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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    I had three tests today: Global History, Biology, and Geometry. I was going to have Italian test too but I have the most awesome teacher ever so now it's on Monday.
    People overreacted about the three tests for noooo reason. They weren't that difficult, in my opinion.

    I have an essay due Monday in Global. All about Egypt, India, and China. D:

    Uhh let's see... Oh I'm gonna be in a photoshoot tomorrow for my local hospital's annual report. Wooohoooo

    And there's nothing awesome and not chocolate or cold here in my house to eat as a snack. I'm sad. ;__;

    And MNOG II is fun. I was playing it starting a few weeks ago, except I barely played this week cuz of school. But still, it is fun. Except having to go back to Ga-Koro when I'm missing just one little supply... xP
  2. Disky

    Promises to be an epic day.

    So yeah, on the 30th our school is letting all the students dress up in Halloween costumes (masks aren't allowed though), and there'll be a competition and stuff (I find it impossible to pick a winner from several thousand students). And it'll be a shorter day, hopefully (I get the schedule tomorrow), and after that will be a parade of us students.

    But... forget about the parade. I'll be going with friends to the local art museum where there's an event for teens every Friday. Free pizza, and that Friday we're watching an old horror movie. And we'll be coming in our costumes when it's not actually Halloween, so bwahaha.

    So next Friday is a day to look forward to. B)

    And my costume? It'll be made from materials in mio casa... You'll see soon. >D
  3. Disky
    I never updated you guys but literary essay went fine. Dunno when the grade will come in.
    Anyways, in English today my teacher told us to write a poem about "duality," and there were no rules or restrictions to what we could write. So this is the original of what I wrote in that class (the penultimate stanza is a bit sketchy :/):

    Indeed I am
    I am a man,
    But not just any man -
    A special man.

    I can laugh hysterically,
    And cry from deep depression -
    All at once
    And none at all.

    I can smell delicious desserts,
    But the sight does not delight me.
    The taste is that of death,
    But the crunch is much alive.

    I slick my hair back,
    And wear the poor man's clothes,
    Shiny black boots,
    And dirty fingerless gloves.

    To my touch, ice is fire,
    Women's skin is colder than snow,
    Blood boils in corpses,
    And makes blue the hearts of the living.

    To those who love me,
    My touch is to be shunned.
    My eyes are beautiful,
    And my scent is horridly strong.

    To those who hate me,
    They taste defeat in me,
    Yet they see a graceful master
    Whose beauty and thought are unmatched.

    You see, I am indeed a man,
    A very special man.
    I am a god and I am a slave.
    I am a man.
  4. Disky
    I think D. Gray-man is some pretty good stuff. But I'm only ten episodes in, so I dunno. xP

    And I have to present an Italian conversation with a classmate tomorrow, so I have to memorize a whole script I wrote up. It sucks compared to real conversations, but in class I guess it'll pass for good. Thank goodness I have Italian last period. >__>
  5. Disky
    99.5 on my global history midterm, 99 on English midterm, 95 on science midterm. =D

    My art midterm will take a while. In fact, I haven't worked on it since Tuesday. The school is having all the art classrooms make a mural thing that they'll hang up in the wall this Friday, so I've working since last week with a few people to get that done. We have all the artwork for it, which the whole class worked on, but now us "committee" people (as my teacher calls us) have to put it together. It's looking awesome. However, that means my midterm is going to be held off for a little while. And if I end up bringing it home, that means I'll be dragging a huge piece of wood with a 15" by 22" piece of paper attached to it. Dx

    But I'm feeling pretty good right now, so I can go crazy about my art midterm later.
  6. Disky
    We had the photos taken outside. And it is freezing out there. The photographers had us in a pose, and then took a bazillion photos of that, and then we went somewhere else and repeated. So... cold... ;_;

    But after that I got some peppermint tea and that warmed me up. =D
    And burned my tongue. xP
  7. Disky
    Finals day one went very well. First I had a double period of art, which meant sitting three hours in art class. I got my final done early for that, and it's pretty too. It has an explosion in the background, so I get extra points (from you guys, at least).

    Then I had lunch, which meant one and half hours in the cafeteria. I eat pretty fast, so for part of lunch I drew, and the other part I studied. Now, in terms of studying, a friend and I who had the same class, Global History, next period decided to study by rapping. I used our review sheet from class and asked her, "Yo, so tell me 'bout ____?!" and she would rap (horridly) a response. She got it right, but her wording was often strange and she threw in random things just for the sake of rhyme.
    When I told my global teacher about how we studied, she just shook her head sadly. xP

    Speaking of the history final, it was rather easy. We also had five documents, which we had to do three of them, but I did all five for extra points. I finished early, helped her sort stuff, and got out fifteen minutes early than I was supposed to. =D
  8. Disky
    So I realized how many people I really know well.

    During school it's all your natural day-to-day people, same guys in the same class and hallways. And lunch.

    But after school, once I got out with some pals, I instantly noticed a dude from my art class across the street. He joins us, along with some other people I see on occasion. We walk to the end of the block, and we're at the concert hall. Outside, this small concert group is holding a classical music concert, and everyone's gathered around. I see people from my middle school who go to my high school now (but I don't see them D:), and I join them. In the crowds I notice lots of people, and I find myself waving and shouting names and "wassup"s. And I see more people at the train station. And I see a dude from my middle school (who went to a different high school) on the ride home. And then I see a dude from my math class on the walk home from the station.

    And I realized today that just going into high school I know a lot more people. Elementary and middle school were so closed in, possibly because I was in the same school for nine years, but this is a big difference. ._.
  9. Disky
    Is he of Sealand or some other micronation? Antarctica? Space?
    Either way this person is pretty amazing.

    So today afterschool friends and I got juice and rice krispy treats, then went to the huge park near our school.
    As soon as we walk into the park, there's this lady with her kids on the curb, and a taxi driving away. Taxi stops at red light, lady has epiphany, and then she's running like crazy back to the taxi, screaming "STOP!!" over and over. Then she yells that the taxi has her stroller. When she reaches the taxi, she bangs with all her strength on the trunk, and the taxi driver gets scared and opens the trunk. She fetches her stroller and goes back to her now-entertained children.
    Now that that's over, friends and I started walking randomly and end up in an area where there is man-made snow over the grass. There are tons of kids throwing snowballs. While the rest of the snow in the city has melted, this huge patch remains nice and thick, and it feels like snow too. Leaves nasty puddles as well.
    Then my phone decided to cut my service so I couldn't call my mommy. :[
    So we went to one of the fountains, and see a man making one of those huge bubbles that you can see rainbow shine on and they stretch and stuff. There's also apparently some out-of-state school visiting the park, so you see a ton of strange boys around my age staring in amazement at the bubbles. Some even got to try the thing, and later one of my friends tried it. She was awesome at it.
    Next we went to the nearby boat rental house/cafe/restaurant to get a snack for the one friend who bought no food earlier. They saw they're closing for a wedding (how sweet <3), so we decide to head home. But, since I need to take a different train than they do, they walked me half of the way to my station. And so we split ways. ;_;
    Cool thing is that our heads got cold, and my friend just happened to have two spare hats similar to hers, and we put them on. We may meet again tomorrow, but otherwise I got to keep the hat until our next meeting. It's on my desk next to me right now. B)

    What a crazy day.
  10. Disky
    In a few moments I'm leaving for my grandma's house, taking the train, and all that.
    She does have internet, and I will have access to BZP and other sites.
    The one thing I will most likely not have access to is AIM. I've forgotten the password to my main account, as well as the secret question. For the AIM program only (apparently so), I linked my main account with a new account I made just so I could access it. So, unless my grandma's computer has AIM installed, I won't be online there.
    If you have business with me, either PM me or look into getting an account for Google Talk. Or, if you so much need AIM and cannot live until I come onto it and speak with you, PM me and I'll see about adding you to the new account.
    I'll be back on Thursday.
    EDIT: Hmm... AIM works on Gmail, apparently.
  11. Disky
    I was scouring the city art stores for the materials my teacher requested, so now I has art bin, huge folder, two huge sketchpads/books, and tons of little supplies. Next I have to stick it all in the art bin and stuff.

    Pearl Paint is awesome. =O
  12. Disky
    For the nice handful of you guys who know my location, you would understand why I find it almost necessary to put up this entry. Although I didn't lose anyone eight years ago, it still affected me. When I further understood what happened as I matured, it affected me more (it's not heavy on me, just something that often stands out on such days).

    So remember today, the victims, the heroes - always.

    In other news!

    School is going pretty good, and I met a couple of other people today. I despise the bell (will rant about it tomorrow). Italian is becoming bearable.

    Also tomorrow - hopefully a WB3 update if I play before I get on! (=P @ Leada)

    Monday is a Conference day at school, which means we students get out earlier! ^^ That also means Barnes & Nobles next door to the school. >:3

    Have a good day, my readers.
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