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Solaris Magnus

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Everything posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. Quite frankly most people on BZP are giving it a GOOD reputation. In my Opinion -Iron Star-
  2. Generally, Merchandise Based on A comic Series (Marvel, D.C.) works alot better -Iron Star-
  3. Solaris Magnus


    Very Interesting (Not reely tho ) -Iron Star
  4. They put the full Hero Factory website up. I still am not pleased. And this is such a fail Apparently where they live is called Makuhero And...an FM RADIO *Jumps Off Brooklyn Bridge* Videos are not bad.....But saving humans wait ...Saving Humans....... *Jumps Again* And that story.......Child fodder..... -Iron Star-
  5. Very true, very true

    -Iron Star-

  6. Oh that thing. That usually doesn't work for me

    -Iron Star-

  7. Wait....what are you talking about ?

    -Iron Star-

  8. Wait What ?

    I haven't signed off in a while

    -Iron Star-

  9. Hey dude, I found this interesting New logo for hero factory

    Bionicle Killing Factory- We crush Dreams


    -Iron Star-

  10. I DO like Hero Factory, The sets are great. I don't like the story, thats really my only complaint. My argument is not "I hate hero factory" or "Its not Bionicle so it sucks" My argument is why did they REPLACE Bionicle. Why not make hero factory, and keep bionicle. I don't think Bionicle sucked at all especially not last year. It cant hurt lego to keep both. More money -Iron Star-
  11. To the Los Angeles Lakers, 2010 NBA Champions -Iron Star-
  12. ... Well, I guess you could look at Bionicle like that. Its more or less a Nostalgia thing. Ive liked Bionicle since day 1, so I'm not gonna be happy that the line has been cancelled. Like everyone has said, the sets are epic (Piece wise). The problem is its not Bionicle. They could have milked Bionicle a bit more, and used all the molds from Hero factory this year and next year. But hey, some people like it, some people don't simple as that -Iron Star-
  13. Point taken The sets themselves are not bad at all, I just think the pieces easily could have been used in one or 2 more years of Bionicle, but judging from the website......and the few bits we've got of story, it doesn't seem very interesting at all. I guess you could easily argue that Bionicle was childish. It all depends on how you look at it I guess. The first year was childish. But then again, I was a child, as were most people. Its not like it stayed childish. In my opinion it got darker as it progressed. -Iron Star-
  14. I have not heard of this, Zehvor Nui Moc. Oh well. I am my own team, so good luck with your Moc -Iron Star-
  15. Almost Forgot "BLASPHEMY" And Yes T. I think that everyone loves it. I don't really see why. New molds ?? We could have had the same molds with New Bionicle sets (Bota Magna) They could have have juiced that pretty far. Half Plant like Agori. Feral Glatorian. Plant based Vehicles.....SO MUCH STUFF. Wasted. And then in 2011 we could have had this battle from this year , the stars, only better, larger and more innovative (And More of them) And a Mata Nui Robot. So I seriously do not see how cancelling a Line that still had a large amount of set potential and risking it all with a new , More childish line that may not have any success, whereas Bionicle was Lego Number 3 top selling, and one of the most popular lines. -Iron Star-
  16. Same. Ive been playing all my old games, ah what memories :P. Well as soon as your ready tell me

    -Iron Star-

  17. Hey, do you need help with that Nuva Project ??

    -Iron Star-

  18. ..... Personally, I dislike the story immensely. Not due to the fact that its replacing Bionicle. It is just extremely childish. And these names...Can anyone say GENERIC ? -Iron Star-
  19. Hi sides, hows Life ?

    -Iron Star-

  20. Well. Bionicle's Set ending really hit me hard. I know the story goes on, but it's just not the same. How are you feeling about it And what are your thoughts on Hero (Fail) Factory I think you know how I feel >.> -Iron Star-
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