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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    The heavy rain postponed Field Day/County Fair till Monday (although that does postpone my Math final to Wednesday...). Which meant that instead of that or classes, we took Predictive Assessments. >< This entire week has been tests and tests and tests...
    But, Monday will be bomb.
    Also today, the 7th grade Dean gave me a bag of popcorn. I was just walking into the office to say it's time to ring the bell to change periods (cuz that's my job), and he asks "What do I do about it? Give you a biscuit?"
    So I said "That'd be nice."
    So he turned to his desk, pulled out a bag of cheddar popcorn, and stuffs it in my hands. Said he didn't have biscuits, but had that fresh popcorn. Mmmm.
    Also, @Blade, Kaze'll be done soon. =P
  2. Disky
    I think D. Gray-man is some pretty good stuff. But I'm only ten episodes in, so I dunno. xP

    And I have to present an Italian conversation with a classmate tomorrow, so I have to memorize a whole script I wrote up. It sucks compared to real conversations, but in class I guess it'll pass for good. Thank goodness I have Italian last period. >__>
  3. Disky
    So on Monday, when I had a day off, I went downtown to Gamestop and all, to get my shiny Suicune. Went well.

    But while I was there, I happened upon several people dressed as cockroaches and dancing. Mostly square dancing.

    Now imagine normal roaches square dancing. ._.

    It was apparently meant to advertise something about dirty hotels. Regardless, they gave out free Purell that you could attach to your bag or keys.
  4. Disky
    (no not the staff member)

    While my mom was watching the news a quick story came up on how a guy dressed as Darth Vader robbed a bank, and there was camera footage and all that.

    The day before it was a robber who goes in with a bouquet of flowers and a note telling the bank teller to not 'be a hero', now cosplay?

    I can only wonder what's next.
  5. Disky
    So today in review. I thought I should make a long entry for this day. For no reason. =P

    So today, my art teacher was absent but left an assignment for us to draw a pleasant or nightmare dream (or make one up lol). I made up a teacup that had steam coming out that made rain (well, tea) clouds that refilled the cup. And cookies. ^^

    Also in art, I was standing with some of the girls and we started talking about eyes. Then I got a lovely compliment: That my eyelashes were really pretty and so were my eyes. They even said the tiny, tiny hint of green in my eyes was beautiful.
    (Spink, I have beautiful eyes, right? :3)

    After art, lunch was also crazy. They tried to start dance-offs again like they had the previous two school days, but failed miserably. Anyways, this girl I sit with kept inviting people to our table and it became too crowded and we had to make a plan. And we made a plan to send some girls here reeeal early so they would smash two tables together and fit everyone. Nice plan, eh? =P

    Aaaand Italian. Me and one of the guys from the circle were working on thepractice test our teacher wanted us to make so he could pick one and give it to us to take as practice for Friday. We had a good time, and then I spent a ton of time typing it up and making corrections today. >__>

    Went home with some peeps, was okay

    Amount of homework was rather extreme, as Dudebot and Leada had noticed, but I lived through it. I even did Math homework that wasn't due tomorrow. =P Still, D=

    And finally the AIM update. On whatever new computers I get, I'll be only able to log in on my other account. Apparently linked accounts failed when I switched from my original comp that had the linked to the new comp and logged in (since my diskmaster859 AIM's password was forgotten with the secret question). So you all have to add me on diskeh and IM me so I see you on my friendslist (whether I'm online or not, send a random IM with the most ridiculous thing you can think of).

    And I'm gonna be switching comps again since this new one is slow. =P

  6. Disky
    Oh my dear Washington DC bus terminal,
    Your service was impressive, and I left your hospitality quite pleased. But I have one complaint.
    As delicious as they may have been (I didn't try them, sadly), I wish to inquire about this:

    Cold potted plants certainly seem like a treat, but it's a bit questionable, so I'd like an answer as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your attention, and I hope to come back soon. =)

  7. Disky
    The two are not related to each other in this case. =P

    Death - A Spanish teacher died over the vacation. I didn't know her, but lots of my friends had her for a teacher and one was even in tears during English. So my condolences go out to those close to the teacher.
    And since my Italian teacher is the head of the Foreign Language department, he didn't come into class today because of the death (but he did come to school).

    On a livelier note:
    Panic - OH NOOO My History teacher didn't put the homework up online (woot homework gets posted online =D). What shall I do?! D:
    *lights self on fire and runs manically in circles*
  8. Disky
    I was at the dentist earlier today, just for a checkup. But then the x-ray picked up something funky and she had to treat that. So she numbed the left side of my mouth (that needle was scary ;__ and then took out some tools, like drills (they're insane, I tell you). She stuck five things in my mouth at once and used the teeny tiny drills on one of my teeth. For such a small thing that drill sounded so loud in my head. ._. But then there was this device that spun around and it was so quiet I was instantly calmed.

    I kept wanting to say something about what was going on but obviously I couldn't.

    Now that I think about it I have no idea what was wrong with me in the first place. I guess I don't understand Russian medical speak that much. o_O
  9. Disky
    So my mom was just asking me what coat (light coat, that is) I'll wear tomorrow. I was like "Oh the same one as today" and then I stopped when I remembered I noticed black streaks on the arm of the coat earlier. So I told my mom of the streaks, and then said I would wear my red coat.

    My mom inspects my red coat, and turns out the arms have paint splattered here and there (artists ahoy). So that was no good for now.

    Finally I settled for one of my jean/denim coats. Although then my mom pulled out like ten other sweaters and coats and asked if they were better options, but I kept saying that the jean coat was fine. xP

    But yeah, apparently I have lots of dirty coats. Kind of sucks.
  10. Disky
    Now now, I don't know why the Doctor is called the Doctor. But while he is very cool, I have always wondered:

    Would you trust the Doctor if he were to operate surgically on you?
  11. Disky
    Latest FMA Bortherhood ending = B)

    Okay, with the midwinter break (Valentine's break, President's break, free time, whatever you want to call it) approaching, I have several things to get down to during that.
    - I've started another character art piece, of Takashi Natsume, only I'm thinking of painting this one. The paint mediums I have are watercolor (tubes) and tempura (tempera?) paints. I heard tempera can flake off after a bit of time, but I'm not sure on that one. And today in art class my teacher noticed that my tempera technique works well for watercolors, so dunno. I'm also not trained in watercolor, so *shrug* halp guys?
    - Since Spink suggested it, if I'm tough enough I'll write out an entire SS (or longer if my mind goes crazy) on Valentine's Day. So I get two days to plan it out now, and then it's game time. That is, if I get good ideas. >__>
    - Still haven't found a Valentine. lol
    - For my club, Girls Learn International (GLI), we have to do a movie screening project to raise some moola. We have two movies that we narrowed down from a long list, but we need to watch one of the movies to check for its content (hence I won't be saying which movies we're talking about. But they're documentaries). The only issue is that it could happen on Sunday, killing off my story-writing plans.
    - Possible karaoke trip on Tuesday, depends on how I feel. If I go, I am in nooo way singing. It could be terrible (oh gosh the nightmares from fifth grade choir)
    - And of course I'll have some homework.

    Today I handed in a Italian project on Valentine's Day where I wrote about my awesomesauce brother. (remember seeing that dude, Spink? Yeeeep, that guy )

    So yes. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  12. Disky
    I feel like Sisen with these crazy dreams. (=P)

    But yeah, two nights ago I had an interesting dream. It was set in the real world, and everything looked like it does here, but the people were changed. There were three main groups of people: Zombie people, people totally under a trance, and people whose personalities have been flipped.

    The zombie people just moped around, although one guy who looked like a farmer chased me and tried to kill me. I lost him the first time, and the second time I gave him a really weak punch and he just fell over and didn't respond. Weakling.

    The tranced people were under some sort of spell, walking around ignorant of their surroundings. Most commonly, they would be walking up and down staircases. Be it spiral stairs, normal stairs, or just two steps, they constantly walked up and down them. I do not know of the significance of this.

    The third group was the strangest to me. Many of the people I knew suddenly had personalities opposite of what I knew them as. To watch them interact was pretty interesting.

    All in all, dreams freak me out.
  13. Disky
    My dad had gotten me a dry-erase board a while ago, and it's pretty useful. I got all my vacation homework done thanks to organizing what I had to get done on it (nuuu school tomorrow).

    My granny also got me three colors of dry-erase markers: black, blue, and red.

    The best part of the board is drawing on it. Most of what I draw on the board comes out bad (though I drew some awesome cyborg chick with my brother), and it's hard to erase, but it's fun. I drew Hamel from Violinist of Hameln on it the other day.

    So overall, dry erase boards are awesome.
  14. Disky
    I never updated you guys but literary essay went fine. Dunno when the grade will come in.
    Anyways, in English today my teacher told us to write a poem about "duality," and there were no rules or restrictions to what we could write. So this is the original of what I wrote in that class (the penultimate stanza is a bit sketchy :/):

    Indeed I am
    I am a man,
    But not just any man -
    A special man.

    I can laugh hysterically,
    And cry from deep depression -
    All at once
    And none at all.

    I can smell delicious desserts,
    But the sight does not delight me.
    The taste is that of death,
    But the crunch is much alive.

    I slick my hair back,
    And wear the poor man's clothes,
    Shiny black boots,
    And dirty fingerless gloves.

    To my touch, ice is fire,
    Women's skin is colder than snow,
    Blood boils in corpses,
    And makes blue the hearts of the living.

    To those who love me,
    My touch is to be shunned.
    My eyes are beautiful,
    And my scent is horridly strong.

    To those who hate me,
    They taste defeat in me,
    Yet they see a graceful master
    Whose beauty and thought are unmatched.

    You see, I am indeed a man,
    A very special man.
    I am a god and I am a slave.
    I am a man.
  15. Disky
    So I was taking the long walk to the pharmacy nearest granny's house to get some milk (and got white chocolate too... >:3), and I passed by this guy across the street repairing his car while blasting rap from the radio.

    So the only sensible thing I do is start dancing to the rap while I walk, doing all these smooth moves. And when the guy turned to look at me passing by, I stopped and continued walking like a normal teenager (unless a normal teen dances to rap as they walk).

    In other realted news, this town has a ton of cats. So with milk in my hands in this town, I feel like Train Heartnet. =D
  16. Disky
    Here's a quick list of what I've done, since I'm low on time and getting ready to leave tomorrow morning for DC/Virginia for Brickfair:
    - Watched a ton of anime (I'll compile a list later)
    - Been to Philadelphia
    - Got exercise
    - Bleach Speak (coughs at Sisen)
    - Got done some long-due drawings
    - Saw several surgeries, and hospital places, etc.

    Yeah not much. ._.

    Anyone going to Bfair, I'll see you there. ^^
  17. Disky
    C-sections are craaazy

    In other news, I'm leaving for Philly this Sunday. It'll be fun and difficult, and I'll come back Friday. Tomorrow will certainly be a busy packing day.

    And cuz I leave on Sunday, I can't change my name back to "Disky". xP Oh well, that can wait.

    Aaand I have a ton of music to download in between watching Bleach episodes (152 and counting as of this entry's posting).

    so yeah speedy update for you guys right there
  18. Disky
    One of the things I am known for: My crazy blinking skills.
    Basically, I can blink non-stop for a verrry long time. For some reason, no one has been able to top me at it in school. I'm like o.O when I'm the one getting that look. xP

    Also panic is over. The homework got posted online and is due tomorrow. =D *douses fire*
  19. Disky
    So I've been keeping up with the new Pokemon season, Best Wishes. Good stuff, but the narrator claims that Ash (or Satoshi, call him what you want) is ten years old. Still. And it's common knowledge that everyone has been complaining about that for years.

    But is Ash the only guy that has truly achieved eternal youth?
  20. Disky
    (a lot of movies lately for me, eh?)

    Last night, I decided to treat myself for completing my finals and go watch a screening of Evangelion 1.0 in a small theater downtown. Not a lot of the content in it was new to me, but the animation was sweet, the psychological factor still crazy, and the explosions pretty explosive. It was a good recap for me too. And the theme song <3

    I can only wonder what my dad thought of it, though. xD

    Evangelion 2.0 is expected to be playing at the same place again soon.
    EDIT: There's a 3:30 PM screening tomorrow. I am so there. 8D

    Downside was that it was at, like, nine PM. So I got home pretty late, but it was worth it. I wonder what dreams I had that night, though....
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