understanding. She was lucky he'd heard her. She let the thought go. Her memories drifted back to the boat, to her training sessions with Ryan. She couldn't exactly fault him for not knowing what he was doing, but Jared in comparison instilled much more confidence. A part of her wished Ryan could have been more patient and understanding . . . She let the thought go. She saw the Pinsir, Aspen, felt the rush of anger . . . Even without her powers, Dahlia felt she would have flown into a rage. Perhaps the problem wasn't her powers, but her attitude, her thoughtless reaction . . . She let the thought go. The Pinsir was replaced by the Xatu. She wasn't trying to destroy, she was trying to protect. Gavin had been injured, far worse than Aspen, yet she hadn't lost control like on the boat. Then why had her powers not worked as she'd intended? She dwelt on the thought longer than she should have, before letting it go. Instead of the Xatu, she saw McKinley. "Little Miss Reverse," he had called her. She felt like a little girl thrust into a big, scary world. Like a sprout trying to find its roots without losing the sun. She was vulnerable. Weak. Immature. But if watered, could she grow? The thoughts bombarded her mind like insects seeking to feed on the sprout. She had no choice but to block them out, despite Jared's warning. She tried to let the original thought go, but it was already buried under countless questions. She saw herself in a fractured mirror. Her family had one been broken. With effort, her siblings had reunited and set aside their differences. Could the same be said for herself? Could she fix her broken spirit? Or was the image of Dahlia Seaton, Heroine of Reverse, a distorted one? Let it go. She couldn't. The thoughts clung to her like a stain. Let it go. Was she really this bad at meditating? Had she really just failed the first lesson? Let it go.
  21. IC: Ryan Sanders - Executive Offices, The Alamo "Yes, sir." Ryan gripped the arms of his chair as he stood up and strode out of the office, refusing to meet the executive's eyes. He only had a few fleeting seconds as he passed by Sonja. They locked eyes, and in that single glance he tried to convey his concern, to issue a non-verbal warning of what James was trying to do. With the executive present, he didn't dare utter anything beyond a simple "Good luck." And then she was gone. Vanished into the belly of the beast. Ryan felt sick. He should have lied, made up some story about McKinley forcibly kidnapping Sonja against her will. Anything to keep her out of a Liberty prison. With shaking hands, he pulled out his Pokégear and typed out a simple message to Sonja. He knew Sonja hated being treated like she couldn't handle herself, but Ryan was genuinely scared that this questioning could end in an arrest. If he needed to cut his ties with Team Liberty to help her escape, he would do so. Evan, Kyle, and the others would still do what they could to lend their aid. But with Ford and Hayes already under lockdown, Sonja was their last hope of finding some way to stop the blob. He hit send. It was several moments before Ryan found the strength to leave James' door. His destination lay only a few doors down, at Executive Jayron Aaron's office. He could only hope this meeting would go better than the last.
  22. IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo "Dack Majors." The Rocket agent shook Evan's hand. "Thanks for your help on Two Island, by the way. It's a lot better to be fighting with you than against your doppelganger." "I'm Luke." The blackbelt shook the Hero's hand next. "Sorry about that misunderstanding. Your shadow-self gave us quite the run for our money. Oh, and this is my buddy Machoke. He's sorry too." While the Machoke gave a big, toothy, sheepish grin and held out a hand to shake, Dack turned his attention back to Chloe. "So, any luck finding your contacts?" OOC: Pseudo-jam with Minun IC: Ryan Sanders - Executive Offices, The Alamo Ryan shifted in his seat, his lip curled into a frown. This was exactly the opposite conclusion he had wanted to convey. "I think you're missing the point," he said. "When each Child was taken, McKinley was--" James gave him a hard look. "This is a yes or no question, Agent Sanders." It took every effort not to yell at the executive. His stomach warped into a knot, and he placed as much defiance as he could into his glare and his seething, one-word answer. "Yes."
  23. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Training Field, Four Island Dahlia waved at the new girl. "It's nice to meet you, Lachina." Her smile faltered when she saw the spot Jared had chosen for meditation. Why did it have to be in the middle of all those cans? How was she supposed to focus when she was surrounded by her failures? With a moment's hesitation, Dahlia followed the aura wielder and sat across from him, doing her best to match his posture and trying not to think about the cans that littered the floor around them. Like shards of broken mirror. "So, um, what now?" IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo Luke took one look at Evan's comedic assault on Chloe and turned a skeptical eye on Dack. "We can trust him? Maybe he won't kill us, but I wouldn't put it past him to scare the living daylights out of us all." Ignoring his friend, Dack strode up to the startled girl and jerked a thumb at Evan. "You know this guy? Luke is convinced he tried to kill us once in Sinnoh, but Garchomp-Man here claims that was a shadow version of himself. Which doesn't surprise me, given that this happened during the reign of the Ancient Darkrai. Can you confirm his story?" IC: Shannon Willows/Madison Morrow - Hallway, The Alamo Shannon let out a giggle at Ryan's teasing. "I don't know what you're talking about; I'm right where I belong." With a subtle squeeze of his hand, she followed him down the hall. "I'm sure you'll find it eventually, but it's the journey that counts. Right?" Madison slipped her hands into her pockets as she walked alongside Lucia, listening patiently to her rambling story. When the healer fell silent, she offered a soft smile. "I know what you mean, actually. I'm nowhere near as good a trainer as Dack, and many times I wonder if I'm just a burden to him. I'm sure he'd rather I stay safe in Snowpoint where I don't have to worry about getting eaten by a giant blob thing." A grin broke out on her face. "Of course in Snowpoint I risk my life every day barreling down steep slopes with nothing a couple of plastic sticks stuck to my feet and a pair of poles, so joke's on him. In all seriousness though, Dack needs me looking out for him just as much as he looks out for me. You may not realize it, but I'm sure you mean more to your friends than they let on. Don't let it get you down. Just look at Ryan and Shannon. Would they really be as happy as they are together if it wasn't for your helping Shannon recover?" The skier let Lucia chew on her words as they stepped into the command center. The place was bustling with activity. A large monitor depicted a red circle superimposed over an aerial photograph of Two Island. Other monitors showed video footage of the monsters depicted in recent news broadcasts. Aside from the technicians furiously typing away at their keyboards, it was hard to tell who was a regular at the command center and who had answered the Alamo-wide summons. Shannon clung to Ryan's side like glue, while Madison tried to assess the situation based on what Dack had told her. IC: Ryan Sanders - Executive Offices, The Alamo Ryan nodded. "Sonja and Ray are easy, since I was actually there when they were taken. Both of them had accompanied me to Fortree when I tried to find answers about the Garvens. We found Maddison Hayes, a Ford Agent we had first encountered during a mission in Unova. She was looking for Ellen. That was about the time I got separated and fought Alber- er, Gluttony. Ray ran after me, and Sonja stayed back with our other companions, Plasma Agents Evan Tierra and Jenny Hakuda, to fight Hayes. After I defeated Gluttony and ran back to the others, Sonja had . . ." He hesitated. No matter how much he trusted Sonja, the cold fact remained that she had willingly chosen to aid a known terrorist. True, it turned out Ford had only been trying to prevent a wider catastrophe, and he couldn't fault her for wanting to stop the blob, but the current imprisonment of both Ford and Hayes suggested that Team Liberty wouldn't take Sonja's choice lightly. By definition, Sonja had effectively committed treason. He couldn't let her meet the same fate as Ford and Hayes. Especially not when her visions could be their only clue to defeating the blob. "Sonja was . . . angry with me." He didn't like admitting this, especially to an executive he barely knew, but it was the only way he could spin the story in Sonja's favor. "You see, back when we had the Liberty Ball, I kind of . . . overstepped a few bounds. I really acted like a jerk, and Sonja didn't take kindly to it, rightfully so. On top of that, Hayes is actually Sonja's older sister. When we found her in Fortree, with Ellen gone, I attacked her ruthlessly. That was the point Sonja got completely fed up with me. Sometime during their fight, McKinley showed up -- in his human form, of course." Ryan suppressed a shudder at the thought that the golden-haired man from Fortree was the same person as the monster clown they had all faced. "It was a combination of McKinley's manipulation, Sonja's ties to her sister, and my own deplorable actions that pushed Agent Baron to Ford." Ryan bit his lip. He couldn't tell how much he had helped Sonja's case, but if he could alleviate even some of the criticism toward Sonja, it was worth it. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Why Hayes and McKinley didn't take Ray then and there, I don't know. But a few days later, we heard that McKinley had taken Ellen. Agent Xander Cruise, a recent recruit, found her wandering around Slateport City. Ellen's father caught up to her shortly afterwards, and convinced her to return to her home in Unova. That's when McKinley showed up and convinced her the right thing to do was to help Ford." Ryan shook his head sadly. "I don't know if it was her own naivete, McKinley's manipulation, or some combination of the two, but she left with that monster, prompting Xander and Mr. Burks to seek us out. That's when we formed our little rescue mission. It was on a boat to Four Island that McKinley showed up again, this time to take Ray away. We tried to stop him, but Ray agreed to go with him to protect the rest of us." Sonja, Ellen, Ray. That left one more Child, the one Ryan knew the least about. "As for Skye Hall . . . you'd be better off asking your sister about her. Jamie joined our group on One Island, initially because she was looking to train under Evan Tierra. But when McKinley showed up to take Ray, Jamie recognized him as the man who had taken Skye. That's all I really know about her."
  24. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Barracks, Four Island Dahlia nodded as she led the way back to the training arena. "Reverse is . . . kind of complicated. I'm not sure I fully understand its potential myself." She gave a sheepish smile. "But I've been able to reverse the order of my actions and their effects -- someone feeling a punch before I throw it, for example, or crushing a water bottle before I grab it. Just now I was working on undoing actions that already happened, like uncrushing soda cans. And in the heat of battle I can reverse my opponents' movements to . . ." The gardener let her voice trail off. She had planned to say her powers could disorient her opponents, but McKinley's Xatu was a very poor example of that ability. Perhaps it was best if she stuck to using her powers on herself or on inanimate objects. She mulled Jared's words over in her head. Sure, it was better to lose control in training than in an actual fight, but what if someone got hurt? She tried not to think about it. IC: Ryan Sanders - Executive Offices, The Alamo The agent frowned. "I wouldn't go as far as to say they were the most popular girls in school, but, well, they were twins. That kind of stands out." He racked his brain for anyone he knew had met the Garvens. "Kevin Steele . . . Grant Cochran . . . Oh, and Jordan Taylor. They all knew the Garvens. In fact, I'm pretty sure Grant had a crush on Melanie at one point. Or was it Melissa? Probably both." Memories of his school days rushed back to him, prompting a chuckle and a nostalgic smile. It took a moment for him to remember he was still sitting in an executive's office. "I couldn't tell you if any of them still know the Garvens. I haven't met anyone who remembered them since I left Fortree and joined Team Liberty last year." He shrugged. "You could also try looking up Fortree High School's records. Even if the Garvens didn't graduate for some reason, there should at least be a record of them attending school." IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo "That's quite the resumé you've got there." Luke peered at the Plasma Badge, still wary of the man yet clearly impressed. "We're with Chloe, so we'll let her confirm your story. But I'll admit, the fact that you're not beating us down right now certainly helps." "You fought against the Ancient Darkrai," Dack said. "That's all the proof I need. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Evan Tierra." "What?" Luke cried. "You're just gonna believe him? Just like that? There's massive holes in his story! If Kyurem really killed him, how is he standing here to tell us about it?!" Dack put a hand on Luke's shoulder and gently led him back toward the terminal Chloe was at. "He helped me fight against McKinley and a mind-controlled Ford," he said quietly. "We can trust him." IC: Shannon Willows/Madison - Medical Wing, The Alamo The skier chuckled at Lucia's question. "Sometimes I wonder how I fit into all this, too. The name's Madison Morrow. I'm Dack's girlfriend. You know, the tall, black-haired guy who tends to act rashly?" She glanced ahead at the sight of Shannon pulling along a bewildered Ryan. "Um, the other tall, black-haired guy who tends to act rashly. Anyway, Dack's with Team Rocket and knew Hannah, the girl who attacked Celadon, before she went crazy. Hannah attacked our hometown, Snowpoint, and we followed her to Celadon. After her capture, we met Ethan and Gavin, and got roped into this whole Ford business." Madison fell silent when she noticed that Ryan and Shannon had slowed down. The reason for the change in pace quickly became evident: they had reached the medical wing's lobby. "Of course I know where I'm leading you," Shannon said. "Away from here. Now this is the hard part. If anyone asks, we're friends who just came from visiting a mutual injured friend. Just act natural. We'll be fine." The girl seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than Ryan that their plan was a solid one. She hugged the black-haired trainer's arm tightly and strode through the lobby with enough nervous energy to arouse the suspicion of anyone watching for a runaway patient. Thankfully, nobody paid any mind to the young couple that had clearly just come from visiting their mutual injured friend, nor did they look up at the two girls who followed at enough of a distance that they could have been a separate group. Everyone was simply too preoccupied with their own personal problems or the news of a potentially deadly mission to care about four simple visitors. When they finally made it out of the medical wing, Shannon let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Oh man, I can't believe we just did that!" A wide grin spread across her face and she looked about ready to run off with Ryan in tow once more before she thought better of it. "Alright, now it's your turn to lead the way, Ryan. Do you know exactly where you're leading us?" Madison allowed herself a smile at the pair's antics, then glanced back at Lucia. "So, where do you fit in? Shannon mentioned you were her personal healer?"
  25. IC: Dahlia Seaton - Alamo Barracks, Four Island The girl sniffled and wiped her tears on her arm. A wry smile played on her lips as she looked at Jared. "The last person who offered to help me changed his mind after he saw me lose control. But if you're willing to work with me . . . I'll take all the help I can get. I have to learn how to control these powers." IC: Ryan Sanders - Executive Offices, The Alamo "The Garven twins. Melanie and Melissa." The names felt simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar on his tongue, as if part of a once-forgotten memory. For a moment Ryan let himself become lost in thought, before realizing that James was waiting for further explanation. "We grew up together in Fortree. They were a year older than me, so I didn't know them too well, but they were always nice. They would have graduated high school shortly after Team Rocket chased me out of Fortree, just over a year ago." His nostalgic smile vanished, replaced with a troubled frown. "I recently went back to Fortree to try and find what happened to them. But their parents didn't seem to recognize their names. It was like they had never existed. Instead of finding answers, I only found a Sin of my own. Gluttony, a man who was once known as Albero DeLargo. Albero and Gluttony . . . it was like they were two different people. Albero didn't want me to suffer; he wanted me to accept my sin and learn from it. Gluttony just wanted to consume me." He fell silent again, a thoughtful look in his eye. He looked over at the executive, unsure if he really wanted to ask the question resting on the edge of his lips. "Lust and Greed . . . when you fought them, did you see any sign of Melanie and Melissa?" IC: Shannon Willows/Madison - Medical Wing, The Alamo "Hold on a second." Madison folded her arms across her chest, narrowing her eyes at Shannon. "What happened to you being restricted to the medical wing? I thought the whole reason we came in here was because you couldn't leave?" "To heck with the hospital rules," Shannon shot back. She stamped her feet on the ground. "I can stand on my own two legs just fine; I can certainly make it down the hall to a briefing. I'll just sneak out; the nurses here are so busy, they'll never notice I'm gone. And if anyone does try and stop me, Lucia's my licensed healer-slash-physical-therapist. She'll vouch for me." The skier raised an eyebrow. "You may get past the nurses just fine, but I guarantee you someone in that briefing is going to question what a girl in a hospital gown is doing there." Shannon's face reddened. "W-well, I was going to change as soon as you all gave me some privacy!" With the frenzy of a madwoman, she grabbed Madison and ushered her towards the door, pushing Lucia and Ryan outside as well despite the latter two already being in the doorway. Once all three trainers were out, the girl issued a word of warning, "Don't you dare leave without me!" before shutting the door. Ryan, Lucia, and Madison stood in stunned silence. It was Madison who broke the spell with a look of amusement aimed at Ryan. "Well, she's certainly a feisty one. Gotta say, I like the way she thinks." Before the black-haired trainer had a chance to respond, the door opened to reveal a bright and smiling Shannon. The girl sported blue jeans and an unzipped navy jacket over an olive colored t-shirt, no doubt to hide the residual scar tissue on her arms and legs. Her hair was adorned with a small Butterfree-shaped hairclip and her demeanor seemed to have done a complete one-eighty. Even with the three Pokéballs resting on her hip, she felt more like a girl about to go for a pleasant stroll in the park than an important mission briefing. "Ta-da! The perfect disguise; no one will suspect I've escaped the medical wing!" With a giggle, she bounded forward, grabbed Ryan's hand, and led the way down the hall. "What're we waiting for? Let's go already!" IC: Dack Majors/Luke - Records Room, The Alamo As Dack followed Chloe through the records room, it felt like the girl was just as lost as he was. Not a good impression to get from the person who was supposed to be leading them on this little fetch quest. Despite his misgivings, Dack felt it best to keep his thoughts on the matter to himself, at least for the time being. But for all the trouble they were going through, he really hoped at least one of Chloe's contacts would get them to Ford. He was so focused on their task that he didn't realize Luke had fallen behind until he heard the blackbelt shout, "You!" The sound of a Pokéball opening echoed across the room, and by the time Dack had turned on his feet, Luke's Machoke was towering over the Garchomp-Man from the egg. Even with the man's arm in a sling, both Luke and his Machoke looked ready to punch him through a wall. "Luke, what are you doing?" Dack hissed, trying his best not to make a scene. Unfortunately, the growling Machoke had already succeeded in attracting the attention of numerous onlookers. "Have you lost your mind?!" "It's him!" Luke pointed an accusatory finger at the Garchomp-Man, not daring to take his eyes off of him. "Dack, he's the guy from the Void Tower!" It took several seconds for Dack to process this information. It took several more to decide that yes, this man was the same Spacial Horror they had fought in Hearthome. Minus the shadowy aura and sinister grin, of course. Dack swore under his breath and strode toward the man in question, one hand concealing his Bastiodon's Pokéball. "When we fought together in the egg, you told me we had never met before. You've got some explaining to do."
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